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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 9:05:24 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: Divine Intelligence

Angel of Light - gabriel - marleneBeloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as intelligence.

When an individual is open to accessing the abundance that is constantly present in and around them, they receive all that they need from that divine love and intelligence which is the Source from which all things arise.

As an individual taps into this infinite well which is available to all, they find that peace, help, guidance, inspiration and sustenance come to them and everything in their life flows more harmoniously.

The more they align to this divine intelligence, the more they are able to learn and accomplish. They come to understand that they are truly capable of manifesting anything in their life when they are constantly attuned to this Source. They know that everything they desire that is beautiful and good will be accomplished with the direction and guidance from that divine intelligence.

It helps them to do the things they need and to be all that they can be and even more beyond the moment. This divine intelligence brings out the best in them and they become aware that all they need is already there within them, always available from this invisible force of divine love and intelligence which created them.

This divine intelligence is unconditional in its manifestation of life and in its love for its creation. It is supreme love and desires to give love to all of its creation. This love meets all needs and is always healing, positive and uplifting in its impact.

As each person works on their connection with divine love and intelligence, their connection becomes clearer. When they focus the power of their thought and intent on the truth of this connection, they receive great strength and the ability to see, hear and understand more easily. They understand that this connection to divine love and intelligence gives their soul the opportunity to direct them into doing what they are here in this lifetime to do.

They know that they are here to radiate love and to evolve their minds, feelings and bodies so that they can hold all of the loving and illuminating spirit that they truly are. By this activity, they bring their divine essence into their body more fully so that they can live without the limitations and separations that have been a part of the ongoing evolution of humanity to this point in time.

As this connection to divine love and intelligence is further strengthened, more aspects of one’s true nature that was hidden begin to come to the surface of their awareness as talents, gifts, abilities, values and insights. These then need to be anchored and embodied as a part of one’s consciousness.

This connection to divine intelligence also brings about the revelation of one’s buried treasures which abide within them as soul qualities. As one gives attention to them, they become a reality in one’s life. Divine intelligence seeks to communicate through other people, through the events of one’s life, and through one’s emotional and behavioural reactions to them.

By noticing and observing these reactions and learning from them, one grows in their understanding of the lesson being given in order to evolve their consciousness and awareness and the lesson is willingly embraced.

Divine love and intelligence intentionally communicates with each person to convey the key lessons their soul needs to learn. In order to help them realize their destiny and life purpose, they must become attuned to their feelings, perceptions, focus, thoughts and attention. Each lesson learned helps them attain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding which assist them to grow closer to the highest version of themselves.

It provides a current of positive energy from divine intelligence which confirms that one is connected to a force that is good and greater than one’s individual self. A person feels more whole, empowered, enriched and fulfilled and this improves their quality of life. They function at a higher dimension of intelligence which activates the divine qualities and capabilities of their soul’s vast reservoir of wisdom which manifests through them in the form of love, compassion, integrity, joy, creativity and peace.

Divine intelligence operates in one’s life so that they can learn to align their personal will with divine will. When one surrenders their personal will to the divine will, they begin to make wiser choices in their life. They observe their thoughts and feelings and pay attention to them. They begin to understand that there is a deeper meaning to be discerned in the thoughts and feelings they are having and these hold valuable information for them.

One needs to dig beneath the surface to discover the treasure that will uncover an aspect of self that needs healing, acknowledgement or improvement. When one becomes conscious of this, one can own, accept and begin to decipher the messages contained in their thoughts, feelings and reactions to others. They know that divine intelligence is directing them to discover hidden aspects about themselves so that further inner growth and freedom can occur.

By developing a conscious relationship with divine intelligence, one can realize their soul purpose and destiny in an accelerated manner.

May you appreciate this essential truth and understanding so that you come to see everyone in your life as a messenger directed to you by divine intelligence in order to help you claim and live your best life ever!

I AM Archangel Gabriel

© 2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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“Archangel Gabriel: Divine Intelligence”, Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, September 10, 2015,

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 9:09:26 PM


Méline Portia Lafont ~ Saint Germain ~ Taking matters into your hands and shift!

My dear friends,

You call forth the momentum of some grand inner forces to come and play along in your world of existence. It shall be the allowance to be so as you are becoming aware of the indefinite play that is at hand here. Are you seeing the momentum at hand within your hearts? Is it not calling you to join and play along so that you can have a more fulfilling experience of joy and experience the influx of these Cosmic waves of energy?! Is it not that what you all have been joining and doing in groups to come and find what you seek?!

And that is the inner peace that is at hand, a moment of clarity as to where you are defining the natural state of consciousness to be within your own awareness as you experience the full potential of it within that momentum of peace. You see, all that is you comes about and is at hand for you all. This means that there are windows of opportunity which entails the submerging on different planes as to where all that you are has now the free access to join within this Dimension and elevate you into the Spheres and vibrations of the Stars.

What you are is coming down onto your Earthly grounds like an experience of your SELF in this level of being by heart. You are not going up, it is coming down into manifesting grounds on the level where you reside as a conscious being. It is a collision of fragmented pieces that are destined to become you once more as the wholeness of your Being and that happens as a merging when the heart resides at an inner vibration of inner peace with oneself.

A collision of worlds is what the collective sphere could experience as a worst case scenario when one would reside in the conviction of separated Source, although for many of you it is a peaceful merging when one is in allowance of the change that must take place to be a part of your conscious reality. You thus then participate in a grand manner as to where you reside within your heart lineage sphere that is in full alignment with the Greater sense of the God Being within.

You call forth the existence of Oneness to be Present within each heart on your planes. That is the same as calling forth the Higher Vibration of each consciousness within Illuminating Truth to descend into the spheres of the Earth and participate within this massive consciousness shift for Gaia in Her entirety and for Humanity. You ought to experience this within all and through the Rays of your illuminating Fire which represents your inner Truth ~ the God and the Goddess within. This to be experienced within your physical shell.

It is the conscious participation of the Divinity, the I AM and the ALL that you ARE within this limited perception and belief of what oneself is. This so that One can illuminate and disclose one's own reality and spinning of virtue. This is what marks the change within your cells and body structures as it changes your entire world of perception and beliefs. What you come to find out within makes a change in your outer reality as well.. and so your physical body is a representation of you within this outer reality as an outer form.

The calling forth and the emergence of your inner forces to now take on an active role in your Planetary Ascension shall therefore elevate your consciousness experience into an expansion as to where you all shall come to find out what is Heaven on Earth. Earth is not leaving this experience to go out and travel across time, She is nurturing the indefinite foundation of the I AM experience within the God essence of ALL. Earth shall stay on your vibrational frequency as you elevate your own and be a part of your reality experience for as long as you choose.

Together you and Earth raise the vibrational Shuman resonance field and thus you are staying together in this journey and share your experiences of God particles and the Source Code to descend into your Beingness as you simultaneously elevate your own consciousness vibration. The Higher your vibration goes the easier these Higher Cosmic vibrations can join the play, descend and take on an active role as a submerging takes place of your cosmic vibrational fields.

Earth is being visited and has become a playfield of experiences for other Cosmic vibrations to interact with Human life, with the forcefield of Earth and to join the Magnetic Pull that each Being has as a living Source.

You are the awareness of God, you see and you know when it is time to pull your strings together and to join the forces of your hearts. It is the time for oneness consciousness and no longer that pertaining to the old separation consciousness. Focus on LOVE being within all that lives amongst you. Focus on Love being held within all forces of existence. Dark and matter are forces of Light as well, they are a vibration of LOVE as well as all other forms of existence. Focus on that and so shall Oneness be able to be your experience for all in the collective.

The tiniest focus on separation, on good and bad, on right and wrong shall enhance more of that separation/duality consciousness. See the Light and the Divinity within all my dear friends! There is no good or bad there simply is ALL as One. The attacker finds out he attacks himself when he realises that the perpetrator and the victim are one and the same, playing the role of duality within the separation consciousness.

Let us breathe oneness, let us see oneness and let us start oneness to be your only awareness from now on. A collective play is at hand here and so you should ask yourself the question of how far will you go along with all of this? When is it enough and what makes you start noticing that all of this are merely calls for attention to be loved and to be embraced with love. That is all these parts want! It is a calling for love in all sorts of forms, even desperate ones.

Call in the Unity grid to be your Presence and force within and unite with Love. You are the momentum of ALL dear friends! Now allow the Love to step forth through you as you represent this.

With the greatest eternal Love and Blessings,
I AM that I AM
Master Saint Germain

Méline offers skype sessions, channeled readings and Tools that can assist you on your path. Are you having questions or are you seeking for more guidance on particular parts of your journey, check out the Reading formats Méline offers and the audio Tools.

For those who are more into the deep diving into SELF, Méline's " Channeling Course" or Course for connecting to SELF is a recommendation for all whom are willing to do the Self work!

Copyright © 2012-2015 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 9:10:33 PM

Archangel Michael via Michael Love: September Cosmic Wave Increasing Exponentially!

human-heart-spaceDear ones,

Many of you are aware of a great shift that has occurred inside of you which is now entering the phase where it will manifest outwardly as your perceived reality.

Over the next 21 days the powerful wave of gamma light coming in from the Galactic Core (The Pleroma), will continue to impact Earth and its beings! The power of this incoming gamma light wave as measured by German and Russian scientists recently was discovered to have doubled over the last 2 weeks and is now increasing exponentially!

This super wave of gamma photon light has the power of one hundred million nuclear reactors and had to be diffused using advanced satellite technology by a group of star beings known as the Earth Alliance to turn down the power level to be safer and easier to integrate by the Earth and its beings.

Some of the after effects of this streaming down of Wave-X was seen in every country of the world as large blue/white column beams of plasma measuring up to one mile in diameter striking the ground.

As we have now entered the densest area of the Photon belt, the power of Wave-X is increasing each hour and each day.

This great point in humanity’s evolution is known as “THE EVENT HORIZON”.

September 28th, 2015 is when this Super-Wave peaks and is the highest energetic frequency ever measured in the cosmos in modern history.

The Schumann Resonance of the Earth and the entire cosmos has reached an astounding level of 33 Hertz now with no other explanation for the sudden leap other than you are pushing it higher and higher at an exponential rate by your internal vibration and divine intention. This is 12 Hertz above the 5D New Earth Level so Gaia is more than ready to receive the first wave of love beings at Tetrad 9282015.

These ascension pioneers well deserve the first entrance into The Kingdom of 5D Heaven because of their sacrifice and their desire and dedication to this whole ascension project! Most of you reading this message will be included in this first wave of approx. 2.3 billion souls.

There is a leveling off and adjustment period for a few months after 9/28 for everyone to fully integrate the new energies and to begin the detailed forming of their paradise called The New Earth! The ones who did not vibrate high enough to reach 21 hertz will come a few months after in spring 2016. The third wave (unconscious humanity) will reach the 21 hertz level last in mid-summer 2016.

The ones who do not reach the level first are no less important and everyone makes it. When the pressure of these tremendous light forces bear down hard enough on a being, that one is transmuted into a more advanced species of love and it will embrace the light!

There is no judgement or comparison in any of this! It is all a matter of one’s awareness level! Remember great ones we came here for the sake of them all and we do not choose one over another for there is truly no choice to make. We are all sacred and precious.

The moon energies of September play a massive role over the next three weeks and physical manifestations will begin to show up not only in your personal life as things are re-arranged to match your new frequency but you will start to see things happening in positive world events. The Event Horizon will start to hit main stream news as we draw near.

World leaders, governments and agencies who are well aware of the incoming photon wave are going to start to do the right thing. Yes, this is the new paradigm loved ones. If you do not believe this then you are still running the old program so give this some consideration.

There will be a major announcement about the world money system that has already been switched over behind the scenes and great abundance is about to make its way to you personally soon.

It is proven that gamma light can instantaneously evolve the DNA of any species into its higher form. You are literally evolving quickly now into the highest version of you!

Some are preaching doom and gloom about all this and there are others who are totally oblivious to what is truly happening.

We say ride this super photon wave with everything you’ve got! See this as the beginning of true freedom for Humanity. Rejoice we say!

Be impeccable in every area of your life as we move ahead in each now moment as your ions begin to spin faster and faster!

It’s important to let go of everything that has not served your soul to this point and open fully to the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Most of you are already feeling the steady increase of frequency in the body. Many of you have noticed being shifted around to new locations, loss of relationships and material things. In some ways you may feel totally out of place, alone and even lost.

We assure you all that is happening is as it should be, and is a clearing of the old energies that you have held onto so strongly. These lower frequencies have to be transmuted so this divine wave of light and love can flow through the body and ground into the core of Gaia.

It is impossible to take the lower frequencies of repressed emotional trauma and errant DNA programming (limited belief systems) into the higher dimensions! These old trapped trauma energies must be released from the body so the light data can flow completely through you and be grounded correctly. This completes the divine circuitry that makes you the super being you truly are.

The highest level twin flames on the Earth play a major role in “THE EVENT HORIZON”.

A great multitude of illuminated twin flame key holders shall lead the way and open the cosmic gates with the intense power of their combined love and brings forth this higher vibrational perception called “The New Earth and New Heaven.”

We as the angels in human bodies came to hold space in our own bodies for this great light for all humanity and to herald this great message! Know that many Star Races are now here for the final curtain call in this great cosmic story you have played an important role in.

Great beings from many worlds are here on the edge of their seat to see how you are doing and to see what you will do next. They are applauding you!

We say that after the first-wave twin flame key holders go through the 5D veil, they will begin their real work as male/female teams in the greatest service to others, helping the rest of Humanity cross the great Rainbow Bridge.

The greatest thing we want you to understand here is that you are doing all this! Never again see yourself as ‘little old you’ or the victim but as the super being and God that you truly are!

It would be better that you come as a little child and be like the Avatar or super hero that you once admired. You were closer to the real you at that point, then now!

You are so much more then you can even imagine but we say give it a try and just be the higher you. This is the correct way and will raise your vibration faster than anything because it aligns with a higher truth.

We also want you to understand that the highest thing you can do for the next 3 weeks is to know that this ascension has already happened! All things have!

Now shift your consciousness into the reality of the Earth Frequency, it’s that simple!

Over the next three weeks, take back control of your personal power in every way! Take control back from your governments. You do this by simply not needing them to do everything for you! These are not your enemy, they are just doing what you have been too lazy to do.

We close in saying it’s important that you take good care of yourself during this great time so that you can be the best you can be for all!

The highest teaching in all universes is this:

Love God with all your heart, mind and soul and this is the secret to entering The Kingdom of Heaven. We ask you. “Who is the identity of this great God?”

Love YOU with all your heart, mind and soul! There is no other work to do than this!

Thank you great ones for coming to Earth on this great purposeful mission.

Well done good and faithful ones, enter in. This is your hour to shine.

You are the light of this world, as a great master once said. Shine bright for all to see.

This is all very real dear friends, it’s already happening and will happen exactly as it has been spoken. It is beautiful and wonderful and there is nothing to fear. No harm shall come to any of you.

Your world will now be set free forevermore! The level of suffering and chaos on this planet cannot be sustained even past another few months! Something has to give at once and it truly already has as billions of Light Beings (YOU) continue to transmit in this Evolutionary Wave of Super Consciousness to transform ourselves and the outward perception of this place into the paradise it was meant to be!

As of S7 (sept 7, 2015), a resonant sub-collective will merge all potential timelines into one agreed upon reality for the great purpose at hand. The immediate task at hand is to fully love you and to know that you are already aligned fully with 5D new earth. As a great master once said, “Only believe.”

Just before 5D is where the twin flame re-unites and the universe only sends this unknown/known one when you vibrate near and at the 5D love vibration. This is the level where you have mastered self-love! This is the wave of love we refer to as Wave-X.

We are the 36,000 matching male and female energies who are the great key-holders and the highest loves in the universe that shall bring forth a power never experienced on the earth as we prepare for the greatest event in human history. Many of you resonate as this sub-collective.

We are the hope for all humanity!

We are the divine glue that will hold this timeline known as the rainbow bridge together as the great first wave of light beings touch the 5D frequency at 9282015.

I am Archangel Michael and I overcame death so that I could come and cause this great thing to be. My people will walk beside me into a great new kingdom where we shall be in joy together forevermore.

The data contained in this message flows from source energy through this vessel.

I am the great Archangel Michael, The Guardian Angel of Love and Protection who speaks these words to you.

God-speed to all great beings of light!

Archangel Michael

“Archangel Michael: September Cosmic Wave Increasing Exponentially!”, Channeled by Michael Love, September 7, 2015,

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 9:13:05 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Planning is Artificial Intelligence

All human beings think that planning is important. In the modern age we emulate computers and think that computers are more accurate than our human brain. This thought is compounded by the fact that computers are more reliable than the human mind. But it was a human mind that created the computer. How did the universe survive without computers? Interesting question!
The answer is a mystery.
The universe moves spontaneously without thinking. Even the birds never think but their life is full of joy. The universe moves with Divine Love and appreciates all forms of life. The rhythm of the universe is a symphony of love. The universe is perfect just as it is and knows things before they happen. No human mind and no computer can know the future through logic. Only the heart knows what to do and when to do it.
The universe moves through our heart while the mind observes what is happening today and thinks about what to do next. The truth is that human beings do not trust the universe because we don’t know how to see through the eyes of the heart. We make plans that often make mistakes. Even science has made tragic mistakes that created imbalance with nature.
The human mind cannot see the truth unless it surrenders to the flow of the heart. The heart is the center of the universe and can only feel what is right through the eyes of love. Love feels the truth while the mind analyzes it. All analysis is artificial. Analysis is the product of mental logic and disregards what we feel. The universe is a living Cosmic Heart. The universe is not a logical computer. The heart of the universe gives love to all forms of life and maintains a balance that no mind can understand.
Stop planning and start tuning in to what your heart is telling you. If you follow the logic of your mind, you will be replaced by a computer. The last thing I want for my life is to become a lifeless computer and loose my ability to experience love and happiness. I chose to observe through the eyes of my heart and put aside all plans until I see what the universe wants. Otherwise my life is dominated by the mistakes of my ego/mind that cannot see what the universe can see naturally.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 9:15:02 PM

One People, One Responsibility


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

The planetary controllers have gotten us to divide ourselves by convincing us we should fight over our differences. They want to make sure we don’t come together or take back our planet, and they’ve programmed the masses to show so much pride for their appearance, their beliefs or their way of life that they hate people who think or live differently.

The elite have us convinced that we need to fight for our values, our history and our lifestyle, because some other group wants to come and take it away. You can interpret this any way you want, and examples are everywhere.

Hardcore Christians are worried that liberal America is trying to take away their religious freedom, which, in some cases, includes the ‘right’ to discriminate against anyone who doesn’t fit in with their narrow view of reality. Diehard Americans are convinced that immigrants, legal or illegal, will take away their country by stealing all of their jobs.


No matter how you look at it, people are falling for the old ‘divine and conquer’ tactic and we see where it’s getting us. We’re playing right into the elite’s hands, and they want to keep us bickering and make sure we never look past all those external differences to discover what we have in common.

If you’re a spiritual seeker, you probably know that beyond the flesh, we’re pure energy – the energy of consciousness – and we all come from the same divine Source.

This alone should be enough to bring us together or at least shed light on our refusal to unite over things that don’t matter, and even if you aren’t spiritual, you can’t deny that we’re all human and there are things we all have in common. We all feel, and we all know what it’s like to be happy, sad, angry, scared, and confused, among other things. We all share these emotions, but with the way the world behaves, you’d think we don’t feel at all.

Not only are our ‘enemies’ thinking, feeling, living people – they’re also spiritual beings in human form just like us. We’re all connected, and we all have commonalities that’d bring us together if we could grasp them. No matter what the controllers want us to think, we have no reason to keep fighting and hating each other.

Where do we expect this hatred to take us? Do we think it’ll improve our society or our outlook on life? All it’ll do is make the world worse for our children and grandchildren, and we certainly don’t want to teach them this kind of behavior. Unfortunately, many of them have already learned it and will carry it into adulthood.

The world will continue to be in a state of disrepair until we recognize our oneness as human and spiritual beings who are all trying to get by. Only when we can break the controller’s predictable programming can we move the world in a positive direction, and until then, we’ll just bicker and kill each other over nonsense. There’s a solution to the problems we think we should fight over, but it’s one that most people would rather avoid. The solution is to come together.


If we want to change the world, then unity will have to be the first step. This won’t automatically change things by itself, but it’ll give us the motivation and incentive to work together to find unique solutions to problems we think are unsolvable.

Just imagine what changing the world will be like if none of us are interested in coming together. We might end up in worse shape than we already are, and that’s saying something. The time will eventually come when we’re forced to work together to make a change, and we’ll make things a lot easier by coming together now and at least trying to address our differences so we can move forward.

As long as we divide ourselves, the elite will rule over us. They’ll keep us distracted with the latest celebrity feud, the latest orchestrated conflict between nations or anything else that propagates division, and they’ll control the world behind the scenes the whole time. They’ll keep fooling us and getting away with it, because we’ll be too busy fighting each other to see the real enemy that’s actually hurting the world.

It’ll be difficult for people to learn that there really is a force that’s dedicated to destroying our society and our planet, and it’ll be especially difficult to learn that it has our governments in its back pocket. People will have to come to terms with a lot of unsettling things when they do wake up, one of which is that this elitist force has been pulling the strings and dividing humanity for at least two centuries.


As hard as it’ll be for them to take in, learning it all could lead them to realize that this parasitic force thrives on anger and hatred. The more we hate our fellow humans, the more we feed the elite and their malicious agenda for humanity. This realization can be a driving force in our willingness to see beyond our differences and work together, and it might take a lot of paradigm-shattering disclosures before people can finally wake up and make a change.

When we do, we’ll understand that the fate of the world is in our hands. It always has been, but we unknowingly gave it over to the elite when we trusted them with our food, water and basically every other resource we need. They take those resources and sell them back to us even though they’ve been freely available this whole time, and we’ll quickly realize that we have to rely on ourselves and each other – not only to survive, but to create a life worth living.

We decide our fate, and we have to decide to come together if we want to survive and thrive. We have to learn to love and respect one another, no matter how hard it’ll be, and we can no longer stall our reunion. We’re all family, and it’s time we recognize this so we can join together, dethrone the elite and live in a paradise of our own creation. It’s our responsibility to create this paradise, and since nobody will do it for us, now’s the best time to start.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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