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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 5:56:59 PM



Post 8Feb2016_edited-1

Greetings Divine Ones,

We speak to you today with tremendous love and appreciation.

It is easiest for you to hear us when you are in a state of spaciousness. Relaxation softens your field and opens up your energies to let more light enter your human energy system. So please, take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. Feel into your body and intend to relax and soften and open so that you might be nourished deeply from all that you are.

When you are making lots of changes in the material you often feel tired. In any given moment you can tap into a far more energized state of being by allowing yourself deep nourishment through the connection with your Soul-self. Right now we invite you to open and receive this renewing energy and to let yourself continue to be refreshed and renewed as we share with you, this communication.

Ascending humans are shifting onto a new playing field. The game has many layers and the layers are defined by dimensions. As you ascend you shift into different layers within the game because your baseline frequencies change. A great number of you are shifting onto a platform within the Earth-game which considers Soul-based embodiment the norm. You are not there yet in a stable and sustained way, but you are attuning to this time-space location within your own wholeness and are supported in this by future versions of you.

We speak of future versions of you and we want you to know that this has nothing to do with time. Future versions of you appear along the an evolutionary timeline, not a earth-based clock timeline. What we mean by this is that as you ascend you begin to shift beyond the limiting paradigms of 3d relationships to time and you begin to realize the journey of unfolding is not linear, it’s evolutionary.

You are experiencing the unfolding of your human life along a trajectory of becoming increasingly whole and soulful. Your human life is part of your Soul’s unfolding toward complete conscious reunion with all that is. This means all aspects within your field will come into conscious remembering of all that you are. The interesting thing about realizing that the journey is not time based, is evolutionary, is that you can turn to the past on Earth and access future aspects of you. For there are past civilizations and cultures that have ascended and they inform you in the presence, from a more whole and more coherent expression of humanity and for some, even your own embodied expressions.

As you let yourself realize that you may have ascended before, or you may tap into ascended Earth civilizations as a way of downloading the templates of coherence associated with these, you begin to think differently about your relationship to time-space. You feel less hemmed in by dates and things you feel must happen at a certain time and you start to realize that life and manifest experiences happen in waves and bursts like all natural cycles. That things can be explosively created and things can show up with seeming not a lot of lead time for shifts happen within and then tip the new energy state into a flow of form that is what you experience as manifest circumstances of situations or appearances of what you wished to connect with in your life.

The inner knowing you are living from will continue to open up in ways that astonish you as you become more resonant in stable ways with this Soul-based timeline. The release of all the ideas about yourself that you are not worthy and that you are not deserving of your own joyous desires coming true, will seem a thing of that past that is just a memory. Nothing saddening or disappointing. No grief about the time before, for in the present you will feel so capable and clear that the moment will be able to fulfill you. For you will be resonant with your Soul’s loving gaze upon you and in this state of spiritual alignment your light will shine forth and flow easily into form and provide you with the knowing and connection and clarity you all seek.

Living within this realm of focus as an ascending being is starting to be more common. Although many might not use the words “ascension,” this does not change the fact that many human beings are welcoming the clarity of expanded consciousness. Many human beings are growing in their capacity to feel love for others and for themselves. This loving generosity is beginning, too, to be extended to other living creatures and the planet and this is making people even more conscious. It’s a gradual process that then snowballs with insights as energy in clarity accumlates and sweeps out limiting thoughtforms and clears congested energy patterns.

The Chinese New Year reflects the inner changes you are feeling, quite perfectly. The energy of this emerging year is a shift into action and higher energy states. You too will feel this, if you are not already. Trust yourself and do not push yourself, let the energy build and rise within you, while you lovingly attend to your needs and inspiration, trusting your Soul-self to lead you perfectly. Know that the planetary field too, is guiding you. As you let yourself feel an innate connectedness with the future you, a 5th dimensional you, living a 5th dimensional experience of Earth, you let yourself ride the ascending energy arc that your planet is allowing and emanating and this will make your experience not only graceful, but abundant. You only need learn to let in, what you need, believing yourself as worthy of this and realizing that abundance is not based on doing things, or transactions, but on our inherent Oneness. Abundance is experienced based on your capacity to let more in and the easiest way to learn to let more in is to learn to see yourself and your life from your Soul’s viewpoint.

We’d like to offer a suggestion for how to cultivate that state of awareness and we want you to know it really can be this simple.

Close your eyes and open inward. Feel for the still point within your center and intend to open into your universal oneness and connect as Soul.

Let yourself feel the warmth and spaciousness of that opening.

Intend for that warmth and spaciousness to expand.

Enjoy the feeling of this.

Again, let yourself invite this feeling to expand, then spend time enjoying it.

Repeat this for as long as you like, but without effort. Softely and easily.

When you feel complete, have a sense of drawing all that energy you are connected with into your human energy system.

State you intention to ground this energy within your present state, empowering you to shift into a more universal soul-based state of being.

Renew yourself with Universal Soul-based communion. Realize that resting in Universal energy fields accelerates your evolution!

When you do this regularly you will find how much easier it is to be your Soul-self. If you do this without expectation and simply for the pleasure of it, and let it be pleasurable, create it in a way that feels good to you, you will be letting more in and this will translate into all areas of your life.

We know you are tired of all the integration you have been experiencing. We encourage you to rest deeply in the loving, nourishing, light-field field of your universal self, your Soul self and be renewed and refreshed.

There is time for everything you want to experience. Let yourself lighten up now and feel at ease.

I AM Archangel Michael

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 6:04:24 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/8/2016

will's picture

You will be surprised to know, scientists have found that it is not only the waves that rise when the full moon is in the sky. Even the earth - almost six inches whenever the moon is full - even the earth starts rising six inches. It also tries hard to reach the moon. When the full moon is there, the earth forgets all its solidity, becomes a little liquid, behaves as if it is made of rubber, tries to reach the moon. And man is made eighty percent of water and twenty percent of earth. That's why the full moon has so much hypnotic power on man - eighty percent ocean in him, twenty percent earth in him, and both start rising towards the moon.

The fact has been known down the ages that the moon drives people crazy. Hence the word "lunatic"; it means struck by the moon. Lunatic comes from the word luna, the moon. The moon is so close by, it attracts.

And there are many "moons" in life - you are surrounded by many attractive goals. There is power, there is money, there is prestige, respectability, fame. And there are a thousand and one things.

One is constantly pulled in this direction and that.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 6:10:30 PM

No One Escapes the Shift

by Zen Gardner

It’s such a remarkable time we’re living in right now. All of this going on both within and without us is happening almost before we can even begin to identify what it is we’re going through or where we’re headed. It’s very much like we’re flying over and around new rocks in the stream of life and shooting down even more unexpected and sometimes seriously daunting rapids.

There’s not much else to think about while body surfing this incredible current.

I’m hearing from so many this sense of being in limbo and having to deal with unforeseen and quite immediate obstacles and issues that seem to be draining their time, attention and energy. Things arise in all of our lives that have to be dealt with, but so often the next move or decision seems to escape our awareness and it can make us feel confused and powerless.

It’s certainly not a time to make rash decisions. In fact, it’s important to stand back, observe and wait for the answers to manifest as much as possible. In the words of Ponka Chief White Eagle:

“When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists — as it surely will. Then act with courage.”

Our Strange Convergence

We all like to know where we’re headed at any given time. In less turbulent times this is usually possible to some degree and we’re used to having that luxury. But it’s becoming a lot more difficult. We’re being swept into new and exciting places with some sort of cosmic urgency.

We’ve long seen this coming and now we’re in it. It’s really two converging worlds – the vibrational changes our spaceship earth is passing through, as well as the stepped up insanity of the would-be controllers to block these energies and jam the beneficial signals available to us by instilling fear and insecurity, all while bombarding us with a toxic cocktail of electromagnetic, chemical, genetic, nuclear and techno-transhuman humanity-debilitating influences.

Hence this strange confluence of energies we’re experiencing, one source empowering and the other disempowering. This has always been humanity’s dilemma to varying degrees, but we’ve now entered the apex of our struggle for survival and eventual overcoming in a culmination of epochs such as the world has never seen before. And remember, no one is spared from these converging changes, even these wicked conspirators against mankind. Hence their desperate and chaotic behavior.

It’s we who they fear. And they should.

The fact that we are fully aware of our situation as outlined in my Manifesto of the Awakened and continue to thrive despite these onslaughts attests to the fact that we are a far superior race and fully capable of transcending this madness and taking our planet back. It only remains for each of us to do our part in this struggle.

Therein is the challenge. That we each activate. There’s no more stalling if any of us are to truly fulfill our sacred mission here. After all, why are we here at this crucial time in history? Why not face reality head on and let your heart go free and spirit fly in the face of it all?

Feeling Our Way Through Converging Currents

While there’s a time to let go, there’s also a time to hold on. This is certainly true navigating a raging torrent or a sweeping tide. We can ride any wave to our advantage, but it’s also important to not take wrong turns and go with the wrong flows and get flushed down the gutter into the maws of the matrix.

Navigate these vibrational changes wisely – flow with it when necessary while still steering as best you can.

The beauty of losing control in a torrent such as this is that our heads and minds can’t get in the way. It’s too late and too immediate for that. We might have a few instinctive reflexes to try to keep our balance and heads above water but our old footing is gone during these times.

It’s nothing to fear. In fact it’s a good thing – a real good thing for a true conscious cosmonaut.

The irony is that some are clinging to the shore if they can find something to hang on to, but that too is giving way to the groundswell and growing deluge of change as even the shores cave in and into the maelstrom they too will soon be drawn. As everyone knows, panicking in a rip current or trying to swim directly to shore in a strong undertow is not only futile, but a deadly option. It’s a time to keep our wits about us and use the natural currents to our advantage, even though we may find the shore again at some distant unknown destination.

This is where the heart comes in. Fear is the killer – and the antidote is trust.

We’ll all be swept up into the fast moving tides of change as this shift proceeds so why not take the initiative and call the shots as much as you can while you can? You can feel something drawing you, something magical even. That’s the right river, the right current to follow. When you catch that current go ahead and venture out into the deep and let go and see where it takes you.

Desperately clinging to false realities can cost life and limb. Just remain conscious and steer your vessel with courage.

Too Fast and Too Furious – For Whom?

Our self identity is so intensely tested in times of change such as these – or any other for that matter. It’s just that this is as intense as it gets and will only get stronger as this phase unfolds.

We’re each on a quest, as reluctant as we may be at times. What beckons each and every human being is an illusive calling to fulfill something greater than ourselves.

Such is the underlying nature of humanity at large. The search for meaning and truth is a massively important influence that insistently attempts to direct our minds, our attention and our energy, despite the worldly influences that pound and surround us. Yet our hearts are astoundingly more powerful. Circumstances such as these are a perfect opportunity whereby we’re virtually coerced to release the old in order to flow into the new.

Much of it isn’t pleasant, that’s for sure. But heart directed intention as well as innate faith in the underlying truth that upholds us unconditionally are more than sufficient to keep us buoyed like corks in these wild cataracts of change we’re experiencing. Just stay clear of the crazies who don’t have a clue as to what’s going on. They’ll drag you down with them if you’re not careful.

Peace Amidst the Storm

This kind of deep knowing and trust supersedes circumstances. We can have the principle down and perhaps have had it tested on occasion, but when the big waves hit and waters appear violent and chaotic what responds is at a much deeper level. Navigating the maelstrong by dead reckoningbecomes our compass as we listen to that inner voice of the heart founded in peace and deep faith. Everything else can only get in the way of a conscious response.

Therein lies the opportunity, the cleansing. Fears assail while attachments are instinctively dropped. Survival becomes the issue. Not just the left brained fight or flight instinct, but the conscious response that overrides those baser although essential reactions. It’s during such tests that we find out who we truly are, and can be.

Peace is never so beautiful as in the midst of a storm. We see that continually in our journey here. No matter how much we maneuver to avoid problems and tragedies, they happen. To all of us. If you know anyone who’s led an active and fulfilling life it’s no doubt been one of adventure and taking risks with many bumps and bruises along the way. Many interpret that as only looking for trouble, but in fact you’ll find consistently that they’ve escaped worse lives of boredom, frustration, monotony and disappointing, unfulfilled conformity.

Take the Mountain!

Such is the life of the security driven valley dweller. As for me, I’m climbing that mountain, and the one behind it and on up I’ll go, do or die…or both! As far as I’m concerned there is no other option. Besides, the valley dwellers are about to face a deluge they never dreamed would reach their little protected, secure village.

That just happens to be our current reality.

So why not get a head start up the hill? Leave the old life behind and get activated. Commit to being a whole-hearted part of the solution and no longer a part of the problem, whatever the cost. It’s a very simple switch to throw.

There are warm campfires of many who’ve chosen the path less traveled all the way up and through the mountain range that you can share. We’re lighting the way – why not come and help us?

The storm is hitting us all and it’s a time of decision. Let go into your higher self and calling, or fasten tighter to what is dissolving anyway.

It’s pretty clear cut if you ask me, but I know it doesn’t appear that way in the midst of all this. The true option has always been there. See this as a time of opportunity and simply go for it.

You’ll never regret it.

Love always,


[Image credit: Adam Scott Miller]

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 6:14:29 PM

Does Enlightenment Unite Each Religion?


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Some people in the conscious community have turned their back on religion because of the ways it’s used to distort spirituality and control the masses, but others look to it for little bits of wisdom and insight.

Some have studied different religions in hopes of finding similarities between them all, and they’ve discovered that different religions are united under the common theme of enlightenment.

They’ve also discovered that the original purpose of religion was to help us understand that we are God and come closer to enlightenment as a result of this understanding, and they strive to share their knowledge with anyone who’s open to approaching religion in a less negative way.

As we’ll learn here, there are various stages of enlightenment so we risk confusion by using the term generally or vaguely. Each religion is believed to have a sliver of knowledge about it, and a committed study of various religions and cultures can uncover the puzzle, piece by piece.

Few have worked harder to illuminate each piece than Steve Beckow. Steve is mainly known for writing about channeled messages and hosting a channeled radio show with Linda Dillon, but his public interest in spirituality originated with cross-cultural religious study.


Steve Beckow

His commitment to spreading the word about enlightenment has resulted in thousands of articles and an entire database, ‘From Darkness to Light’, dedicated to highlighting the commonalities in various religions.

When we decrypt the teachings, the theme of enlightenment starts to emerge.

I’ll let Steve describe it:

“[From Darkness to Light] draws on the words of saints and sages from all centuries and paths.

“It demonstrates that, while they may use different terms, all the masters of enlightenment are talking about the same thing. Behind all religions and spiritual paths is a perennial philosophy or ancient wisdom that reflects the Divine Plan for life…” (1)

The purpose of life is to find enlightenment and realize God, and the original purpose of religion was to share this truth.

“Three themes are pursued here. The first is that enlightenment is the purpose of life. All the masters cited here agree that, if we do a hundred things in life and do not realize God, it is as if we had done nothing.

“Realizing God, knowing our own true nature, liberating ourselves from the cycle of birth and death are all ways of speaking about the same thing – enlightenment, the goal and purpose of life.”

“The second theme is that there are three levels of reality that we are to know or realize fully to complete this human round of existence.

“They are known to different religions by different names. Christians call them the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Hindus call them Brahman, Atman, and Shakti. They could be described as the Transcendental, the Transcendental in the Phenomenal, and the Phenomenal.” (2)

The database’s third theme is that enlightenment never ends.

“The third theme is that enlightenment goes on so far down the road, taking us to domains higher than the human, that we may as well say that enlightenment is endless. It is certainly endless as far as we are capable of seeing.

“While some years ago, I considered Brahmajnana to be full and complete enlightenment, I am now aware of so many levels beyond it that my mind cannot form a picture of what beings are like who have scaled the loftier peaks. It may be more useful to speak about Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi as a goal and to take another look from there.

“The fact that enlightenment is virtually endless can lead to some difficulties in communication. Some writers will use the same word ‘enlightenment’ to refer to events located at different places on the spectrum of illumination.

“Some may call ‘spiritual awakening’ enlightenment; some may use the term to refer to ‘baptism by the Holy Ghost’; some to Brahmajnana; others to Sahaja or to the higher level of Nirvana. The one word is used to fit all events, a practice that is not accurate and blurs useful distinctions.” (3)

I’m guilty of this; I tend to use the same label to describe what, to me, is a general higher consciousness.

This can cause confusion, especially for those who’ve studied the material and know that there’s more than one stage of enlightenment. Rather than becoming enlightened once and being done with it, we’ll continue to evolve until we’ve merged with God and we know and feel that everything is One.

Then, we might come back down just to do it all over again. Conditions will be different if we do, so I think we should enjoy this life and appreciate what we have right now.

Another setback when discussing enlightenment is that people tend to give the same experience different names.

“A second difficulty is that some may refer to the same event by different names. I suspect, though I do not know for certain, that the following names all refer to the same stage of enlightenment: Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Vijnana, Turiyatita, and the experience of No-Self. Only a sage could clarify the situation.” (4)

Even though the various stages can be inaccurately labeled or lumped together as a singular moment of enlightenment, each religion seems to offer, even in small doses, a glimpse of the truth about enlightenment and what we truly are.

While many religions don’t seem to mention any form of spiritual evolution, in spiritual writings are found clues to what we’re doing here, where we go when the body dies and why we’re doing all of this in the first place.

Personally, I encourage a personal form of spirituality that isn’t reliant on any belief or philosophy but allows us to explore spiritual writings with an open mind to find the little gems that are there.

I consider love to be my religion, and with it comes nature, creativity, meditation and spiritual study. Other people are on a different path to the Source, and our task is to learn to respect every path.

No two people will totally agree about spirituality, and we won’t collectively achieve much until we start respecting the differences in how we each think and live. In the meantime, we have plenty of spiritual writings to scour over in hopes of finding some truth.

If we remember that the truth lives within, we can get the most out of religious and spiritual writings while rejecting divisive or violent philosophy and encouraging an honest study of the texts, many of which are here to help.


  1. Golden Gaia Database: “From Darkness to Light” –
  2. Loc. Cit.
  3. Loc. Cit.
  4. Loc. Cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 8:46:54 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, February 9, 2016



New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Pisces

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: lighten up your being

True Alignments: improvements, creating structure, getting on course, group efforts, overcoming, enlargement of the scope of something, spontaneous, not taking oneself too seriously, mysteries solved or revealed, turning to the light or the positive side, elegance, truth revealed, parting the darkness

Catalysts for Change: feelings of defeat or regret taking over, hopelessness, hiding the truth, scenarios where someone is being tricked, avoidance (face it and then feel better), stuck, clouded thinking, disconnection from the body, making mountains out of molehills, not taking turns or sharing, fear of failure, wallowing, wasting energy on things that are unworthy of our energy

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a large white dove bearing a message”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

When the Sun discharges the energetic of 21 Aquarius, as it is today and as it does every year, we keenly feel disappointments, perceived failures, depression, disillusionment, distaste, and emptiness. 21 Aquarius is the energy of “a woman, disappointed and disillusioned, courageously facing a seemingly empty life.” Overall, we work harder to break through those types of feelings and issues on this day.

This time around, however, we have Mars functioning as bearer of the message that provides a different way to experience this, as it is discharging the energy of “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway.” We worked diligently with this energetic during the Scorpio lunar month (November 11-December 10) because this was the Sabian symbol for that month. So today, any feelings or issues of disappointment, perceived failures, depression, disillusionment, distaste, and emptiness need to be pulled aside to see what is behind them. Upon examination, we learn something about what we have overcome, find courage in that wisdom, and do things a different way.

The key today is to do or think in a new way. We face forward, recognizing the possibility that things may be or become better than we could even imagine. We rarely expect that things could actually get better or that the best is yet to come because we are a traumatized species, and trauma victims do not afford themselves the possibility of hope. To hope is to risk. Taking a risk means one may experience a loss. Who among us needs more loss?

Today’s energetics offer us the opportunity to turn away from conditioned responses of sadness, loss, or emptiness (old/outworn paradigm, old/outworn beliefs) because new ways are revealed. We do not need to do or think or proceed from the mindset of lack or limitation. The “music of the spheres” or codes of life are sweeping all of the old energetics and re-writing them. Today, it does not take courage to turn to a different path or attitude. It requires faith that all is well and all will be ok. Truly, nothing is ever lost, and everything is gained.

To help us turn to a different path, way, belief, or attitude, Mercury informs us via “a nature spirit dancing in the mist of a waterfall” to lighten up. We avoid the full pressures of “waterfalls” by stepping just slightly to the side and into the mists of the falls. We are patient with ourselves and give ourselves space for the universe to reveal new ways to us.

If we are falling short or have lost a “battle,” today Venus discharges the energetic of “a general accepting defeat gracefully.” Sometimes admitting something to ourselves is all that is needed to release the issues.

Today’s “large white dove” likely “bears the message” that lightening up and taking pressure off of ourselves (and situations) will shift our mindset so that we can see other ways. A sacred pathway lies just beyond any disappointments or disillusionments. Can we allow ourselves to glimpse the possibility that the best is yet to come?

Does it come about through making the best of what is already around?

Let’s lighten up and move our focus just a little to the side, into the mists of possibilities.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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