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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2015 7:06:37 PM


Bob Fickes ~ The Wakeup Call


This has been a wonderful year for activating the heart and lifting Global Consciousness more into the Light. But throughout this year I have also been feeling a deep rumbling inside Mother Earth. Over the past three months I felt a very strong potential for another natural disaster before the end of this year. Of course memories of the 2011 Tsunami kept rising up in my consciousness. Now those memories have come to life again with the recent flooding in the same area as the tsunami. What is the message here? We are doing our work and opening our hearts to more love and light, so why is this happening?
Love is not just something we send with our hearts. True love also needs to be expressed through action and moving with the flow of the universe. Activating true love also means opening our consciousness to necessary transformation. With each step of higher consciousness and opening to more love and light, there are also more steps that we need to take to change our life and change our world.
The recent flooding in the same area of Japan as the 2011 Tsunami is a big message. A little over a week ago three million people gathered in Tokyo to demonstrate against the current policies of the government particularly its policy on the military and nuclear power. The news media was censored and most people were not aware of this demonstration. Now Mother Earth creates major flooding that forced over 100,000 people from their homes in the same area very close to the nuclear power plant that was broken in 2011.
Mother Earth is not punishing. She is crying out for the people to hear her. The message is clear. We need to transform our life on Earth to be more in harmony with nature. Nuclear Power is not in harmony with nature. Mother Earth has sent us two strong messages about this.
We were lucky this time: for all the flooding there was very little loss of life and no danger to the Nuclear Power plant. But this was a wakeup call to demonstrate our love for Mother Earth and ask for the governments all over the world to change their directions and be more in harmony with Nature and the true needs of the rising consciousness of the people.
This weekend I will be activating the Love Mantra for the first time in America. Please join us as we meditate and send love to Mother Earth. Thank you.

The Love Mantra Workshop in Minneapolis

September 11 to 13

U of M Continuing Education and Conference Center, St. Paul Campus, Room 135BD 1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, MN
Handicap Accessible, 200 people Maximum.
For more information please contact Rob Ring at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2015 7:08:44 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 12, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

What is the one thing in your life that limits you, that you think will never change? Stop and ask yourself, if you look through new eyes of endless potential, if that belief is really true. If, from every possible viewpoint you can take, it still seems to be true, ask yourself if the universe sees things you cannot. Then ask yourself from a universal perspective if it is still true.

Dear Ones, there are no caps to what you can achieve. There are only self imposed limitations based on what you accept as your potential. Miracles occur when you allow yourself to soar into the realm of limitlessness, into the all that is Source energy, where every possible potential exists. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2015 8:40:06 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday, September 12, 2015



Balsamic Moon Phase: trust, magic

Moon in Virgo

Goddess of Wisdom: Bhairavi (Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of the South)

Skill: “de-personalize and re-universalize”

(Note: I will post a separate Sunday report tomorrow. A “campfire” recording may also be on its way. The standard headings of True Alignments, etc. are not listed today, as there is only one focus of consequence. See below.)

The “100 Hours” of the Balsamic Moon comes to a close today. The Virgo New Moon enters at the following times:




Until that time — today — there is only one thing to “do,” but it is perhaps one of the hardest things to do: step outside of ourselves and connect with something greater. This means we de-focus on our personal/individual lives and re-focus on the fellowship of humanity.

It is the job of wise owls to, as best we can, de-personalize pretty much everything that comes our way today. Though things happen in our lives, oftentimes dramatic and deeply emotional things, today it is important that we not become mired in ourselves, project ourselves, react to others, succumb to wounding, or pontificate on the goings-on of our personal world.

The Sabian symbol for the Virgo New Moon is “a girls basketball team.” As the saying goes, there is no I in team.

Until the New Moon, we are like wise owls in a tree, immersed in the scene of nature, but watching it from a different perspective.

After the New Moon, we are like wise owls that come out of the tree and fly up to join together in a ring of wings around the world (meditation below). A collective of human beings unifying around the idea that “love prevails” and sending goodwill to all is a powerful thing.

There are wise owls all over the world, as demonstrated to me in the many beautiful emails after recording the “Messages in a Bottle.” Thank you all! The infusion of love into this Balsamic Moon phase is astounding. Hearts have been fortified and are now ready to unify.

Today, we aim to go beyond ourselves in trust. We understand that a bigger picture is unfolding. We hold the line — hold the space — at a key time of the emerging Second Renaissance. We take a higher view today.

The “Wings Around the World” meditation is below. Join in anytime after the New Moon in your time zone – you do not need to do it at the exact time of the New Moon. It’s a “wave” and does not follow our notions of time and space.

The “Love Prevails” meditation from July 17 (which I now like to call the “Wings Around the World” meditation) will be Sunday, September 13, the day of the Virgo New Moon. If you are inclined, you can perform the meditation anytime this Sunday (September 13) after 2:41 am ET/6:41 am UT. I will prepare everything in advance of the exact time of the New Moon. No dogma here; adapt this to your preference:



A group meditation (a gathering of minds) that occurs at individual times is the mission. Please modify this according to your own practice and style. Picture:

  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report.

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2015 8:46:21 PM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ I am Sophia

I am Sophia, I am the breath of creation. I bring within my words and energies a fulfillment that comes not from the substance of earth, but from the Stars. I ask you to taste the sweetness that you are as you kiss the lips of God. I ask you to taste the sweetness that was destined to be your life before you chose the conflict. Come forth into the fullness of your power in this hour of light. Do not wait a fortnight; do not wait another day until the timing is correct in your perceptions. For in the scheme of universal knowledge and the schematics of universal light, there is but this moment. In this moment you need to fill yourself with all that you want to be. Do not talk of what you shall accomplish one day, but fulfill that accomplishment within your mind, within the pictures of your heart and the pictures of your word in this moment, this thought. You will find that as you speak, a gentle hum is heard in your heart as it begins to vibrate with truth so fast that music is created. These are not heart palpitations but the sound of love that hums through the caverns of your being.

I am She that was whispered into existence by the mouth of God. I am sometimes seen as Shekinah, the holy breath, the Holy Spirit. I am feminine of nature, but not always depicted as such. I come forth with the vibration and the teachings of the ancient order of the Magdalene. You birth a New World on this day by believing. You birth a great white hope that lives so deeply in your cell memory that you have not yet seen it in your world. You birth on this day a completion as you spiral and dance around all layers and faces of your soul and of yourself finally landing in climax within the oceans of your being. I am that which is yet to be found within you. I am the sacred feminine that you seek but do not always see reflected in the mirror of your life. I am the sacred face of the feminine light of God and I come to heal you as I come to birth myself.

It is time for you to celebrate everything about you. For every one of you is a strand in the tapestry of the cloak of light. The doorway opens for you to see and to celebrate. Your life needs to be a celebration of who you want to be and who you know you are.
Shred the weather coatings that you wear as protection and allow your glorious beautiful self to be seen. Do not be afraid of your emotions or your angers or your passions. Do not be afraid of your wild hair days. If you would sound my name in your heart, it will help you to heal. it comes as an elixir. Say my name softly to yourself – Sophia — Sophia – Sophia. Does it not soothe the thorns of your being? For in that sound is a memory and in that memory there is a great healing.

I thank you for being who you are. You have never allowed others to break your spirit even though there were times when you teetered very close to that. Do not allow anyone to take your heart. You can give it all that you want, but do not let others take your dreams or your desires. Give and give and give. That is the doorway to the greatest healing of all. Invite me in I will escort you thru passageways that you have forgotten. Run bare-footed in the temples of your past. Allow me to escort you into a place of completion. I am Sophia.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2015 8:53:22 PM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers – September 11, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends!

We speak to you today from a place of your own creation, from that fifth dimensional Earth which you have long been creating and preparing to live upon.

We are aware that there are numerous somber remembrance events occurring today in the United States, carried out by those who wish to ensure that all remember the shock and losses of September 11th from fourteen years ago.

There were indeed losses, but not due to any foreign aggression.
These were created by the machinations of those who operate within your very government and military walls, who have pledged to protect their fellow citizens against all enemies foreign and domestic, but who in fact joined with those of varying nationalities to fulfill an agenda that has nothing to do with democracy, and nothing to do with freedom.

And so, for those of you aware of who these persons are, whether called cabal, or Illuminati, or the power structure—we would ask, are you able to consider that these too are your family?

For while you could never condone their crimes against humanity and your Mother the Earth, you are called now to that higher vibration that sees the perfection of all occurrences, the perfection of Earth’s own rise into a higher dimension.

And into that dimension, you will not be able to carry the debris of the third dimension—the anger, the shock, the resentments, or the denial of what actually occurred on that day.

You have no doubt tried to explain to others that the events were carried out by those who believed that by throwing millions of people around the world into a state of shock, fear, and mourning, that they would not only achieve policy changes and outbreaks of war in several parts of the world (for their own purposes), but would also be spreading the vibration of that overused term “terror” throughout the globe.


This was what one might call an energetic agenda.

For the energy of fear is one of the lowest possible energies that a human being may experience.

And your overlords (though they are fast slipping from that position) have been well aware for many centuries that fear is one of the greatest control mechanisms upon the planet.

And yet, as the great poet Maya Angelou (who now watches Earth’s Ascension with delight from the higher dimensions)—as that great poet would say, “Still I rise.”

And how is this, you ask, when the criminals have not been caught?
When our honest president is daily blamed for the wars, the deceit, the subterfuge, the manipulations of those now lauded as honest and loyal to our government and our world?

How is it that we are still rising, when the truth about 9/11 still languishes in the “alternative press” and “conspiracy theory” bins at the bookstores?

It is so, because you have decided that it is so.


You made a collective decision upon that horror-filled day, that this would never again occur upon the Earth—and you will note that despite a number of attempts, it has not occurred again.

You see the refugees fleeing the horrors of cabal-funded and -controlled Syrian conflict, and your heart goes out to these folk as they struggle to be treated humanely.
To be accepted into countries where they will have a chance for life, and hopefully, abundant life.

You feel the compassion and love swell in your hearts as you see them struggle, traveling for days on end to an uncertain destination and livelihood.

And yet you wonder, how is it that still we rise?

We are aware of the sadness that accompanies this struggle, but we ask that you concentrate on the reality of the love and empathy you feel for these fellow humans, which far outrun any fear that you or they could ever experience.


For you have all also run from war and oppression, in a number of lives you have lived upon the Earth.

You have also suffered that terrible treatment and uncertain outcome.
You know what it is to be under the thumb of the dictator, the invading army, the militarized police force.

Yet if you could see as we can from our higher vantage point, and which you also see in your etheric travels, the massive energetic wave of determination that has gathered throughout the Earth, that this game between the manipulators and the manipulated must end, and end now, for all time—you would never again doubt that you are rising.

Understand that there is always a dust storm, a time of upheaval and confusion during the restructuring of a planet or a people’s form of governance, let alone their view of reality—of what is possible, and of what they are allowed to have.

You determined collectively, not long after 9/11 all those years ago, that you would not be subject to such lies and manipulation and violence ever again.


And so yes, you have seen unjust and unnecessary wars in the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan and other places where war has been secretly waged by those same forces.

And you have seen the desperation of those who have lost, and felt your own desperation that these injustices, carried out under the flag of the country you love, might never end.

And yet they are ending.

For in the compassion you and millions of others are expressing for those running from war, you are contributing to that great Ascension wave of expectation and determination, that the human race will reach a point where there are no more lies, no more manipulations, and no more violence.

And so Dr. Keshe’s Peace Roadmap is here not just a nice idea—it is the birth of those determinations you made years ago, that violence no longer has a place upon your planet, and that you will no longer be led by those who use fear as their greatest weapon.

Yes, this is how Atlantis was brought down—through spreading fear, and the overdevelopment and imbalances of the ego and desire for control, material wealth, and individual over collective advancement.


The idea of separateness over the idea of Oneness and the collective interconnection of all living beings—this is what you are now rejecting, in favor of understanding, We Are All One.

And so this is a day to honor those lost, most assuredly.

But understand that that particular soul group, the tens of thousands lost that day in the physical, left when they did and in the way that they did, to trigger within you the realization that the lies, the control, the violence must end.

And so it shall! And so it is.

For yes—still you rise, dear ones.

Still you rise!

To the fifth dimension of Peace, of Love, of Oneness, and beyond.

Namaste! We recognize and honor your Divinity, and we honor your path in this beautiful, unprecedented moment.

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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