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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/10/2015 5:20:16 PM

Forecast: 2015 Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse

by Kathy Biehl

September 12-13, 2015

11:41 PM PDT / 2:41 AM EDT / 6:41 AM GMT

20 Virgo 10

The fall’s eclipses bookend the equinox with a massive rebooting of all of our relationship equations. The first blast comes from the 2015 Virgo New Moon, a solar eclipse that resets boundaries and habits and impels us toward sane, healthy choices. It points us to the future, while the Aries lunar eclipse to follow slams the door on the past.

Expect this 2015 Virgo New Moon to pack a wallop. It is escalating impulses to clean house, to reorganize, to redraw borders, and to get sober. More than the eclipse status is behind those drives. This is the first time in 12 years that the Moon has been new in Virgo with Jupiter in the sign as well. Jupiter increases everything he touches, and while he is not technically close enough to our 2015 Virgo New Moon to count, his recent shift in mode is already having an impact that will carry over into the Moon’s influence.

Only a month in the sign of Virgo, Jupiter has already switched the vibe from long, hot summer to back-to-work. Improvement projects are everywhere we look: in the mirror, in our homes and offices, in our schedules and, most importantly, in all our dealings. We’re newly aware of our proximity to other people during the 2015 Virgo New Moon, and especially their dramas — and we are losing both patience with and willingness to go anywhere near them. (That Facebook meme, “Not my circus; not my monkeys,” has only begun its invasion of social media. Just watch.)

As a result, we’re already inclined toward this solar eclipse’s mission as it kicks in. We are beyond willing to let go, to ditch behaviors and regimens, and to eject anything that no longer feels healthy or safe, with the subtlety of a guillotine, if need be. Review work we did this summer that has brought us to this point, as taskmaster Saturn allowed one last look at issues of joint resources, reciprocity, return on investment, trust and intimacy that were not adequately dispatched during his time in Scorpio in 2013-2014. As this eclipse takes place, he’s sitting in the last minutes of the final degree of that most extreme sign, a zodiacal location so finely honed it can split a hair simply by moving toward it.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 6:05:10 PM

The Oracle Report, Friday, September 11, 2015

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Balsamic Moon Phase:
release, dream

Moon In Leo/Virgo (9:56 am ET/1:56 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: be vigilant; respond; do not wait around

True Alignments: renewal, putting things in place, relocating, companionship, taking the road less traveled, resolution, clearing, awards and rewards, giving and receiving, comfort, sustainability, reverence, evolving perceptions, the massive power of belief

Catalysts for Change: feeling lost, enmeshed in fine details and unable to see the bigger picture, self-minimizing, jealousy, stuck in fear, restlessness, forsaking, crushing one’s dreams, not able to deliver, shock, taking the road most traveled, far off course, miscommunication, emotional storms

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The most important thing today is to be prepared to respond. Do not wait around if something crosses your path.

Several things are in play today as the “100 Hours” (see this week’s reports in theArchives) until the New Moon continues, so let’s take them one at a time:

CIRCULAR PATHS: Mercury moves to the Sabian symbol of “circular paths,” and with it comes situations that feel like repeats. It can be hard to see options or new ways or ways out. It’s easy to fall into hopelessness and powerlessness because we tend to think that progress or change is not happening when this energy is in effect. This symbol, however, implies that things are not the same as they were “last time around.” Humanity has awakened and gained wisdom since the last time. The cycle has changed. This alone provides help with the hopelessness, but we have even more help with this because…

THE SUN IS DISSEMINATING THE ENERGY OF “A CARAVAN OF CARS HEADED FOR PROMISED LANDS” We are headed into new territory, pioneering the Second Renaissance, and we are headed there to together! This symbol is the opposite of “circular paths.” Instead of going in circles, we are going in a straight line. It is good to venture into anything new that presents itself today in order to check it out. We want to be cautious that we aren’t being rooked, so watch what the other hand is doing and watch for attempts to divert you from your own path.

9:24 pm ET/1:24 am UT: Venus will finally, after 10 days, move to a new degree, the degree of “brilliant sunshine just after the storm.” This energy discusses how perhaps some of the storms in our lives are truly over and how things that have blocked, clogged, and bogged us are retreating. It’s wonderful energy to resolve things or clear things up. This is the image we should hold today: brilliant sunlight. Renewal is at hand.

11:45 pm ET/3:45 am UT: The Moon will conjunct Jupiter at the degree of “a harem.” This energetic is widely in effect (because it is Jupiter) so there is a tendency to wait around to be chosen. This is exactly the mindset we do NOT need today. We need to be responsive, not submissive. We do not need to wait around for something or someone that we feel has authority. We think for ourselves.

2:43 am ET/6:43 am UT: The Sun will oppose Chiron tomorrow. This dynamic first brings wounding, then it brings healing, then we gain wisdom from it. The Sun will still be discharging “a caravan of cars headed for promised lands,” and Chiron is discharging “a table set for an evening meal.” The best laid plans may go awry. This is ok because there is something more that is to develop. Or, even better, it may lead to new plans and new opportunities. We want to engage the power of the pioneer and follow where this month’s carrier pigeon leads us. Divine messages and guidance continue all the way to the New Moon on Sunday. What prizes, rewards, or treasures still await?

Wise owls prepare to take their place in line (the caravan) to spread their wings over the world this weekend. The “Love Prevails” meditation from July 17 (which I now like to call the “Wings Around the World” meditation) will be Sunday, September 13, the day of the Virgo New Moon. If you are inclined, you can perform the meditation anytime this Sunday (September 13) after 2:41 am ET/6:41 am UT. I will prepare everything in advance of the exact time of the New Moon. No dogma here; adapt this to your preference:



A group meditation that occurs at individual times is the mission. If you are inclined, sometime today, perhaps in the time you would have ordinarily read today’s report, please join me in a gathering of minds. Picture:

  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”

Please modify this according to your own practice and style. I have already prepared the space for the “ring of wings around the world.” Let’s keep our minds focused on the bigger picture today.

“I told you that we could fly. Because we all have wings. But some of us don’t know why.” –INXS, Never Tear Us Apart

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 8:43:38 PM

The Dew on the Meadow

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

You are Greatness. You do not quite grasp this yet. Tell Me, dear children, do you really think that you, Who are My Creation, really aren’t much? Be clear now. What you are truly lacking is awareness. How can anyone in his right mind think My creation is just so-so or less than Greatness? Tell Me, what is the matter with you?

Tell Me, why do you focus on minute details when you could be comparing yourself to the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun? Is not the dew on the meadow enough to create a rhapsody? What are you missing? Have you never seen a baby or a puppy? What do you mean by not adoring and being amazed at the Creation of the World and the Lights within it? I placed a marvelous Creation in the world, and you are the Leaders of it. Well, who do you think sets the tone of the world?

You think I am filled with superlatives when I describe you, as if I am gushing and don’t know what I’m talking about. What I say is only a portion of your superlativeness. If I wrought the teletype through Morse, what in God's Name do you think? that you are less than the teletype to ooh and aah over?

You are beyond My dreams. You are My emissaries on Earth. What do you think a mother is? A father is? A child is? I ask My children to look for the best they can see or say.

I, God, might say in amazement, “Rosy cheeks, who would have conceived of rosy cheeks?”

You might counter: “Illness. God, Who would think of illness? You may not have created it, God, yet You allow it and appoint professors of it.”

Illness is not My desire. Of course, I didn’t create illness. Don’t look so surprised. I created all the beautiful. Good health is beautiful and rosy-cheeked. In the world only are there opposites. Opposites are thoughts that come after Creation. This is a puzzle on Earth. In Heaven lies not the creation of opposites. In fact, in Heaven, the Truth of Earth is Oneness. Do you find something wrong with Oneness, beloveds?

Unspecialize in faults. Get rid of that armored vest you have put on. Specialize in the favorable. This is how you will turn the world, not upside down, but right-side up.

Let go of falseness now and accept Truth.

You make judgment calls. You call certain aspects worthy, and other aspects unworthy. What if you never had the word unworthy in your vocabulary? When Eve pointed to all that I had created and gave words to what I had created, she didn't perceive the concept of unworthy. She didn’t give the concept a name. She did not see anything unworthy in My creation. Unworthiness had not yet been seen anywhere in order for it to be named. Sense of unworthiness waltzed in after the expression of the World.

I do not point a finger at you. In creation, all was worthy. There was nothing to disapprove of. Disapproval came later, and such a concept has been passed on to you the way curly hair is.

There were no outlaws at the birth of Creation.

What about the snake who whispered to Eve, you might ask?

Thoughts arose, divergent thoughts, from which arose stories and dramas. From those whom you see as good – yet how would you describe good without contrast? - came stories and dramas and all that from which stories come, heroes and villains, beauty and the beast, varieties of contrast to good measure, and so there became profiteers and culprits on Earth and damsels in distress and knights in shining armor, and so came fear and disgruntlement, and so came anything that you could ever think of. Imagination all, all this that is further from Truth than the farthest extent of imagination.

All the original beauty and goodness haven’t gone anywhere. There is still more that is lovely to reveal itself. Great bouquets of Beauty, Goodness, and Oneness are starting to bloom again.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 8:48:06 PM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ From Your Hostess of Light about these lovely button pushing energies…

We all come to the apex of our being in-between the light and the dark of the moon, the sun, the self. We run from our own shadow as it comes up every morning to teach us how to connect with our personal dark matter universe. Like a personal pan pizza the shadow fits all sizes. It taunts us seeding our thoughts with little deceiver nouns and pronouns, First names, past actions, deceits that went unexplained, plausible deniability all comes knocking at our subconscious filling our psychic in-box.

Everything comes to the surface as we shadow dance and box with our own light. Questioning everyone’s motives and actions, As we slide away from our own dingy personal laundry. in the USA political years seem to bring out that Wiley Coyote Energy, trickster. Like a magic trick exposed too many broken promises produce a planetary acid reflux, a bad taste in the mouth and soul.

The eclipses of September push all of our buttons no matter where the energy lands in your chart or in your yard. It will be one attention-getting event. However with that in mind know that holograms abound and at the push of a button. A second coming, a Marion apparition, a Buddha or Krishna in the skies or our space brothers? How do we know what is real and what is Memorex? Do we trust our Visions or are we being emotionally manipulated by outside intentions?

These very deep questions come up for our soul to assimilate, and like a cow with seven stomachs, boy will we digesting many new truths, until we get it right or the cows come home.

The very vibration of a sacred holy event in the earth sky is what the people of earth truly seek and need. They want to know that someone, anyone is out there, looking out for them caring for them and maybe even rescuing them. In the years gone past such events of heavenly presentations were an every day event. People made journeys all over the world to see the reflection of Mary on a building or Jesus’ face on a waffle. The land reflected the holy hopes of a people that are wired to believe.

Everything holds a holiness no matter what its earthen structure and form. People know miracles when they see and fell them, no matter how silly that may appear to onlookers. A miracle is a miracle and like a double rainbow or a flower in the winter snow, it is a personal gift from the universe and for your heart only.

Everything is connected in this place we call home, we are all made of the same stuff. When the atoms of our heart desire a holy manifestation a little miracle or 2, to lift our hopes up, the very quantum and biology of life is programmed to give that to us.

Predictions and prophecy fly about like magpies at the Queens outing. They cause chaos and fear which then lowers the body’s immune system and the entire planets immune system. Holograms abound on and off the planet. When you witness a holy manifestation or a bonified miracle you will always feel it in your heart first. Trust what you know is truth.

Sometimes we allow ourselves to be manipulated by outside stimuli and circumstances. It take a burly sailor to navigate in the emotional waters of today’s virtual tsunamis. We are touched by all words and actions of others, for we are one weave that the Creator has put together on a beautiful earthship seeking to find peace amongst his creations and species.

Like any parent energy you want your children to get along even if they are from different parents and parts of the Universe. Sibling rivalry can be messy and dangerous, look at Able and Cain. We all come from the same Cosmic Wool but we each are woven a little differently to fill the gaps of creation and sometimes the need to entertain the universe. It is this DIVINE DIFFERENCE that gives us our power to move forward beating a different virtual drum, while line-dancing in parallel existences, and still bringing home the tofu-bacon J No wonder we are tired all the time!

In other words dear ones even if a holy manifestation of a sky-lined event were to take place, ‘natural or ala carte’ it will still bring to us what we seek, which is some kind of sign. All things whether manmade or God made inherently hold a divine code, for every living thing comes forth from One Source and is forever connected to that Source.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2015 8:50:46 PM

We Will Rebuild

9/11 11Here we are at another anniversary of 9/11 and still the truth has not generally come out.

There are many articles on this site from over the years on that subject. (1)

Most estimates are that something like 3-6,000 people died on that day. It was more like 50,000.

Still no articles have come out acknowledge that Muslims had so little to do with that day that it could be said that they had nothing to do with it. Certainly it was not an event planned or carried out by Muslims. Yet there has to this day not been an apology made to Muslims for their suffering and wrongful “conviction” for the events of that day. They were the patsies, the fall guys.

I do apologize here, on behalf of all decent people, to the world Islamic community for the travesty of justice perpetrated on them and for their subsequent suffering.

It was planned and carried out by western governments, most prominently the American, and rogue agents in black-ops units of the American and Israeli intelligence corps and the American military.

Its object was to take over first Afghanistan (opium), then Iraq (oil) and finally Iran (oil). If these countries could not be taken over, then Plan B would have the cabal behind 9/11 start a world war by nuclear-bombing Iran.

They’d have lasted out the ensuing nuclear winter in their deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs), which were destroyed in 2011. Of course every attempt to ferry nuclear weapons to the Middle East to be used against Iran was foiled by … well, you know who. The same ones who destroyed the DUMBs.

I haven’t followed what happened to the leading figures in 9/11 – Bush, Cheney, the rest of their cabinet, Blair, and all the shadowy figures in the alphabet agencies. Many of them are or could be clones, for all I know. Some clones are being kept alive simply so that they can stand in for their originals at trials designed to offer the world closure.

Unravelling the thread of 9/11 takes us into the worlds of mind control, Manchurian candidates, world Nazism, the Illuminati, black operations, assassinations, and everything so dark that few people want to research it. I stopped researching it when I discovered the Illuminati were responsible for, among many other things, snuff flicks. That was it for me. I could go no further.

But the story of 9/11 does need to be known. It was the greatest tragedy perpetrated on the world outside the 20th-Century genocides. But it was only one of many black ops.

For instance, we now know that it wasn’t the Titanic that sank. It was her sister ship the Olympic and the deed was done for an insurance payout.

We know that the Murrah Building in Oklahoma was another government operation to get the Patriot Act passed and shrink our civil rights.

We know that the London bombings were staged and three innocent Muslim youths killed as the patsies for that operation.

Madrid, Mumbai, Islamabad, Boston – on and on the list goes of false-flag operations designed to deprive the population of civil rights in the repressive measures that followed.

Add to that the weather-warfare operations carried out – Haiti, Chile, Fukushima, New Orleans, etc. – another long list of operations in which our governments, there to protect us, set out to destroy us.

All of this is so sad and yet the truth must come out, even if it brings fresh suffering to those who were victimized in the first instance. The boil must be lanced if the wound is to heal.

So many servicemen and women, and the relatives of those who died, will also suffer when they learn the truth of the Illuminati wars in which they served and died.

Agencies whose only purpose is to abet the phony “war on terrorism” or serve the financial elite – Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Association, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Agency – all must either go or be overhauled from top down and bottom up.

We will do that. We promise to get this job done. We will build a new world on the rubble of the old that operates on the basis of truth, integrity and compassion.

The truth has not yet come out but, when it does, the work of reconstruction can begin.


(1) See “9/11 and Other False-Flag Operations” here:

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