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Lisa Lomas

707 Posts
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Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/3/2005 3:35:24 AM
Hello Anthony, With the atm if it has any gadgets on it, don't use it either theres a scam going around where they put a gadget to read you card and a camera in like a brochure box, walk away. this is very wise advice and I do not think it matters where in the world one lives, this advice can apply anywhere. Thank you for this wise advice and caring. Lisa Lomas
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Misty Hickox

128 Posts
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Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/3/2005 12:17:52 PM
Great post as always Thank You Anthony
Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/3/2005 6:19:15 PM
Leanne, So very true, it is the common sense things we should always do, that we often tend to forget. Your friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/3/2005 6:22:22 PM
Lisa, Thank you for adding the tip about ATM's. Personally I only use the one's here in 'Vegas'in the Casino's... (I seem to run out of money more in them) As you say, wherever you are today in this world of our's, there is always someone who seems bent on causing other's harm. Your friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/3/2005 6:23:07 PM
Misty, Thank you for your compliment. Your friend in Las Vegas.

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