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Re: Who's Stealing from Peter?
11/17/2005 12:35:50 AM
I wish they would crack down on the real "pyramid schemes" inthe brick in mortor businesses. Most companies are all I have worked for in the pass is a "pyramid schemes" if that means the peeople at the top make all or most of the money. The guy loading the truck never makes what the guy that owns the truck. I would like to see the CEO of the oli companys pay the price and get investagated for their ripping people off. You name any company or business where the COE or owner of the company is paid the same as the new person is. Saddly the laws are written to protect those type of crooks. Yes home business is a huge industry and we have our share of crooks. But as a whole I think we do a better job of policing our selfs that offline businesses. I do beleieve we should all comply to the laws of the land we live, but then I also believe we should not lie. Then That is just me. God Bless Johnny
Gary Simpson

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Re: Who's Stealing from Peter?
11/17/2005 1:09:23 AM
Hi Johnny, You said: ========================== "The guy loading the truck never makes what the guy that owns the truck." ========================== Then again, the guy that owns the truck has to pay for wear and tear, finance repayments, all manner of taxes and levies, petrol, repairs and a whole heap of other things. The guy who drives the truck just drives the truck - and sometimes he abuses the truck (because he does not have to pay for it). So I disagree with the tenure of that comment. With regards to oil: =========================== "I would like to see the CEO of the oli companys pay the price and get investagated for their ripping people off." =========================== There is little doubt that oil companies are ripping people off. When the price of a barrel of crude goes up so do the petrol prices, immediately. When the price of a barrel of crude falls, the cost of petrol may fall but it takes much longer. It does in Australia anyway. =========================== "You name any company or business where the COE or owner of the company is paid the same as the new person is." =========================== Johnny, I hope you are not inferring that an apprentice should be paid the same as a master tradesperson. People become CEO's (usually) because they have 20 or 30 years of experience. Gary Simpson
Angela Cardwell

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Re: Who's Stealing from Peter?
11/17/2005 6:45:58 AM
Hi Linda, Great post! There are many here at Adland that promote these sorts of biz opps. Many unknowingly of the consequences I'm sure. I decided a long time ago that they weren't worth it. Only tried two, but that was enough. Everyone should be aware of what drives the Internet. And that's the SE's. If a website is unseen by the SE's than you don't have much of a chance at keeping a business going. Take for instance, someone spends 'months' or longer promoting one of these opportunities you mentioned. There's links every where, emails, and maybe articles. The company get's shut down. Or the promoter quits and the links are still out there with your name on it! If someone wants to begin a serious home based, long-lasting business without their own product: As you and your husband have done with SEO and design. Study one aspect of online marketing and grow with it. Or...become a "website publisher" and "inform" others about something you know about. When all knowledge about a given subject is exhausted, then go out a 'broaden' your knowledge about the subject. Learn more, inform more. The opportunities are endless for an honest business. Through website publishing and affiliate programs. don't have to worry about being accused of 'spamming' or contributing to an illegal program! Good luck to all, Angela
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Janise Collins

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Re: Who's Stealing from Peter?
11/17/2005 9:10:03 AM
Linda, Thank you so much for this very truthful commentary. Yes, its unfortunate that unless we break the cycle things may not change. I do not believe in " pyramids"...and do not participate in those business practices. I agree with everything stated in this forum. Have a blessed and successful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" The DreamTeam
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Hey Mark - go for it!
11/21/2005 3:07:28 AM
Hi Mark! Good to see you. You've been quiet for a while. : ) You know, every time I hear about one falling, the one thing I think of is the number of people who joined because someone convinced them to... and then they were at the bottom when it all fell. It's not even the money. At least to me. It's the eating away of the belief system. In ten years online, I can't tell you the number of people that have come to me and said "I'm ready to just give up. Throw in the towel. This Internet stuff is all crap." THAT is what makes me sad. ========================================= I have actually been considering posting a forum along similar lines to yours but you've covered it better and more eloquently than what I could do. ========================================= Go for it. See, it's not about eloquence. It's about the number of people carrying the message. The words don't matter as much as the feeling behind them. One thing I discovered is that people tend to "beat themselves up" when something doesn't work. That's a huge thing online. I mean, how many companies and gurus say that. If this doesn't work, you're not "working it" right. People fall for that. It's psychology. So we think "we" are doing it wrong. As more people stand up and say "this didn't work for me" others gain the courage to do the same. : ) Linda