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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2017 11:24:39 PM

Saul via John Smallman: The Now Moment is the Only Time That Exists

Audio version.

“On Earth as it is in Heaven!” That is what humanity is aiming for. In the book A Course in Miracles Jesus talks about the “happy dream,” the place or state from which God will draw you home to Oneness with Him.

Humanity’s awakening, your personal awakening, is the entry into that state where perfect peace prevails in the divine field of Love that is All That Exists. In that state all that is not in complete alignment with Love has dissolved because none of it is Real, and only what is Real exists. What is Real is eternal, without beginning or end.

What you experience as humans, while seeming intensely real, is just a dream, often a nightmare, filled with pain and suffering, from which you will awaken because it is impossible to remain lost in sleep and dreaming indefinitely.

As a human the time when you sleep is a time to rest your physical vehicle and restore the energy that physical or mental activity demands and has used. While the body sleeps the eternal you, the You that is One, is where it always is, at peace in the Oneness that is God.

The egoic self is a very small but very loud and vociferous concept of what separation would be like were such a state possible. It is like a split off part of the Self with a life and mind of its own. It, like the body, needs to rest because the concept of separation is very energy intensive and it uses the body’s energy for the games in which it engages.

The main game is “I am alone and afraid, and I need to be loved and protected,” and that game is played out in an innumerable variety of ways as a person attempts to find within the illusion what it lost by choosing to hide from Reality. But Reality is unaware of what is unreal.

The simplest analogy is that of small children playing games with imaginary characters that they perceive as real, and being upset because their parents cannot see them or hear them and therefore refuse to believe in them. The parents may pretend to believe in them, but the children see through that façade instantly because the parental responses are quite inappropriate due to their inability to see or enter into the children’s imaginary world.

As the children grow they leave behind that imaginary world and enter their parent’s “real world,” the larger illusion that replaces their small individualized one. Often the child’s world retained very faint memories of Reality which they were reluctant to let go of, but which, for the most part, they had to discard as they grew older in order to operate in and engage with the illusion, their parent’s “real world.”

All who incarnate as humans have chosen to experience the intense and frightening sense of separation it provides for lessons they have chosen to learn, along with their main task, which is to assist humanity to awaken. But, as we have noted here before, the illusion, once one is embodied within it as a human, is experienced as intensely real, so real in fact that remembering one’s vital main task frequently becomes impossible.

The main point here is that the human experience is unreal, even though it does seem very real, because the pain and suffering, the exciting adventures, or falling in love bring into your conscious awareness extremely intense feelings, feelings so intense that most people identify with them as being themselves, or at least as an essential and inseparable part of themselves. Without feelings most think of themselves as lacking a valid identity, and so feelings are very highly valued.

But really, although often extremely intense, feelings and emotions are like the weather, temporary states that come and go but do not last. Nevertheless, they can be, and often are, held onto in order to prolong sensations, either pleasurable or painful. In the latter case it is often in an attempt to place blame on another who is thought or believed to have caused you pain or suffering.

Others do not cause your feelings, your feelings are merely reflections of how you see yourselves, and what others do is bring awareness of those feelings to the forefront of your consciousness. If they are deeply painful and shameful you may deny them and project them outwards, away from yourselves, out of your awareness, and onto another or others.

When you hold onto feelings you can then keep reliving the intensity of pleasure or pain that arose the first time you experienced them. They can make what has passed and gone appear to be happening again in the present moment as you relive them in your mind. If something occurs that requires your immediate attention in this present moment, for instance while driving your car, the memory you were reliving fades out so that you can focus on the now moment.

The now moment is the only time that exists, and in the now moment you are constantly being renewed as the perfect child of God in the ongoing moment of eternal creation where you are always perfect because that is how God created you, and what He creates never changes.

Change is of the illusion, and within the illusion it is constant because it is always attempting to move you away from Reality. On the other hand Reality is always calling you to return Home, to your natural state of eternal joy, where you are fully and eternally alive.

Life is eternal, unceasing, endless. Therefore you never cease to live. Human death, the laying down of a human body, is but a change of state, moving out of the illusion back to Reality, which you have never left. Another analogy: you watch a movie, go to the theater, or read a book and get totally caught up in the story that unfolds – emotions arise, thoughts arise, judgments arise that concern the story – then the story ends and you are back with your own life and story which is quite different from the one in which you were temporarily enfolded and felt a part of.

Your human life is a little like that but, because it lasts for years instead of the couple of hours in which a movie unfolds, it is hard for you to know and understand that it is just a story. You will awaken into Reality when the story no longer fascinates you, when you decide that you have learnt all the lessons that it has to offer.

You all know someone who seems to inhabit a different world from the ordinary everyday one that most humans experience. Well understand that that person has just chosen to undergo a more individualized life experience within the illusion than you have.

Your collective more “normal” experience is really not much different from the individualized “abnormal” one of that other person, but because you share it with others it appears more real to you than does the experience that other is undergoing, which you perceive as unreal or insane.

And, in the illusion, where you feel so separate despite your collective and similar experiences, it is comforting to belong to a group of like-minded individuals. And groups, like people, tend to judge other groups as less valid, less good, or less valuable than their own one. Within the illusion you could say that there are just varying levels of insanity.

Most of you have had experiences or been presented with lessons that have drastically altered your perception of life and of yourselves. It could have been meeting and interacting with someone whose beliefs were very different from your own, or having a serious accident or illness, or even a Near Death Experience. And as a result you have altered your approach to life and to other people because it has in effect been a major “wake-up call” within yourself that has demanded this change.

Normally when that kind of experience arises it is initially very unsettling. However, as time passes, and acceptance grows of your “new” life perception, you come to find yourselves more at peace with yourselves, better able to “be” yourselves, and no longer seeking the approval or positive encouragement of others by attempting to be other than who you are. Realization has dawned that who you are is who you are meant to be, and you know that that is just fine, and unchangeable.

You are all, without any exceptions, the beloved and perfect children of God, infinitely loved and completely accepted just as you are, just as God created you, forever One with Him, unchanged and unchanging. Rejoice then in the certain knowledge that you are always One with your Source which is, of course, also You. Oneness means Oneness, that there is only Oneness, and that therefore separation is impossible, unreal, totally illusory. You will awaken into Reality because that is where you are eternally, you had just nodded of for a moment.

With so very much love, Saul.

“Saul via John Smallman: The Now Moment is the Only Time That Exists,” May 14, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2017 9:15:09 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 16, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, do you have an attachment to an outcome that you are so invested in that you will not budge? We want you to dream and create, but we also want you to understand that creation is fluid, has flow, is malleable. Anything that you become controlling or constrained about has lost its ability to expand, and thus becomes unsupported because the universe is all about expansion, growth and movement.

So what do you do? Have the highest vision you can imagine for yourself and then hand it off to the universe to tweak and adjust. Know that any adjustments are for your highest good and for the sustainability of your wildest dreams and perfect matches. Trust enough to allow your dreams the freedom to take on greater form and become all they can be. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2017 9:18:38 PM

Sheldan Nidle 5/16/2017

sheldan_nidle1 Batz, 14 Moan, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! Despite various worries, the movement toward distribution continues. A number of new criteria are being added that could create a slight delay. We were told by the Elders and their many associates that we are again approaching a breakout point. Those in charge of this complex process know that the first distributions are nearing a release point. Due to this procedure, it is believed that those selected to be first are anxiously awaiting this decision. Thus, we have been informed that we must be prepared for some truly exciting news!

As you can see, there is much that is close to happening, namely, the actual start of the formal circulation of US Treasury-based notes. These are gold-backed and can easily destroy the US Federal Reserve Bank. This new reality is also designed to lead to the rapid collapse of the illegal and de facto USA, INC. It is to efficiently be replaced by the new NESARA Republic. The cornerstone in the making of this new realm is your new governance and its financial system.

Meanwhile we are concentrating on our objectives. The main one is, of course, to insure that these re-evaluated currencies are successfully given to the people of this surface reality. We realize what all of this truly represents. It is the means whereby the dark cabal can be defeated and a new free and prosperous time can finally commence for you. It is this newly forming reality that is to finally permit our grand mission to begin in earnest. We understand some of the past delays but nevertheless deeply feel just how important it is to end your need to worry about the continuing horror of this fading old reality.

It is the continuing complications of this old reality that require a timely vanquishing of the dark by ourselves and our allies. The Elders and other similar groups need to allow for these immense funds to be safely distributed around your surface realm. In our opinion, it has taken much too long to finish what to us is a simple process. Combined with this is a truly massive arrest and isolation of the ruling cabal and its associates. When this successfully occurs, NESARA and all that it implies can be swiftly executed. Finally, the rest of our mutual agenda can be achieved. Hosanna!! Hosanna!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today knowing that the demise of the dark cabal in this realm is near. At present, those forces of the Light that are to publicly proclaim the new NESARA Republic are finally preparing to do so. Heaven is divinely telling us that the grand readying of this glorious event is done. All that is needed is a formal announcement. This is expected shortly. When this finally happens, it is to express to all that the final elements required have been completed. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

At that time, you can be formally released from debt, as a special jubilee is to be declared. With this in place, you can begin those tasks that are at the heart of your true passions. We know that a grand energy is to fill you as you at last start your many appointed tasks. We feel that a great growing of your many businesses can start a truly massive transformation of this surface realm. This activity is to bring great joy to us all! Humanity is to be free at last to do as it divinely wishes!

This transformation is to bring great cures and grand ways to creatively resolve this surface reality’s problems. These tasks are to transform war into peace and proclaim your sovereignty to all. We Masters can then set a time for those necessary lessons that we are obligated to provide. We are to do this in joy and with full knowledge that you now know how you were moved so heinously into limited consciousness! This new understanding of your history is destined to serve you well. May the Light embrace you in every way.

Today we reviewed what is unfolding around this beautiful blue-green Orb. Things are afoot that are presently to alter this realm. Be ready for these events and know that a wealth of wonderful happenings are to shortly manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2017 9:21:26 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/15/2017

will's picture

In the East, when death started approaching, when death knocked for the first time on the door, people became very, very happy. Death was a door, it was not the end. Something new was going to start, and it was not the enemy, it was God coming in the garb of death. They had come to know that they are not the body, they are not going to die. The bodies will be left behind and they will go on an eternal journey.

Death was not the end. Death was a meeting, a meeting with the Unknown. Death was a long, long awaited moment - desired, dreamed, hoped. It was the last desire: to leave the body and to meet the Divine, to merge into it so totally that not even a trace of you is left behind. The body looked like a barrier, so when it was dropped, you were completely free. Death was freedom and the culmination of life, it was not just the end.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2017 9:26:09 PM

Archangel Michael: Time to Re-member Who You Are

aa michaelDear Ones,

The Miraculous energies of May continue for you. The Celebrations have begun. You are Creator Beings – through your thoughts you Create.

May is the Month of the Mother and the energies of the Mother flow to each and every Child of the Universe. Breathe into and accept the LOVE of the Mother, feel the warmth of her embrace showering and surrounding you in LOVE. Take the LOVE of the Divine Mother, the Eternal Mother, Mother Earth and breathe that into your Be-ing. This LOVE is palpable and encompasses all life on your beautiful Planet.

May is also the month of Miracles, and once again we ask you to use your creative faculties to bring forth that which you desire. Place your Intention on that which you wish to create for you, and ALL humanity. Allow your Attention to flow out into the world of form to bring whatever you desire into manifestation. Manifestation awaits your command!

Divine Peace and Divine Abundance is created through your thoughts and attention upon it. Feel into the possibility of these “gifts” being the only way Humanity will live from this day forward. Hold that image throughout your day.

Your wish is our command.

We, in the higher realms of Illuminated TRUTH align with you and your wishes. Allow your visions of this “higher realm,” higher reality of PEACE, LOVE AND ABUNDANCE to be all you focus your attention upon.

Your thoughts and your actions will bring these miracles of Peace on Earth and Abundance to all Be-ings.

You ARE that powerful Dear Ones.

Time to Re-member WHO YOU ARE.

Great changes continue to unravel each new day and as always it is YOU Dear Creator Beings, aligning with these changes that is making a difference.

These are the days you stepped forward for – have you noticed the synchronicities exploding all over the Planet and particularly in your own awareness. Signs from above as requested. You are now Re-membering Home.

All that is unfolding will change your history forever.

As more TRUTHS unfold, as they will rapidly now – hold the hands of those just awakening for they will need your strength and resilience as they begin to understand ALL that they have ever been told is a lie.

For those of you who awakened long ago, you have had time to process information which has allowed you to integrate such over time. You are therefore requested to walk gently with those who are waking, with a jolt, from a very, very, deep slumber.

Hold their hands, wipe their tears, share the knowledge you have gained, but most of all tell them of the magical times that await them, these are the times you chose to experience.

Their initial anger and rage will dissipate more easily than yours because they have you to seek answers from and they will also FEEL what you say is TRUE. The ability to FEEL has increased the energy governing the chakras, and so much has cleared which will allow the TRUTH to resinate in the body more easily. Your ability to just KNOW AND FEEL will increase as the veil lifts for you all.

So much has changed and will change for each and every being on the Planet. The evidence of this NEW EARTH can no longer be denied.

Magical times ahead for ALL HUMANITY. Divine Peace, Prosperity, Equality all that you have asked for, prayed for is now unravelling before each of you.

The Celebrations have begun Dear Ones, as you watch all unfold before you in ways you could have only once dreamed.

As always we stand beside you in Celebration.

Magic and Miracles the new order of each new day.

And so it is.


» Source – Channel: Leslie-Anne Menzies


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
