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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 5:05:34 PM

Adamu on Disclosure – Part 3/3


Possible imaginative representation of Adamu

(Concluded from Part 2.)

Separation is, it is discovered, an optional experience. It is entirely possible to hold onto individuation whilst releasing separation. If this choice is made then a whole new way of being blooms for that civilisation. A reality which is based upon each particle… each individuated portion of soul… simply expressing itself as it must. Where each being gives its greatest gift and receives in exchange all that it needs from those around it. Coming to THIS level of awareness is incredibly liberating and empowering. It means there is never any further need for conflict at all.

And there is certainly no boredom from lack of diverse interaction either! What happens to those of unity consciousness is that they come to know themselves to be One with the infinite source of all. The significance of what this means can scarcely be explained. It means you are directly connected with infinite energy, infinite creativity and infinite potential. You are able to focus your attention anywhere and everywhere you like. You are able to blink from here to anywhere you can imagine. You are able to create by an act of will.

Whole realities and universes are expressed like so many playful thoughts by such beings. In fact the universe you are now in is really nothing more or less than a fascinating conversation between such beings. And you, yourself, no matter who you are, are ultimately one of many simultaneous expressions of one such a being.

And here is the good news. If you are willing. If it is your hearts desire. Then you are able to make the choice for unity consciousness and in so doing transcend the intermediary duality polarities. THIS is in fact the great miracle of what is happening on you planet right now. Yours is the first planetary civilisation in which this is being tried: to go directly from the choice stage of deepest duality right up to unity consciousness. It has never been done before and your planet and this space/time nexus is the test case. It is the model according to which a whole new way of doing the business of spiritual evolution will be played out.

So this is possible for you. You can begin to awaken to true unity consciousness right now.

Now, please understand. There is no judgement of those that choose the polarities or indeed of those that choose not to choose. But it is simply so that it is not essential that you spend the next age of your existence in one or the other polarity. And there is something else you should realise. If and when you do awaken to true unity consciousness then you will realise that everyone actually also made that choice. Eventually, you see, everyone does. And when you do then you step out of the game and find everyone else there too. That’s the point of Oneness. It is all encompassing. No one and nothing is not really, a part of the Oneness.

But… the more attentive amongst you are now wondering… what does all this have to do with disclosure? (smiles)

Well, now that you have a little background in galactic anthropology, I can finally tell you:

Your planet has been kept in a kind of semi-quarantine since the departure of the older races that we were talking about a moment ago. Many of the craft that are in the vicinity of your planet are there, primarily, to enforce this quarantine. This is to make sure that you are not unduly interfered with.

In the main, your civilisation must be allowed to proceed unhindered so that you can each make the aforementioned choice. Assuredly there are STS races who are eager to pounce upon the incredible diversity of resources that you and your planet represent. And equally there are STO races that are diligently working to keep them at bay whilst also performing a number of services to your planet.

But ultimately all the elements of both of these polarities MUST make representations to the Planetary Council before they are permitted to take any action. Or else they are simply denied access. Your planet is surrounded by what I can only describe as a… kind of a spiritual membrane. A zone of much higher dimensional energy. It is actually a spirit being that provides this service. And this forms a boundary that cannot be crossed by anyone of less than pure unity-consciousness.

However, it is the best interests of the All that some work be permitted to be done on your planet. Perhaps you have heard of some of the STO civilisations sending ships to help with the cleaning up of this pollution or the balancing of that problem in Gaia’s energy body. Perhaps you know of them strategically inactivating nuclear weapons from time to time. These kinds of things must be allowed to happen if catastrophic destruction of your whole civilisation is to be averted. So STO races apply to the Guardians of the Planetary Council and are given permission to carry on such activities. But the Planetary Council is of balanced unity consciousness.

So it is that each such activity by an STO group will draw a counter-request from an STS race. They will want to gain access to your planet for this or that purpose. These requests are weighed against the greater good and sometimes they are permitted. So… for example… a human being on planet earth might have a soul contract in place that allows for him to be interfered with by an STS group. In such a case a so-called abduction experience might be permitted.

There was an instance in your history when you discovered the powerfully destructive forces of nuclear weaponry. The dawning of such a capacity for self-destruction is a trigger moment for interaction. The leaders of the nuclear aggressor nation were approached by beings of both polarities, STO and STS. Two competing offers were made. The earth leaders at the time chose to rebuff the offer by the STO group. They chose the STS offer of deep secrecy and behind-the-scenes chicanery at the expense of the peoples of their own nation and the earth at large.

They did this in exchange for access to weaponiseable technologies. A contract was opened in this way with the STS races. But even the activities which occurred under the auspices of that contract are heavily monitored and limited. But it did mean that the STO offer was turned down. And this would have included a process of peaceful disarmament of the whole planet in exchange for clean free-energy technologies and techniques for eliminating illness and hunger.

And so your planet has progressed with this most momentous of interactions hushed up and hidden. And those in power that had, and continue to have, interactions with extra-terrestrial consciousnesses have worked quite diligently to procure a situation where discussion of and belief in UFOs and ETs is relegated to the realm of kooks and crazies. Ironic that they themselves know that it is all true.

Now, it might dawn upon you to ask why only STO and STS groups are permitted to interact with you. Why, you might ask, are there not true unity conscious beings playing their role. The answer is quite simple. Ones of unity consciousness are not able to engage with you consciously. You see, in order to inhabit the reality you do, your consciousness must be passed though what is called the Veil of Unknowing. You cannot know Oneness while you are on that side of the veil.

And so a unity conscious being cannot interact with you. It is as if such beings are permanently perfectly cloaked from your perceptions. The only way you will be able to become aware of such beings is if you raised your consciousness and ascended your own psyche to a higher density of awareness. But this is something that very seldom happens and so you don’t really hear about people suddenly becoming aware of a being of pure radiant crystalline light.

On the rarest of occasions, when this does happen, it is a powerfully transformative experience and the person sets off on a new course of seeking truth and love after that. But the point is, unity conscious beings are not primarily able to interact with veiled beings. Not in the normal sense of having someone sit opposite you for a conversation. But that is not to say that we do not do work in consciousness. We are present with you all the time and are constantly offering you guidance and help – if you are but willing to receive it and act upon it.

And so finally. When will disclosure occur? Let me say that it is vanishingly unlikely that your world governments will disclose. At root, the ones that wield the power are completely STS. And to tell the truth about their knowledge of and engagement with extraterrestrial intelligence is tantamount to admitting to all kinds of atrocities committed against humanity and a long-running game of lies and deception. And then, for their efforts, they would immediately lose all the power they so desperately crave as you realise what has really been going on.

If they disclose all, you will abandon all their games of like money, politics and organised religion. You will give up on hatred of each other. You will ignore national, racial, social and religious boundaries. You will see each other for what you really are: one family of beings that is an integral part of a much greater universal family. They will lose everything they have worked so hard for and get nothing in return. So they simply won’t do this.

The lie is sometimes told that they keep you from knowledge in order to keep you from panicking and harming yourselves. Well… STO groups have staged a number of powerful demonstrations to prove that this is just another fabrication. It has been shown that humanity is very much robust enough to handle knowledge of and interaction with extra-terrestrial beings.

So the government will not come clean. Some disclosure has happened amongst various world governments that have nothing much to lose from doing so. But the real government… the hidden ones behind the scenes… they are highly unlikely to show any of their cards. Many of the events you know about where you were promised disclosure or where you were promised a great showing of ships were really a game that was being played out between the STO and STS to either force their hand or to bring your consciousness forward towards your own awakening.

You see THIS, your awakening, is the only way true disclosure will happen. No worthy and wise government representative will appear on your television screen to tell you the truth. They have squandered all such opportunities. Indeed, as the age transitions, you will be able to disclose to yourself what you know to be true. The transition will happen and you will choose. And then timelines will diverge. And then you will see what you know to be true.

You will find yourself inhabiting a reality in which there is no question but that there are races from other places in the universe who are able to interact with you. The quality of those engagements will depend on you and how you choose. What you awaken to, depends on what you are telling yourself about yourself now while you dream. The centre of the window of opportunity is, for some fairly complex reasons, the end of this year, 2012. And as you move forward so it will become more and more powerfully apparent that you bring EVERY experience you have to you by your choices, beliefs and ideas.

As you do this more consciously so it will be ever more powerfully apparent to you. You will be able to leave behind ones that are deeply dis-resonant with your own energy. And then the change will be done and you will find yourself in a reality that is entirely resonant with your own vibration. And then you will see what you know to be true. And no talking head in a suit will need to appear on a quaint little picture-box to tell you anything about your reality. For outside in the night sky will be ships of light!

And with that thought I leave you.

I love you with the heart of oneness.

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilisation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 5:10:01 PM

GaiaPortal 2-9-16… “Nova Gaia grids descend”

gaiaportal_logo196You know, this seems to align with what the latest Kp Radio show was about… the “cracking” of the old paradigms, as they have been “stressed” by the “Higher Energetics”. This is happening both on the “outer” and within each of us (well, at least each of me).


Nova Gaia grids descend

Nova Gaia grids descend.

Implantations of foreigns flee.

Stagnations are cracked as Higher Elements impress.

Stresses of Higher Energetics clear the way.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 5:37:38 PM

Green Pastures and Mount Olympus

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God said:

Come with Me to the Green Pastures, and We shall lie on Our backs and look up at the blue sky. Perhaps We chew on a blade of grass. We nod, and We say: “This is good.”

We sink to the Center of the Earth at the same time as We are at the peak of Mount Olympus. You may ask: “What is the significance of Mount Olympus?”

In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was the meeting place of the Gods. Figuratively, this is where We meet. And, as We survey the Inner Earth and the Highest Heavens, We say: “This is good.”

In Infinity, there is only Forever which is no time at all. There are no deadlines. There is no having to get something done and then the next thing in a long line to get to in time and roll off the press. There are no mad rushes where I abide.

“Produce,” says the world yet unaware that hustle and bustle are not necessary and that Intent and Vision are the precursors to activity.

Now forget the supposed past, for what is the point of calling the past to you as if the past were enchanted? Of course, the past is a kind of enchantment. The past wishes to lure us back so that the past can be honored and believed in.

My advice is: Once the past has told its story, let it rest.

What use is the past now except as a bookmark or as an anecdote. The past is a kind of enchantment that you like to recall and mull over. You either want to renew the past, or you want to remove it. Hey, just let go of it. Undo the enchantment. No matter how important to you, leave the past behind. Walk away from it. It will vanish anyway. I will also reiterate that the past is an illusion that you are delirious about.

It is a fact that the past you treasure and the past you fault will all vanish. You will leave them behind with all the other possessions you hold dear to you. The past is thin air. You, yourself, will never vanish in that you will indelibly exist, indelibly the Truth of You will continue to exist, this Eternal Being Essence of you. This Tour of Earth will be over, and you will be on your way to Me directly.

Being is always right now. That’s it! You are Being. Where does Being exist when there is no place? There is all the believed-in space in the world, yet only Being is. You are Being. You are Being housed temporarily in a form. Yes, you are just a form, a formulation. In the world, you are formative. In Truth, you are Being and nothing but Being.

You are not a blank, for Being is all. Being cannot be placed, and it cannot be touched. Being is beyond the senses, every single one of them. You are Being, and I am Being. Being-ness in the world cannot be beheld the way a blade of grass may be beheld. All We can really do is be, and to be is not to do. Only human beings run around in a mad dash trying to accomplish something that the world echoes in its corridors. The world says that doing is everything, yet doing is the least of all, just something that fills up fictitious time. A kind of churning goes around in life, churning, churning, churning.

As We recline here in this field of greenery interspersed with daisies and dandelions, We ARE, you and I. We be. In this non-time is where life is happening and from where life comes. Here is where the Silence and Stillness create the happenings on Earth. From the silence. All the frantic perpetual activity is much ado about nothing.

Beloved, now, you get up from the green pastures. You get up, brush yourself off, and get back to the pavement and man-made sounds and endeavors where, on the surface, performance is asked for.

“What did you do today?” the world asks. “What did you do over the weekend?”

What you do isn’t the making of you. What you are is the making of you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
2/9/2016 5:41:17 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 9, 2016

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Dear Ones, when you start to see that it is possible to love yourselves and love others, you start living life with a constancy of love rather than seeing it as an either/or proposition. Then all your decisions will be made by looking through the lens of love, which will always lead to the highest results possible. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2016 5:46:28 PM

In The Beginning

in the beginning

The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

In The Beginning

If there is to be a beginning, let that beginning be love. When love is present, all things expand outward to embrace even the most negative. Allow love to do its job and the rest will take care of itself. ~ Creator

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
