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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 12:36:19 AM

Love always forgives errors.


Love always forgives errors.
Johnsmallman’s Blog
Our Spiritual Destination

Humanity is at the tipping point. That is the point at which the balance between negative and positive, or more realistically between fear and Love, reverses. For eons humanity has lived in fear which is effectively a screen of egoic self-fascination that blocks the Light of Love. Love is the infinite energy field of creation in which everything ever created or to be created has its eternal existence, there is nowhere else! Fear is just a veil that you have hung between you and that infinite Light, placing yourselves in shadow. To be in the shadow is fearful because the Light is God, Life, and His loving embrace without which nothing can exist even for a moment. When you are in fear, in the shade, in the dark, you imagine monsters that might attack and kill you, and your imagination is very powerful. You believe in the darkness, the lack of Light, even though it is unreal, and so you build defenses to protect yourselves, thus adding to the darkness and to your sense of fear.

Separating yourselves from Source meant slipping beneath the imaginary veil and losing sight of Reality. Since that moment you have been trying to find your way back. But you felt guilty for separating from Source and feared that you would not be permitted to return. You then established many authoritarian bodies which concocted numerous rituals to placate and appease God Who you believed you had most seriously offended.

But God is Love and Love cannot be offended. Love gives of Itself limitlessly, eternally, and unconditionally, that is Its nature, and because you are also Love – remember, That is all there is! – so do you. However the veil has hidden the Truth, the Light, the Love that is God from you. And because you yourselves caused the apparent separation from your Source you are filled with guilt and fear.

God knew that would happen when you chose to experience separation from Him, and so instantly He provided the way Home. The way Home is your unbreakable connection to God through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the quiet inner voice, the intuitive sense that makes wise counseling suggestions to you when you are quiet and open to them, suggestions about how to deal with issues that concern you or loved ones, or even how to respond appropriately to someone during a conversation.

The Holy Spirit is always with you ready to offer guidance. However, you often disregard or dismiss the suggestions you receive from Him because they do not align with those that your egos offer, which often appear more attractive in the moment because it seems that they will bring you personal benefits – for instance, the satisfaction derived from making someone wrong or winning an argument – but later you may regret making that choice when you find it has caused damage to a relationship.

The Holy Spirit always counsels you to love, to accept, and to forgive others whatever the situation, because all are One and what you do to others you are doing to yourselves. If you feel loved, accepted, and forgiven it makes you happy. God’s Will for you is eternal happiness, and the Holy Spirit is your personal communication with Him. His counsel always guides you toward peace and happiness, but your egos enjoy conflicts and so direct you towards them. If you follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance it will bring you peace and contentment, if you follow the ego’s guidance stress, fear, and disappointment arise.

Frequently, you follow the ego’s guidance because you feel less than adequate, of little significance, or fearful, feelings the ego heartily encourages, and you think that “standing up for yourselves” by attacking others or by defending yourselves against them is something your honor demands.

Truly, another’s opinion of you is meaningless. What matters are your own honest opinions of yourselves in which you admit to your faults and errors as well as to your kindness and generosity. Then, having looked at yourselves fairly and honestly, completely forgive yourselves for any thoughts, words, or actions that you have taken that you judge to have been unloving. As a human it is impossible for you not to make mistakes. It is through the mistakes that you make that you learn and grow spiritually.

Most human cultures frequently make children wrong instead of lovingly showing them that they have made mistakes and then showing them how to correct them. As a result you grow up in fear of making mistakes, but you nevertheless continue to make them and then attempt to disown them or blame them on others. (You see small children doing this frequently!) This is very stressful.

Now, as adults, you are in a position to reflect on your lives so far, and in doing so you can see that yes, you were unfairly treated but so was everyone else, especially including your parents and elders and betters! Realizing that you can see the inevitability of a person’s need to blame and shame others in order to distract him from awareness of his own shameful mistakes by disowning them, or projecting them on to others.

Seeing that everyone is struggling with similar issues of self-worth and self-esteem you can start to forgive, first yourselves, then others. When you truly forgive an error, as opposed to making a reluctant acceptance of it while still placing blame, you will find yourselves feeling more at peace and less driven to judge or blame either yourselves or others. Then awareness will arise that you enjoy letting go of judgment and blame, because loving and forgiving brings you satisfaction and self-acceptance that is not disturbed even when you make mistakes, and you find that you can forgive yourselves immediately.

It is amazingly freeing to admit to yourselves that you have made mistakes, because denying or justifying them takes enormous amounts of your energy, leaving you drained, depressed, and experiencing a powerful lack of self-worth. There is also great fear that your mistakes will be discovered – it probably happened frequently during your childhood – and you will be shamed. Any attempt to shame someone, even if satisfying in the moment, will return to haunt you either when you yourselves are shamed, or through guilt when you realize, as eventually you will, how unloving it is.

If someone errs and it really matters to you then gently and quietly draw it to his attention and if possible offer to assist him in correcting it. That is loving behavior that can turn enemies into friends, and it will bring you a well-earned awareness of your own good and loving nature. Awareness of your own natural goodness provides you with fresh energy and the motivation to continue operating from your divine center where goodness resides.

You each have the power to change the world by changing yourselves, and many are now doing this by making the daily intention to be only loving. Sometimes they fail, but quickly they realize and renew their intent, as they forgive themselves for any momentary failures.

The main lessons that are presented to you throughout your earthly lives are that mistakes are made and need to be forgiven. If you choose not to forgive you will become eaten up with resentment and bitterness, then it will appear to you that you are being treated unfairly and so you will tend to lash out at others which will further intensify those feelings.

Love always forgives errors, in fact It overlooks them because they are unreal, just part of the illusion. Only Love is Real! And in that divine Truth you should rejoice! Only Love is Real, you are each Love – presently incarnate on Earth as humans – and Love is infinitely Self-loving. It is God, the Source, eternally loving Its Creation, that is Itself and every one of you without exception.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 12:43:11 AM

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner. February 5, 2016

pleiadians3-270x330Greetings, I am Mira. I am happy to speak with you today.

We are pleased to see how much awakening has occurred since we last spoke. The Light that is coming to you and the planet is making a difference. You are doing an excellent job of integrating and working with the Light. It is exceptional the shift that has occurred in the past month.

We on the Earth Council are finding new ways of helping the Earth and humanity to rise above the challenges that you are being faced with on a regular basis. We do this by energetically raising the awareness levels of those who are already awakened. We want you to be aware of everything that is going on, so this is why your sensitivity levels are also expanded. You need every bit of sharpness that you can attain to do what needs to be done.

Please try not to waste a minute worrying about what might happen. Be prepared for all possibilities. Know that you will be able to go with the flow as you maneuver through these chaotic times. Trust in yourself like we trust in you.

We pinpoint places that require our extra attention – just like you do when your bodies tell you that something isn’t quite right. We have technology along with other abilities that keep us on top of these energies. We are friends of the Earth and are here to maintain a steadiness that will keep the Ascension process on track.

You will be required to tackle some unexpected challenges due to events that we cannot tell you about at this time. You will rise to the occasion and will understand the purpose of why these situations were necessary.

As you know time is traveling at a rapid rate compared to what you knew. You’re in a higher dimensional world traveling at what will soon feel like warp speed. This will expedite your ability to create and to process rapidly necessary action. It will facilitate changes and will keep you moving into higher vibrations.

The quality of life will begin to improve for many on the Earth. This will be a sure sign the acceleration process that is now in place. You will have opportunities for new places to turn to for assistance and you can expect the role of your space family to have more import.

We can truly say that it is “up, up and away” for a new day and a new Earth. There won’t be any more holding back or holding out. All of your needs will be provided for in harmony and peace as we continue to work together to take back the Earth and to assist the Earth and all of life to go back Home.

I am Mira in loving service to all of you.

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner. February 5, 2016.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 12:55:45 AM

Benjamin Fulford: First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Satanists

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By Benjamin Fulford

The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian mob, Russian and Pentagon sources say. This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire (as publicly headed by the Pope) and the power behind Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church. “Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church agrees to meet the Pope in Cuba on Feb 12 as East-West unite to fight [the Khazarian mafia],” was how a Pentagon official described the planned meeting. Rockefeller stooge Henry Kissinger was “forced to accept a multipolar world and declare Russia not a threat but essential partner,” the official continued.

Another sign of Russian, US rapprochement is the fact that ex-Defense Intelligence Agency Chief Lt. General Mike Flynn is advising US presidential candidate Donald Trump. According to the Pentagon source, Flynn was “key to bromance between Putin and the Donald.” Military backing is why Trump and others can now safely and openly accuse Khazarian mob candidates like Hitlery Clinton and Ted Cruz of stealing elections.

In any case, the Russian/US alliance against the Khazarian mafia is producing many results, especially in the Middle East. Khazarian top level mobster German Chancellor (and Hitler daughter) Angela Merkel is flying today (February 8th) to visit embattled Khazarian Satanist Turkish President Recep Erdogan following major defeats of their proxy armies in Syria. Both leaders are being targeted for removal, according to Pentagon sources. Somebody should tell them their fuhrer Bush is no longer in control and that surrender is their only option.

Furthermore, Saudi Arabia, in a bow to Russia as the new power broker in the Middle East, arrested 33 ISIS supporters, including 9 American CIA agents, based on Russian intelligence tips, multiple sources agree. This makes it likely the Saudis will soon follow Iran and Russia in a move to stop selling their oil in Khazarian controlled so-called US dollars.

There are also reports Saudi Arabia has begun dumping its $8 trillion in US Treasury bond holdings. Many Saudis interpreted snow falling on Mecca as a sign from Allah that they were on the wrong path, which may explain their sudden change of tone.

Pentagon officials confirm that Russian Intelligence ties in the Middle East now include the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. Israel, facing a global boycott and UN sanctions, is also now bowing to the Russians. This means that, if Saudi Arabia also leaves, as it seems to be doing, Turkey will be alone and will face disaster and partition as a result of Erdogan’s stupid attempt to use military force to recreate the Ottoman Empire. Already, 1300 Turkish hotels have been put into bankruptcy sale by the drop in tourists and severe fighting has erupted inside Turkey.

Also, in an exclusive to this news-letter, Indonesian officials are reporting that 4000 armed terrorists financed by Khazarian mobster George Soros were detained in the Indonesian portion of Borneo Island. The group was headed by an individual who spent 5 years in an Indonesian prison after which he was sent to the US for “special training,” the officials said. When he returned, “he used funding from an NGO financed by George Soros” to set up and arm a “Muslim fundamentalist” militia called Gothatar. “They went to where the richest uranium ore deposit on the planet is and put a huge encampment around that village,” a local Indonesian official said. “The uranium was flown out by French special forces,” he added. According to buried documents uncovered by Indonesian officials, the group was supposed to create chaos in Indonesia, a country with a population of 250 million mostly Muslim people.

In a further development, the Indonesian government has formally refused to renew the license of the giant Freeport-McMoRan gold mine in Indonesia. According to a CIA official in Indonesia, this decision stems from a visit to Washington in October by Indonesian President Joko Widodo where US Presidential Spokesperson Barack Obama demanded that he renew the mine’s license. As a result, Widodo, or Jokowi as he is known, cut his visit short to a few hours and flew back to Indonesia.

The return of the mine to Indonesia has repercussions beyond the loss of gold because of the secret submarine base located there, CIA and Pentagon officials say. The gold is now going to be used to finance Chinese led infrastructure development projects.

However, in an effort to stave off a military confrontation with the US, the Indonesians have offered the Americans a chance to develop one of the richest platinum and gold deposits on the planet, located on the North East end of Kalimantan, the Indonesian controlled part of Borneo. The deposit is so rich that Platinum is found “not in grams per ton but in percent per ton,” the CIA officer said. “The Platinum industry is untouchable because Platinum is used for off-world projects,” he said. The Americans are also being offered the chance to develop a new port and submarine base there, he said. The Americans are interested and will be sending a delegation soon to confirm the nature of these mineral deposits, he said.

In any case, the loss of the Freeport-McMoRan gold mine is another huge blow to the Khazarian mafia banks and their hedge funds.

The Khazarian banks and hedge funds are already collapsing due to the loss of oil money and drug money. The fact that medical Marijuana is now legal in all 50 US States is a sign of how much drug money they are losing.

The Khazarian hedge funds also recently faced huge losses when they tried to gang up and force a devaluation of the now rising Chinese Yuan. They were betting on a cooling China and hoping to force China into submission by setting off capital flight. Instead, it turns out that the drop in the price of China’s commodity and other imports has more than offset any fall in exports of trinkets to the US and Europe and so China’s trade surplus is growing.

Khazarian mafia hedge funds like Vanguard, Carlyle, Blackstone and others held an emergency meeting last week to discuss their huge losses. This meeting was followed by an admission by Goldman Sachs, the “vampire squid,” that “broader questions about the efficiency of capitalism” need to be asked. In other words, they were saying the system may be broken.

Rockefeller and Saudi controlled Citibank, for its part, said the “world economy is trapped in a death spiral.”

However, it is probably more accurate to say that it is Citibank and its fellow Khazarian mob institutions that are trapped in a death spiral. The fact that a growing number of bonds in Khazarian controlled financial systems like Japan and the EU are offering negative interest rates means capital flight from these economies. No sensible investor is going to keep funds in bonds that lose value. The excuse that this will promote investment is not fooling anybody. It is a death spiral, pure and simple.

Now that the Chinese New Year of the fire monkey has officially begun, we can expect plenty of new developments coming from China.

Perhaps in anticipation of this, the North Koreans set off a missile last week. This was followed by South Korean, US and Japanese announcements of a super new missile defense system to “protect against North Korea.” Nobody in the world intelligence community is being fooled by this charade. What this really means is that Japan is using its proxy North Korea to announce it has inter-continental ballistic missiles equipped with hydrogen bonds. Furthermore, by announcing it has anti-missile defense against these “North Korean missiles,” it is sending a message to Russia and China that it can stop their missiles.

The Chinese are putting out the word that the US troops based in Japan would never seriously take on China to defend Japan. However, that is not true because the Americans know that if they do not defend Japan and Korea against China, it will not be long before they find themselves defending Alaska and then the US mainland against China.

Fortunately, the Chinese have not the slightest intention of attacking Korea, Japan the United States or anywhere else. Instead, they are busy building factories, schools, roads, hospitals, ports etc. all over the world. At the same time, they are backing their currency with gold and other things that exist in the real world. They know that time is on their side and that war is the dumbest option available to them.

In a final note, two US military officials, one based in Japan and one in the US, contacted the White Dragon Society last week. The discussions centered on how to carry out a jubilee in Japan and the US. The WDS recommended confiscating all funds stolen by Khazarian mobsters and returning them to the people. This would mean about $100,000 for every man woman and child in Japan and about $400,000 for each American ( the Americans have been suffering from Khazarian looting longer than the Japanese which is why more is due to them). Also recommended was a write off of debt and redistribution of urban as well as rural property.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

Source: Benjamin Fulford — Weekly Geopolitical News & Analysis

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 1:05:45 AM

Benjamin Fulford: Feb 8, 2016: First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years... - YouTube

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 1:14:59 AM

David Wilcock Comments on Ben Fulford’s 2-8-15 article (quite a few)

David_Wilcock_Search168There were quite a few David comments. If you look at all the comments on BF’s latest, you’ll see that the trolls are out. Can you find them?

Highlights (from my view) are below.

“Everyone has to go through that “All is Lost” moment, the “Dark Night of the Soul,” where nothing seems salvageable but then it actually works out. It does appear that we are almost upon that point. The negotiations of how to make the final moves are still undecided right now within the alliance, which is quite a conglomerate of different factions.

“However, once it does happen there will probably need to be an economic collapse, at least temporarily, and we may see some momentarily shocking military activity in major cities and particularly NY and DC.

“I think the best thing we can do, as people who are far more educated about the truth than most, is to help provide a voice of calm and stability… It is very important to remember that if we repeat the mass atrocities of other cycles, we are rewarded with the 100-year partial disclosure timeline, and it could very well take that long.

“…there are many problems with the partial narrative and we must not let it go that way.

“In conclusion I will say I am extremely excited about what is going on right now. You have people who have been lied to their entire lives who are just now yawning for the first time before they fully wake up. The possibility for real freedom is in our grasp.

“The insiders told me to get physical silver and keep it at home as a hedge against the economic changes.”

Comment by dwilcock on February 8, 2016 @ 10:52 pm

Thank you! There is so much going on now that even the most brainwashed individuals must sense time of a huge change is upon us.

I had a long conversation with a couple of people who were into alternative media but only one of them knew about my work. Neither of them were tracking the story of how the Cabal is on the verge of defeat.

I felt badly about this as I realized there must be many more who are in the same boat. Folks like Ben and I can only do so much, and the Cabal has taken on a mythical power in many people’s eyes and seems indestructible.

Getting the blow-by-blow here each week can blind us to the fact that most people studying this are completely unaware of how close the Cabal is to the edge.

Then I realized this is programmed into the universal mind we all share, via the Hero’s Journey archetypes. Everyone has to go through that “All is Lost” moment, the “Dark Night of the Soul,” where nothing seems salvageable but then it actually works out.

It does appear that we are almost upon that point. The negotiations of how to make the final moves are still undecided right now within the alliance, which is quite a conglomerate of different factions.

However, once it does happen there will probably need to be an economic collapse, at least temporarily, and we may see some momentarily shocking military activity in major cities and particularly NY and DC.

It does not appear the Cabal has enough support or financing to successfully counteract the final move. They know it is coming and their plan seems to be more focused on trying to run rather than sticking around for it.

The public will be so furious, all the “Real Americans” out there, that the Cabal will be much safer in a mass-arrest scenario than if they were still around. They know this.

I think the best thing we can do, as people who are far more educated about the truth than most, is to help provide a voice of calm and stability.

The general public will probably want to think everyone in the Cabal is some sort of reptile who deserves to be destroyed, and all sorts of mythical and occult beliefs about Satan and demons will suddenly appear.

It is very important to remember that if we repeat the mass atrocities of other cycles, we are rewarded with the 100-year partial disclosure timeline, and it could very well take that long.

The only way we get full disclosure is to pull together as an alternative community and demand the truth once the partial narrative is set out for us.

We will be very happy to see disclosure at all, since it will include 9/11 truth, Cabal exposure, some history, some space program stuff, some UFO stuff, et cetera… but there are many problems with the partial narrative and we must not let it go that way.

The Alliance is reading this and look, you guys, everybody wins in the full disclosure timeline. And you can’t get a woman half pregnant.


Comment by dwilcock on February 8, 2016 @ 11:00 pm (and 11:04, 11:06)

I asked insiders about RH negative and was told it is not strictly the result of alien DNA, though there is a loose correlation with certain refugee groups that came here.

Ben is right about there being class-action-lawsuit type bailout payments to the public once this happens, but his figures are definitely higher than what the discussion is trending towards on the inside.

RH is a simian or “rhesus” protein in the blood, as it is found in rhesus monkeys.

Certain ET groups do not have it and if you have a negative blood type, you don’t have it.

Again, there is a loose correlation between alien DNA and RH negative blood. People with more of that DNA will tend to be RH negative, but there is no absolute connection.

Comment by dwilcock on February 8, 2016 @ 11:08 pm

This is Ben’s forum, not mine, and I have to crash out and get more sleep anyway to finish my own, which is now a book.

In conclusion I will say I am extremely excited about what is going on right now. You have people who have been lied to their entire lives who are just now yawning for the first time before they fully wake up.

The possibility for real freedom is in our grasp. In some ways this event will ruin the lives of people who have already been out there sharing the truth, since we will become vastly more public. I have been warned about this extensively and am enjoying the final days of my anonymity and being able to go around in public easily.

It’s going to be quite a wild ride. Strap in!


Comment by dwilcock on February 9, 2016 @ 3:20 am

I doubt anyone has been more frustrated than I have with the delays after hearing very good intel that has been right about many other things.

One thing I will say to everyone before the article comes out. The insiders told me to get physical silver and keep it at home as a hedge against the economic changes. It’s running about 15 bucks an ounce at the moment and supposedly it costs 26 dollars just to produce an ounce coin.

The best thing is to just go to a local coin dealer and see what they have. Also some common-sense prepper stuff is good, like food and water.

Given the sudden plunge in the European banks and Greece, just since Ben wrote this, we may not be waiting much longer. This could really move fast once it starts.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
