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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/26/2012 10:36:19 AM
Hello Evelyn & Friends,

A very interesting open letter to B Hussein supporters. The facts in the letter are indisputable and the point you raised that he still has many supporters (including in Adland) I find very hard to understand. I've asked the question many a time and the only logical conclusion I can think of is that these supporters are so entrenched in their "entitlements" that logic and the truth are simply beyond their comprehension. The thought of possibly losing their entitlements drives them bonkers and what they don't realize that they'll lose them faster under the B Hussein regime cos this guy's bankrupting the country and all the entitlement payments will cease cos there'll be no money to pay them with.

The "Open Letter" is definitely recommended reading and maybe it'll open the eyes of a few people but I believe what'll be more effective is to see the "magnificent accomplishments" of this administration in the past three and half years might be more of an eye opener then a letter that has to be read and comprehended. The old saying a picture is worth a thousand words might be what is really needed and the below list of B Hussein's accomplishments since 2008 might do the trick. At least I hope it will.



Hello Peter and friends, many's the time we've all read articles and comments by Obama supporters here at ALP and even though I know the majority of them will never change their mind or open their eyes to the truth I decided to go ahead and post this article. This is an excellent article that has so many truths in it and just maybe it will open at least one person's eyes to the sorry mess this country is in and the failure of this sitting president who's proven to be one of the worst, if not the worst president we've ever had, but I really doubt it. Anyway, for those who already have their eyes open I think you'll find this a great article hitting on many truths that can't be denied.

An Open Letter To Obama Supporters

June 25, 2012 By Alan P. Halbert

It is fair to say that our nation is divided amongst political viewpoints that resemble a chasm of thought, beliefs, deeds and actions that seem insurmountable while we struggle with an economic calamity unseen since the Great Depression. This transient economic situation has been not only our problem but the worlds as well. Our recession has circled the globe with the piper finally coming due for all the years of ignoring the reality of unbridled expenditures. The dearth of spending by our nation and the socialist nations of Europe is causing the world’s economies to crash under the weight of obligations to their own citizens.

We have always been a nation that has prided ourselves on our work ethic, that is until the “New Deal” came about with Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the 1930’s, the refrain from many during this time was “Mr. Roosevelt gonna save us all.”

It was then that America began to change; it was hard at first, as many just wanted a job, not a handout, and their abject rejection of “charity” was central to the average citizen at that time. Slowly, as the Depression wore on and heavily on our citizens, they were forced to change their perspectives as utter desperation was staring them in the face day-after-day. And hunger is a merciless master. It was also a time of great changes happening in the world, and many citizens were seeing the rise of Fascism and Communism being played out in Europe as they dealt with their economic collapse as well. This caused many of us to question whether these new “collectivist” schemes were viable. After all, there was a great divide between the rich and poor in those days, much more than we have today.

However, everyone forgot the heyday of the roaring twenties as the economy boomed and you could make a fortune on the stock market almost overnight. Practically everyone had money in the market: secretaries, schoolteachers, laborers, homemakers. Times were good.

As we move forward to today, we have a situation that is similar, if not the exact same conditions that we faced then. And it is being handled in exactly the same way now as then. The only difference we have is that the attitude of our citizens has changed. This is because the name of these same types of programs that Roosevelt championed have been repackaged and called “entitlements” instead of relief or assistance programs so the stigma of charity has been removed and charity has become institutionalized by the federal government.

Citizens now feel entitled to these benefits, and many have certainly paid their “dues” through the years with ever larger taxes to pay for all of this spending, though most would rather have a job and the quiet dignity that earning an honest living brings.

How many supporters of President Obama have taken the time to consider the consequences to the increasing costs associated with ever-increasing programs that have been forced upon the American taxpayer? In addition, even if these are the right things to do, why aren’t these expenses planned for and budgeted? Much less any consideration and appreciation to the people that actually pay for these benefits, which is that pitifully small group of citizens known as taxpayers. Instead, they are being vilified as selfish, and told that they certainly should be doing more? Our president, instead of asking all of our citizens to pull together and help one another, declares that these taxpayers are being greedy and demands that these citizens pay their “fair share.” Do you support this?

All Americans should understand that sacrifice is needed to solve the slump we are in. However, when the budgetary process is nonexistent and the Senate (through the leadership of Harry Reid) will not even bring a budget to vote on the floor of the Senate, clearly, this is not dutiful care of our collective treasure and destiny!

This has resulted in the largest deficits and debt since WWII when measured against the GDP and this type of spending will continue as it now sustenance expenditures to our citizens. It is being paid for by an ever-decreasing portion of the nation’s citizens, day-after-day and year-after-year. Do you understand at some point the system will collapse under its own weight? What will be the consequence of this, with almost half of our citizens receiving “entitlements” without any collection of federal income taxes from them to pay for it all, as more collect benefits while less pay for it, all in a downward spiral?

Do you support the expansion of endless legislation (that has thousands of pages) that create an ever-larger government and agencies upon agencies demanding more tax dollars and placing restrictions on commerce that will only cause the industrious to say, enough and just retire and remove opportunity, jobs and income from our economy? If you agree with all of this, just remember that the Constitution was only four pages, and it created all of the wonders that this nation has been (and I do mean “has been”). The rhetoric out of Washington these days is to pit neighbor against neighbor, and make cruel demands that only some be given all while many give none.

The collapse of the Soviet Union came about by the failure of their economic system, where the government had central planning and steered the economic fortunes of its citizens. They never had anywhere near the veritable life of luxury we have enjoyed. It collapsed for one reason and one reason only: it defied an immutable law of economics in that it took away the incentive for the citizen to get ahead and become more than we are at any one time, simply put, to climb the ladder of success. It happened in thousands of places in their nation at the same time since, their system created two economies: one was sanctioned, and the other sprang up of its own volition and required brutal force to suppress. It was the manager who operated the butcher shop, shoe store, the neighborhood gas station, and the clothing store that made the choice to sell the pitifully small amount of goods they produced and had to sell out of the back door and around the corner in the alley and pocket the money themselves. Of course, this was illegal, however their economic system was at odds with human nature, so it was doomed to die a slow death by apathy, and a life filled with drudgery was all a citizen had to look forward to. Is it any wonder Vodka was cheap and plentiful as their citizens numbed their dull and perfunctory existence with alcohol as a brief respite from reality. Ironically it was only one of a few goods that did not thrive on the black market, as the state controlled stores practically gave it away.

This is where all these programs, ideas and beliefs end up in the dust bin of history. While you may support these redistributive measures, can we really afford to have half of our citizens paying taxes with the others not? How is such a system fair? If you really believe this is best for our nation, then it is your responsibility to make sure that at least the people that pay the freight get a fair deal, demand accountability out of Washington, and demand that the vilification of these good citizens stop. After all, you support these ideas and programs, please treat those who finance them with the respect they deserve. They are not your ATM, cash cow, or enemy. They are simply citizens complying with a cruel system that requires much from them, while all too many reap the rewards without enduring the same sacrifice.

Please also understand that many are living in their condition of poverty by choice, and can with some hard work and sacrifice on their part to become more than they currently are. The truly disabled are another matter entirely, so bringing them up is only deflection and will not aid this discussion. When these citizens receive entitlements because they are uneducated and unskilled, this is their fault and not society’s. Education is available to every child free of charge. The property owners in your community pay taxes for this benefit so that we can all prosper if we choose to. So personal responsibility needs to be demanded from these citizens. The excuse of being disadvantaged when it is a self-made condition should be ignored after two, three, and four generations have passed. It is simply an excuse, not a reason. Continuing to allow them to stay in poverty by government largesse is only enabling the condition by a political party that advocates dependence. Why you accept this situation is anybody’s guess. Maybe you need to look at your own values as well.

If we do not take action to bring some sanity to these programs and paradigms, many shopkeepers and businesses will simply vanish, and the means to support this nation will collapse into chaos and misery, the same as the Soviet Union. It is your duty to make them listen. Speak up and be heard before it is to late.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/26/2012 10:56:16 AM
Hello Friends,

Evelyn the below article by Daniel Greenfield in a way compliments the open letter to B Hussein supporters. He goes off on a tangent the what B Hussein is trying to create is a "cult" of followers but that he failed in this endeavor. In his conclusion Daniel states that most of those that supported him in 2008 will do so again but not as willingly as in the past. Yep, he says they will drink the cool aide again but not with the same expectations that they had in 2008. It is a sad conclusion cos it doesn't say much for his supporters either intellectually or even in a more pragmatic sense that they can see that everything he promised never happened aside from fundamentally changing the United States into a bankrupt nanny state with empty coffers.



The Cult of Obama

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 08:51 PM PDT

The Corporate Cult evolved in the United States as a hybrid of the sales force of the corporation and the religious devotion of the cult. This type of entity might be a cult like Scientology, which used the aggressive and organized sales tactics and marketing campaigns of a corporation, or it could be a corporation like Apple, whose employees earn little, but feel a sense of satisfaction at being part of a meaningful entity.

The Obama Campaign is a fantastic marketing machine. It is constantly discovering new ways to sell things to people. But the problem is that it has no actual product. A company that goes corporate cult uses some of the tactics of a cult to inflate the value of its product. But a cult has no product except the sense of satisfaction that comes from being in the cult. The only things it sells are images of its leader, emblazoned everywhere, his books, speeches and photos, and these are used as tokens of membership in the cult.

In retrospect, the Cult of Obama had much in common with other cults. Like them it recruited young volunteers on campus. Its recruitment materials leaned heavily on books by its beloved leader. It promised them that a new age was coming and that they could be a big part of bringing it about. And its vector of introduction to older viewers was through a woman who has been accused of promoting cults on her popular television show.

Strip away the politics, forget the push and pull of the election issues, wipe the polar identities of the parties from your minds and take a fresh look at the 2008 campaign. Then compare the pitch to any of the major cults in the seventies and eighties. There really isn't all that much of a difference. They're all "Transformative" movements that promise to solve society's problems by using new insights to create a wave of change that begins with "us".

Even the political angle isn't new. Jim Jones and his murderous child-abusing cult started out as community organizers for California Democrats, and leading politicians, including saintly hero Harvey Milk, covered for his crimes until the whole thing got too big and Jones got too crazy. Long before Obama, Lyndon LaRouche went the campus cult route and if you are morbidly curious, you can find videos where "LaRouche Youth", who have broken ties with their families and friends, shout insane slogans while their glazed eyes stare fixedly into the camera.

The pitch is "Transformative" but it isn't the world that is being transformed, only the participants, and the method of transformation is constant labor and omnipresent awareness of the program. That is where the Cult of Obama's retention efforts fell through. Successful cults maintain control over a core cadre and use them to expand their base, but projects like Americorps did not come close to meeting those goals.

The corporate part of the Corporate Cult deals with adversity by redoubling the sales pitch. If sales fall, it finds more things to sell. The Obama Campaign is insanely intensifying its sales efforts, without understanding that its sales are falling because the value of the brand is failing. Many cult survivors dropped out during a similar phase when the cult supervisors pressured them to increase sales and recruitment, even as the cult was no longer relevant. When the history of this campaign is written, we will likely discover that the people on the inside were being just as ruthlessly pressured to achieve impossible goals to compensate for the failings of their candidate.

When businesses hysterically deluge you with offerings for their product, it's a sign of fear. Obama's campaign rolling out invitations to dinner with him and suggestions that you use your wedding to raise money for him stinks of that same fear. It's ingenious from a marketing standpoint, but from that same standpoint, it's also a bad tactic. The last thing that a company or a campaign wants to do is wear people out. But that is exactly what Obama is accomplishing by burning through his base for a short-term cash grab, when what he really needs is to have those people committed to him at the end.

Obama's people are clever, but not good, which is a common combination at dot com companies that go under when the trend passes them by. The Obama trend has long since gone and no one is all that excited about another four years. Like Steve Jobs debuting one more feature, the campaign has doled out gay marriage and the DREAM Act to gets its base excited about another four years. But it still isn't excited. These are features that it expected years ago and it's not in the mood to work itself up into a frenzy over finally getting them.

This is the part where the marketing consultants spend six months on a study and inform the company that their brand is done and has to either be retired or salvaged through a high-profile campaign that will reinvent it as cutting edge. But when your brand is a man, how do you reinvent him? And when your brand is "Transformative Politics" and even your staunchest supporters don't feel like anything has been transformed, how do you move the product?

Cults shift the burden of failure from the guru and the program to the participants. It isn't the man or the idea that failed, but the people.

There are the outside enemies who make enlightenment impossible. "How very much I've tried my best to give you a good life. But in spite of all of my trying a handful of our people, with their lies, have made our lives impossible," Jim Jones said at Jonestown. That is the epilogue of the Obama campaign. The one being scripted for him by the media.

Like Jim Jones, Obama has done his best to give us a good life, but the Republicans, FOX News, the Supreme Court, the Koch Brothers and powerful interests have sabotaged his efforts with their lies. And yet in the end it's not the enemies who bear the final burden, but the people who weren't good enough.

Cults demand more and more from their followers to impose upon them an unreasonable and unshakeable burden of guilt. The cult appeals to those who want to make more of their lives, and it destroys their will by making them feel like failures. The Obama campaign's endless demands of its followers have that tenor as well. Behind all the flowery words, the burden of responsibility is being shifted from his people to his supporters.

The cult frames everything in terms of commitment. What begins as a commitment to personal and global transformation becomes a commitment to the demands of the cult. The commitment is meant to be mutual, and it is occasionally even framed in terms of a marriage.

"In all our years of marriage, he's always looked out for me. Now, I see that same commitment every day to you and to this country," Michelle Obama's campaign mailing says. "The only way we'll win this election is if we can rely on one another like that."

The commitments, of course, aren't mutual. They can't be. The disparity in power is too great. The cult exists for the sake of the leader, but the leader does not exist for the sake of the cult. Once the followers realize this, the illusion of mutual commitment breaks down. And to keep them from realizing it, the cult strives to make them feel that they have not lived up to their commitment.

The cult intrudes into personal and marital relationships because it cannot allow any commitment to dwarf the greater commitment. That is why cults will arrange marriages and control whom members may marry. It may command divorces or just solicit donations to its cause at a wedding. It acts as if it knows no boundaries, but, in truth, it is setting its own boundaries. It is claiming the intimate territory of personal relationships as its own.

And yet all this only works for as long as the transformative illusion endures. When the sense that the commitment to the cult is not transformative, that the principles of its program cannot make a better world, then its power fades away and dies. The cult may amp up its marketing, but the only product that it ever truly had was intangible.

The Obama campaign never sold Obama; it sold the idea of Obama. The illusion that was more than the sum of his false biography, his chin up speeches full of momentous pauses and stolen poetry, or the typography of his posters. It was the sense of imminence, the perception of a transformative figure who could change the country and the world. That magnetic tug wasn't Obama, it was the confused mess of desires, fears, hopes, dreams and wishes that the people were encouraged to project onto him.

The essential product of every cult is the promise of global transformation through personal transformation. Years later, few people can say that their lives are any better, and while many are still willing to echo Jim Jones and blame that on outside enemies, there is no real faith that the program can work.

Whether or not Obama wins again, his cult has failed. It failed because it was not able to deliver on its promises of transformation, nor was it able to place the blame on its followers. Most of those who voted for Obama will drink the Kool-Aid one more time, but there will be little enthusiasm in the drinking of it.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/26/2012 12:31:49 PM

Hi Peter

No one ever mentions all thousands of Palestinians that Obama allowed into the country without the regular checks. How many were there? What happened with them? Are they busy creating more cells so they can train more terrorists?

The elitists want a One World government but so do the Muslims. That should make for an interesting war.


Hello Evelyn & Friends,

A very interesting open letter to B Hussein supporters. The facts in the letter are indisputable and the point you raised that he still has many supporters (including in Adland) I find very hard to understand. I've asked the question many a time and the only logical conclusion I can think of is that these supporters are so entrenched in their "entitlements" that logic and the truth are simply beyond their comprehension. The thought of possibly losing their entitlements drives them bonkers and what they don't realize that they'll lose them faster under the B Hussein regime cos this guy's bankrupting the country and all the entitlement payments will cease cos there'll be no money to pay them with.

The "Open Letter" is definitely recommended reading and maybe it'll open the eyes of a few people but I believe what'll be more effective is to see the "magnificent accomplishments" of this administration in the past three and half years might be more of an eye opener then a letter that has to be read and comprehended. The old saying a picture is worth a thousand words might be what is really needed and the below list of B Hussein's accomplishments since 2008 might do the trick. At least I hope it will.



Hello Peter and friends, many's the time we've all read articles and comments by Obama supporters here at ALP and even though I know the majority of them will never change their mind or open their eyes to the truth I decided to go ahead and post this article. This is an excellent article that has so many truths in it and just maybe it will open at least one person's eyes to the sorry mess this country is in and the failure of this sitting president who's proven to be one of the worst, if not the worst president we've ever had, but I really doubt it. Anyway, for those who already have their eyes open I think you'll find this a great article hitting on many truths that can't be denied.

An Open Letter To Obama Supporters

June 25, 2012 By Alan P. Halbert

It is fair to say that our nation is divided amongst political viewpoints that resemble a chasm of thought, beliefs, deeds and actions that seem insurmountable while we struggle with an economic calamity unseen since the Great Depression. This transient economic situation has been not only our problem but the worlds as well. Our recession has circled the globe with the piper finally coming due for all the years of ignoring the reality of unbridled expenditures. The dearth of spending by our nation and the socialist nations of Europe is causing the world’s economies to crash under the weight of obligations to their own citizens.

We have always been a nation that has prided ourselves on our work ethic, that is until the “New Deal” came about with Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the 1930’s, the refrain from many during this time was “Mr. Roosevelt gonna save us all.”

It was then that America began to change; it was hard at first, as many just wanted a job, not a handout, and their abject rejection of “charity” was central to the average citizen at that time. Slowly, as the Depression wore on and heavily on our citizens, they were forced to change their perspectives as utter desperation was staring them in the face day-after-day. And hunger is a merciless master. It was also a time of great changes happening in the world, and many citizens were seeing the rise of Fascism and Communism being played out in Europe as they dealt with their economic collapse as well. This caused many of us to question whether these new “collectivist” schemes were viable. After all, there was a great divide between the rich and poor in those days, much more than we have today.

However, everyone forgot the heyday of the roaring twenties as the economy boomed and you could make a fortune on the stock market almost overnight. Practically everyone had money in the market: secretaries, schoolteachers, laborers, homemakers. Times were good.

As we move forward to today, we have a situation that is similar, if not the exact same conditions that we faced then. And it is being handled in exactly the same way now as then. The only difference we have is that the attitude of our citizens has changed. This is because the name of these same types of programs that Roosevelt championed have been repackaged and called “entitlements” instead of relief or assistance programs so the stigma of charity has been removed and charity has become institutionalized by the federal government.

Citizens now feel entitled to these benefits, and many have certainly paid their “dues” through the years with ever larger taxes to pay for all of this spending, though most would rather have a job and the quiet dignity that earning an honest living brings.

How many supporters of President Obama have taken the time to consider the consequences to the increasing costs associated with ever-increasing programs that have been forced upon the American taxpayer? In addition, even if these are the right things to do, why aren’t these expenses planned for and budgeted? Much less any consideration and appreciation to the people that actually pay for these benefits, which is that pitifully small group of citizens known as taxpayers. Instead, they are being vilified as selfish, and told that they certainly should be doing more? Our president, instead of asking all of our citizens to pull together and help one another, declares that these taxpayers are being greedy and demands that these citizens pay their “fair share.” Do you support this?

All Americans should understand that sacrifice is needed to solve the slump we are in. However, when the budgetary process is nonexistent and the Senate (through the leadership of Harry Reid) will not even bring a budget to vote on the floor of the Senate, clearly, this is not dutiful care of our collective treasure and destiny!

This has resulted in the largest deficits and debt since WWII when measured against the GDP and this type of spending will continue as it now sustenance expenditures to our citizens. It is being paid for by an ever-decreasing portion of the nation’s citizens, day-after-day and year-after-year. Do you understand at some point the system will collapse under its own weight? What will be the consequence of this, with almost half of our citizens receiving “entitlements” without any collection of federal income taxes from them to pay for it all, as more collect benefits while less pay for it, all in a downward spiral?

Do you support the expansion of endless legislation (that has thousands of pages) that create an ever-larger government and agencies upon agencies demanding more tax dollars and placing restrictions on commerce that will only cause the industrious to say, enough and just retire and remove opportunity, jobs and income from our economy? If you agree with all of this, just remember that the Constitution was only four pages, and it created all of the wonders that this nation has been (and I do mean “has been”). The rhetoric out of Washington these days is to pit neighbor against neighbor, and make cruel demands that only some be given all while many give none.

The collapse of the Soviet Union came about by the failure of their economic system, where the government had central planning and steered the economic fortunes of its citizens. They never had anywhere near the veritable life of luxury we have enjoyed. It collapsed for one reason and one reason only: it defied an immutable law of economics in that it took away the incentive for the citizen to get ahead and become more than we are at any one time, simply put, to climb the ladder of success. It happened in thousands of places in their nation at the same time since, their system created two economies: one was sanctioned, and the other sprang up of its own volition and required brutal force to suppress. It was the manager who operated the butcher shop, shoe store, the neighborhood gas station, and the clothing store that made the choice to sell the pitifully small amount of goods they produced and had to sell out of the back door and around the corner in the alley and pocket the money themselves. Of course, this was illegal, however their economic system was at odds with human nature, so it was doomed to die a slow death by apathy, and a life filled with drudgery was all a citizen had to look forward to. Is it any wonder Vodka was cheap and plentiful as their citizens numbed their dull and perfunctory existence with alcohol as a brief respite from reality. Ironically it was only one of a few goods that did not thrive on the black market, as the state controlled stores practically gave it away.

This is where all these programs, ideas and beliefs end up in the dust bin of history. While you may support these redistributive measures, can we really afford to have half of our citizens paying taxes with the others not? How is such a system fair? If you really believe this is best for our nation, then it is your responsibility to make sure that at least the people that pay the freight get a fair deal, demand accountability out of Washington, and demand that the vilification of these good citizens stop. After all, you support these ideas and programs, please treat those who finance them with the respect they deserve. They are not your ATM, cash cow, or enemy. They are simply citizens complying with a cruel system that requires much from them, while all too many reap the rewards without enduring the same sacrifice.

Please also understand that many are living in their condition of poverty by choice, and can with some hard work and sacrifice on their part to become more than they currently are. The truly disabled are another matter entirely, so bringing them up is only deflection and will not aid this discussion. When these citizens receive entitlements because they are uneducated and unskilled, this is their fault and not society’s. Education is available to every child free of charge. The property owners in your community pay taxes for this benefit so that we can all prosper if we choose to. So personal responsibility needs to be demanded from these citizens. The excuse of being disadvantaged when it is a self-made condition should be ignored after two, three, and four generations have passed. It is simply an excuse, not a reason. Continuing to allow them to stay in poverty by government largesse is only enabling the condition by a political party that advocates dependence. Why you accept this situation is anybody’s guess. Maybe you need to look at your own values as well.

If we do not take action to bring some sanity to these programs and paradigms, many shopkeepers and businesses will simply vanish, and the means to support this nation will collapse into chaos and misery, the same as the Soviet Union. It is your duty to make them listen. Speak up and be heard before it is to late.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/29/2012 2:54:30 AM

You know Peter, no matter how many word pictures proving that Obama is the worst president ever, there are still those who refuse to see it and for those I guess there really is no hope.

Hello Evelyn & Friends,

A very interesting open letter to B Hussein supporters. The facts in the letter are indisputable and the point you raised that he still has many supporters (including in Adland) I find very hard to understand. I've asked the question many a time and the only logical conclusion I can think of is that these supporters are so entrenched in their "entitlements" that logic and the truth are simply beyond their comprehension. The thought of possibly losing their entitlements drives them bonkers and what they don't realize that they'll lose them faster under the B Hussein regime cos this guy's bankrupting the country and all the entitlement payments will cease cos there'll be no money to pay them with.

The "Open Letter" is definitely recommended reading and maybe it'll open the eyes of a few people but I believe what'll be more effective is to see the "magnificent accomplishments" of this administration in the past three and half years might be more of an eye opener then a letter that has to be read and comprehended. The old saying a picture is worth a thousand words might be what is really needed and the below list of B Hussein's accomplishments since 2008 might do the trick. At least I hope it will.



Hello Peter and friends, many's the time we've all read articles and comments by Obama supporters here at ALP and even though I know the majority of them will never change their mind or open their eyes to the truth I decided to go ahead and post this article. This is an excellent article that has so many truths in it and just maybe it will open at least one person's eyes to the sorry mess this country is in and the failure of this sitting president who's proven to be one of the worst, if not the worst president we've ever had, but I really doubt it. Anyway, for those who already have their eyes open I think you'll find this a great article hitting on many truths that can't be denied.

An Open Letter To Obama Supporters

June 25, 2012 By Alan P. Halbert

It is fair to say that our nation is divided amongst political viewpoints that resemble a chasm of thought, beliefs, deeds and actions that seem insurmountable while we struggle with an economic calamity unseen since the Great Depression. This transient economic situation has been not only our problem but the worlds as well. Our recession has circled the globe with the piper finally coming due for all the years of ignoring the reality of unbridled expenditures. The dearth of spending by our nation and the socialist nations of Europe is causing the world’s economies to crash under the weight of obligations to their own citizens.

We have always been a nation that has prided ourselves on our work ethic, that is until the “New Deal” came about with Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the 1930’s, the refrain from many during this time was “Mr. Roosevelt gonna save us all.”

It was then that America began to change; it was hard at first, as many just wanted a job, not a handout, and their abject rejection of “charity” was central to the average citizen at that time. Slowly, as the Depression wore on and heavily on our citizens, they were forced to change their perspectives as utter desperation was staring them in the face day-after-day. And hunger is a merciless master. It was also a time of great changes happening in the world, and many citizens were seeing the rise of Fascism and Communism being played out in Europe as they dealt with their economic collapse as well. This caused many of us to question whether these new “collectivist” schemes were viable. After all, there was a great divide between the rich and poor in those days, much more than we have today.

However, everyone forgot the heyday of the roaring twenties as the economy boomed and you could make a fortune on the stock market almost overnight. Practically everyone had money in the market: secretaries, schoolteachers, laborers, homemakers. Times were good.

As we move forward to today, we have a situation that is similar, if not the exact same conditions that we faced then. And it is being handled in exactly the same way now as then. The only difference we have is that the attitude of our citizens has changed. This is because the name of these same types of programs that Roosevelt championed have been repackaged and called “entitlements” instead of relief or assistance programs so the stigma of charity has been removed and charity has become institutionalized by the federal government.

Citizens now feel entitled to these benefits, and many have certainly paid their “dues” through the years with ever larger taxes to pay for all of this spending, though most would rather have a job and the quiet dignity that earning an honest living brings.

How many supporters of President Obama have taken the time to consider the consequences to the increasing costs associated with ever-increasing programs that have been forced upon the American taxpayer? In addition, even if these are the right things to do, why aren’t these expenses planned for and budgeted? Much less any consideration and appreciation to the people that actually pay for these benefits, which is that pitifully small group of citizens known as taxpayers. Instead, they are being vilified as selfish, and told that they certainly should be doing more? Our president, instead of asking all of our citizens to pull together and help one another, declares that these taxpayers are being greedy and demands that these citizens pay their “fair share.” Do you support this?

All Americans should understand that sacrifice is needed to solve the slump we are in. However, when the budgetary process is nonexistent and the Senate (through the leadership of Harry Reid) will not even bring a budget to vote on the floor of the Senate, clearly, this is not dutiful care of our collective treasure and destiny!

This has resulted in the largest deficits and debt since WWII when measured against the GDP and this type of spending will continue as it now sustenance expenditures to our citizens. It is being paid for by an ever-decreasing portion of the nation’s citizens, day-after-day and year-after-year. Do you understand at some point the system will collapse under its own weight? What will be the consequence of this, with almost half of our citizens receiving “entitlements” without any collection of federal income taxes from them to pay for it all, as more collect benefits while less pay for it, all in a downward spiral?

Do you support the expansion of endless legislation (that has thousands of pages) that create an ever-larger government and agencies upon agencies demanding more tax dollars and placing restrictions on commerce that will only cause the industrious to say, enough and just retire and remove opportunity, jobs and income from our economy? If you agree with all of this, just remember that the Constitution was only four pages, and it created all of the wonders that this nation has been (and I do mean “has been”). The rhetoric out of Washington these days is to pit neighbor against neighbor, and make cruel demands that only some be given all while many give none.

The collapse of the Soviet Union came about by the failure of their economic system, where the government had central planning and steered the economic fortunes of its citizens. They never had anywhere near the veritable life of luxury we have enjoyed. It collapsed for one reason and one reason only: it defied an immutable law of economics in that it took away the incentive for the citizen to get ahead and become more than we are at any one time, simply put, to climb the ladder of success. It happened in thousands of places in their nation at the same time since, their system created two economies: one was sanctioned, and the other sprang up of its own volition and required brutal force to suppress. It was the manager who operated the butcher shop, shoe store, the neighborhood gas station, and the clothing store that made the choice to sell the pitifully small amount of goods they produced and had to sell out of the back door and around the corner in the alley and pocket the money themselves. Of course, this was illegal, however their economic system was at odds with human nature, so it was doomed to die a slow death by apathy, and a life filled with drudgery was all a citizen had to look forward to. Is it any wonder Vodka was cheap and plentiful as their citizens numbed their dull and perfunctory existence with alcohol as a brief respite from reality. Ironically it was only one of a few goods that did not thrive on the black market, as the state controlled stores practically gave it away.

This is where all these programs, ideas and beliefs end up in the dust bin of history. While you may support these redistributive measures, can we really afford to have half of our citizens paying taxes with the others not? How is such a system fair? If you really believe this is best for our nation, then it is your responsibility to make sure that at least the people that pay the freight get a fair deal, demand accountability out of Washington, and demand that the vilification of these good citizens stop. After all, you support these ideas and programs, please treat those who finance them with the respect they deserve. They are not your ATM, cash cow, or enemy. They are simply citizens complying with a cruel system that requires much from them, while all too many reap the rewards without enduring the same sacrifice.

Please also understand that many are living in their condition of poverty by choice, and can with some hard work and sacrifice on their part to become more than they currently are. The truly disabled are another matter entirely, so bringing them up is only deflection and will not aid this discussion. When these citizens receive entitlements because they are uneducated and unskilled, this is their fault and not society’s. Education is available to every child free of charge. The property owners in your community pay taxes for this benefit so that we can all prosper if we choose to. So personal responsibility needs to be demanded from these citizens. The excuse of being disadvantaged when it is a self-made condition should be ignored after two, three, and four generations have passed. It is simply an excuse, not a reason. Continuing to allow them to stay in poverty by government largesse is only enabling the condition by a political party that advocates dependence. Why you accept this situation is anybody’s guess. Maybe you need to look at your own values as well.

If we do not take action to bring some sanity to these programs and paradigms, many shopkeepers and businesses will simply vanish, and the means to support this nation will collapse into chaos and misery, the same as the Soviet Union. It is your duty to make them listen. Speak up and be heard before it is to late.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/29/2012 3:00:16 AM

Hi Peter and friends, I wonder what those who are gloating over today's Supreme Court decision are going to do when they get hit with this tax mandate which will affect the young and the elderly the most.


In a real sense, the Supreme Court did not let Obama off the hook by striking down the law. Now he will have to defend it during the election.

Remember what this law does. It requires everyone to spend upwards of 7 percent of their income on health insurance or pay a fine of several thousand dollars. Neither is an attractive alternative for the young and the poor who are the president’s political base. And, with the expansion of Medicaid rejected by the Court, the government will not be there to help them.

In 2010, Democrats running for Congress (most of whom lost) did not even attempt to defend Obamacare. They put as much distance between themselves and the law as they could. But now, neither Obama nor his Senate and House candidates will have that option since the Supreme Court has kicked the football back into political play.

The rejection of the Medicaid expansion is huge. This mandate – which would have quadrupled the Medicaid population in some states (like Texas) would have forced all states to pass income taxes and required those with them already to raise them substantially. It required coverage of about a quarter of the country under Medicaid, something the states cannot afford.

Obama's "Victory" Will Defeat Him! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!


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