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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/29/2012 3:05:25 AM
I definitely would like to see the reaction of some people when they realize just what today's Supreme Court decision really means. I bet there will be much crying and gnashing of teeth if they ever do wake up and realize just what actually went down.
Court's Medicaid Reversal Big Win! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT
Published on Jun 28, 2012 by

The second shoe of the court ruling to drop -- the rejection of the Medicaid expansion -- is huge news for low tax states.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/29/2012 3:24:08 AM

I saw this over on FB and thought it explained things very clearly.

Well Meatheads!
I hate to interrupt your celebration
of the Obamacare victory today
but I thought you might want to know
that now the individual mandate is a tax
(not your employer or those rich fat cats)
will be forced to pay (out of your pocket) the tax
or else the IRS will:
Take it out of your tax return
Levy a fine against you
Seize your bank account or any other
assets you may have.
But Hey, you won, so party on dudes.
Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/29/2012 10:12:03 AM

Hi Evelyn

The Obamacare ruling should make a few more hundreds of thousands of people into homeless people once the IRS grabs everything including homes. Judging from what little I know about it, it seems to me that a lot of people will not be able to afford the premiums while the Muslims get free care on your dime because Medicare is against their religion. I haven't heard whether the same is what the Muslims are doing here in Canada or not. If not, I suppose it will just be a matter of time.

(NOTE: The underlined links you see in this post are not put there by me. It another annoying thing the stupid internet is doing. Pretty soon they will have so much junk in our way, we won't be able to type a letter or comment.)

A few years ago, I ran a business from inside the USA and had to hire people at minimum wage. I discovered there are just as many people on minimum wage in the USA (per capita) as there are in Canada, maybe even more. A family in Canada with both parents working at minimum wage could not afford the $300 per month for health care premiums. The minimum wage in Canada is $10 an hour.

Do I understand it correctly that the cost is about $300 per month? Of course, the health care premiums in Canada are subsidized through taxes. That's why we pay such high taxes compared to the USA.

I often see people in both countries compare health plans. It is like comparing apples to oranges. The Canadian government controls how much doctors are paid and how much it will pay for prescription drugs for those who qualify for assistance in this area ...etc.

It has been rather nice to know that my parents, my children and I can go to a doctor or hospital without worrying about having to pay for it but at the same time it took any responsibility for our own health out of our hands which I don't think is a good thing. Also people go to the doctor for the least little thing and somebody has to pay for it.

In Canada, it has been a very simple plan. We pay a monthly premium of about $100 per month for a family of 4 (I don't know the exact amount we pay because as a senior I pay nothing at all) and we can go to the doctor as often as we want for anything that ails us whether it's a tiny sliver or a huge cancerous tumor. For the most part, the system works fine. It does get over-loaded when the immigration department lets in too many immigrants in a given year without increasing health services.

American seniors want to come to Canada to live because of the so-called "free" health care. It is far from "free". It is paid for thru taxes. Every facet of the system is abused the doctors, by the hospitals and by the patients, thereby increasing the cost of it even more. People, for example, would think 3 times before seeing a doctor if the cost of the visit came directly out of their pocket.

If the USA wanted a health care system like Canada has, they would have to drastically reduce costs. Doctors would have to be paid less and the cost of hospitals and emergency care would have to be reduced. In Canada, the only thing that doesn't seem to be regulated is the number of doctor visits people can make and the wages of the health care system's employees (they have a strong union). Doctors are not happy about "not being paid adequately" and a number of them left for the USA.

Just to give you an idea of the difference in costs between Canada and the USA ... when I was doing business in the US, I had my first gallbladder attack. I didn't know what was wrong with me ..if I was having a heart attach or what. Fortunately, I had taken out extra health insurance just in case so everything was paid by our medicare in Canada and the insurance company.

An ambulance was called and about 4 of the best-looking paramedics came to look after me on the way to the hospital. A few firemen came to attend to me as well ..far more than I needed. I was in the hospital's emergency room for about 3 hours until the attack stopped. The total bill was about $1300.

Canadian medicare paid $331.00 and the rest was paid by the insurance company. The reason Medicare only paid $331 was because that is what they deemed their costs to be if I had had those services in Canada. I don't know if I have enough information to make a fair comparison so don't take all of this as gospel but it seems the health costs in the USA are far greater than in Canada.

I know that your post is not about Canadian medicare but I thought you might find the comparison interesting. There is much more in that Obamacare bill than just health care. That is the worst part.



I saw this over on FB and thought it explained things very clearly.

Well Meatheads!
I hate to interrupt your celebration
of the Obamacare victory today
but I thought you might want to know
that now the individual mandate is a tax
(not your employer or those rich fat cats)
will be forced to pay (out of your pocket) the tax
or else the IRS will:
Take it out of your tax return
Levy a fine against you
Seize your bank account or any other
assets you may have.
But Hey, you won, so party on dudes.
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/29/2012 12:43:20 PM
Hello Evelyn, Helen & Friends,

Yesterday we had two major happenings in Washington DC.

The first was the Supreme Court's ruling that taxes are constitutional therefor the individual mandate that the administration claimed was a "fine" and not tax is now called by its proper name a tax. Yet the Supremes did say that the individual mandate under the commerce law was unconstitutional but preferred to call it a tax. The original arguments made before the Supremes were ignored by the majority verdict of the Supreme Court which was to decide on the constitutionality of the law as passed by congress and not by the interpretations of law by the Supremes. Justice Kennedy in his minority verdict wrote that the law was unconstitutional from start to finish and unfortunately Justice Roberts chose his path in this case which was to call it a tax and making it constitutionally legal even though the administration and all its politicians swore that it wasn't a tax but Justice Roberts in this case decided it was.

The question remaining is will this TAX now become the downfall of the B Hussein regime? Only time will tell but the split Supreme Court decision favored the fraud giving him a temporary respite from his downhill "surge". Wonder how long that will last.

The second important "happening" yesterday was Congress voting AG Holder in contempt of Congress. This is extremely important cos quite a few Democrats voted to hold Holder in contempt. Many other Dems chose to protest the vote by leaving the "building" but their petty act didn't change the fact that Holder purposely withheld the documents he "promised" to supply Congress with and lied time and again to Congress.

By now most of us know what a contemptible person Eric Holder is and now he's officially in contempt of Congress. This little tidbit the result of his lies in regard to "Fast and Furious" might in the end be the downfall of the B Hussein regime. The temporary "win" with the Supremes will boomerang on them when the citizenry understand the scope of these "constitutional" TAXES and how it will effect them and their incomes.

All in all I must admit that I was disappointed with the Supremes ruling but in the long run it just might be a win for the "losers" this time.



Supreme Decision: The Best Possible Result for 2012

Posted by Bio ↓ on Jun 29th, 2012

Politically speaking there couldn’t have been a better Supreme Court decision. If Obamacare had been declared unconstitutional, the Democrats’ campaign in November would have been those horrible Republicans have politicized the Supreme Court and denied affordable healthcare to everyone. The focus would be on the court’s “unfairness.” The Democrats would have a plausible if unfair case (and in politics lack of fairness is a given). Advantage Democrats. Advantage because the last things they want to talk about are Obamacare and taxes. And that’s the second big plus from this decision. The focus – thanks to Justice Roberts – is going to be on the biggest tax increase in human history on everyone, not just the rich. And on the lies of Obama which dwarf those of Clinton. Obama promised no tax hikes on the middle class and then defended Obamacare before the Supreme Court as …. a tax.

As for the constitutionalists. Roberts’ argument makes sense to me. Yes the power to tax is the power to destroy, but it’s in the Constitution. So this decision doesn’t really change anything constitutionally. If you don’t like Obamacare, the remedy is to repeal it. Let the elections begin.

Here's a link to another related article that has a very interesting read on the Supremes decision.

This article is Alan West's opinion of the Black Caucasus' walk out "protest" and other Dems that chose to walk out rather then to vote.

By Alicia M. Cohn - 06/28/12 05:00 PM ET

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) on Thursday blasted his fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) for staging a walkout on a contempt vote by the House against Attorney General Eric Holder.

“Today the Congressional Black Caucus and other liberal Members of Congress judged the Attorney General by the color of his skin, and not by the content of his character,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “I am disappointed my colleagues would rather engage in a political stunt to distract the American people from knowing the truth behind the Attorney General’s disregard of the law and disrespect of congressional oversight to provide requested documents.”

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee last week moved to hold Holder in contempt, charging he had not cooperated fully with the committee’s investigation into the controversial gun-tracking operation known as “Fast and Furious.” The full House voted 255-67 on Thursday to hold Holder in contempt, but House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and many other Democrats joined the (CBC) in staging a walkout during the vote.

Pelosi tweeted that it was a “hyper-political contempt vote.” Democrat leadership has called it a "political witch hunt" against the administration.

West, an outspoken freshman congressman and a Tea Party favorite, is the only Republican member of the CBC. He voted in favor of the contempt resolution.

“Lady Justice wears a blindfold because she represents objectivity — in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favor, regardless of identity, money, power, gender or race,” he wrote.

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) tweeted a picture of the group of Democrats standing outside after the walkout.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/30/2012 10:17:49 AM
Hey Helen and Friends,

I thought I would add my 2 cents here about the cost of health care from my own experience over the last 5 years.

I was with a union contractor 5 years ago and had the "Cadillac Health Care Plan".
This was a PPO plan. For an office visit I would pay a Co-Pay of $10 per visit and for procedures the insurer would negotiate the bill per a schedule and pay 80% leaving the patient to pay 20%. The payment schedule is dictated by what the insurer and or the government will pay for a given procedure. ie The schedule does not cover the normal doctor and hospital fee to begin with. Note: Presently about 50% of our doctors here will not accept government medicare and social security right now and this will get worse as they are planning on lowering the customary fees paid even more. I have been with my primary care physician for 24 years now. A average visit in this day is about 10 minutes because he would have to close his practice due to the low payments he receives. He is stuck at this point because he has no other skill set that would support his family.

I am no longer with the union but even there I was paying $350/month plus all of the co-pays and 80/20 fees below. The union was paying the other $1000.00/month.

So now the cost of the plan I had for myself and Marilyn would be about 1300.00 a month plus the now $20 co-pay and the 80/20 arrangement for services. Hospitalization is a $50 co-pay and the 80/20 arrangement for services. I must not forget that all the supporting doctors and anesthesia charge the 80/20 arrangement as well.

About 2 years ago I fell from a ladder and the paramedics scooped up my unconscience body and threw it in their meat wagon and yarded me 8 miles to the emergency room. This ride was billed to me at $1300.00, the day in emergency room was 10,000 plus the doctors fees and Cat Scan of about $2000.00. This was all covered by workman's compensation insurance. I am still all screwed up and have to fight for 2 1/2 months to get the OK for the next visit.

Marilyn had an operation a year ago and the bill was about $10,000 which was covered by her medicare before Obama-care. Her plan is an 80/20 plan but she pays $100 per month for the extra coverage so the operation cost her about $1000.00. They say that she will not be able to buy the extra coverage under the Obama Plan so her costs will likely go up soon.

There are some major problems with Obama-care that have not been addressed. Tort Reform is a big thing that is needed here. I think that the looser of a malpractice tort should pay the lawyer and court costs. Some say that there should be a limit on the award but to be honest I disagree with this. The insurance market needs to be allowed to be across state lines to promote competition. Presently the Insurance Companies are limited to 3 or 4 choices in each state. The Obama plan would require that all the younger people purchase a full boat plan to support the seniors that have more need fore health care services. Younger people normally would be better off paying for their office visits and purchasing a lower cost catastrophic injury type of plan with higher deductable or copay.

We are going to have a very severe shortage of doctors available to handle the increased numbers of Obama-care patients which will basically mean that you will have to wait longer to get an appointment and as a result more people will die and the quality even before the death czars start rationing. Right now before Obama-care it will take 30 days to get an appointment.

I would be more than happy to build a raft for Obama, his supporters including his obviously racist supporters in the Black Caucus and don't forget his witch Mooshell and daughters to Nigeria were he could be more successful in his attempt to build the perfect banana republic and utopia.
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