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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/22/2012 1:41:46 AM

Hello Peter and friends. Here's another great article by one of my favorite CFP writers, Judi McLeod.

Grifter in Chief?

Barack Obama, the Illusion

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, June 20, 2012

If Barack Hussein Obama were a movie, he’d be the Steven Spielberg directed Catch Me if You Can.

Politicians and despots down through the ages have proven out as phonies, liars and thieves, but the one who took Barry Soetoro all the way to the White House as the self-proclaimed President Barack Obama, is a painstakingly crafted illusion.

Catch Me If You Can was a Hollywood blockbuster biographical film based on the slippery eel-like Frank Abagnale Jr., who before his 19th birthday, successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor, and a Louisiana bayou parish prosecutor. The primary crime of this ‘gifted’ grifter was check fraud. In fact he became so skillful at it that the FBI supposedly turned to him for help in catching other check forgers.

On screen, Tom Hanks played Hanratty, the FBI agent who worked with the infamous fraudster. Pretty Boy Leonardo DiCaprio took time out from saving the environment to play a credible Abagnale.

In real (if there’s anything real about Obama’s) life, Tom Hanks is an Obama sidekick; a fawning perennial White House dinner guest.

In real life imitating art, Soetoro/Obama has pulled off the biggest scam in history on an unsuspecting, economically challenged world.

Other authors have tried to pin the tail on the donkey called Obama, but biographer David Marraniss admits in his book “Barack Obama: The Story” that there was no Obama family.

Now we know why Obama’s brother George Hussein, living in a Kenyan shack on less than $1 a month gets no support from his wealthy brother, the president. They are not brothers.

Jack Cashill, the same investigative journalist and writer who broke the story that Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” was likely ghost-written by unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, writes in World Net Daily:

“In all the talk about David Maraniss’ new book, “Barack Obama: The Story,” the chattering classes seem to have overlooked the most significant of Maraniss’ revelations, namely that the story on which Obama based his 2008 candidacy is “received myth, not the truth.”

“My parents shared not only an improbable love,” said Obama famously in his 2004 Democratic Convention keynote, “they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation.” This concept of multicultural romance shaped his persona and his campaigns.

“At the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver, Obama leaped into the story in the very first sentence. “Four years ago,” he began, “I stood before you and told you my story – of the brief union between a young man from Kenya and a young woman from Kansas who weren’t well-off or well-known, but shared a belief that in America, their son could achieve whatever he put his mind to.”

As Maraniss concedes, these two young people shared very close to nothing. “In the college life of Barack Obama in 1961 and 1962,” writes Maraniss, “as recounted by his friends and acquaintances in Honolulu, there was no Ann; there was no baby.”

Although Maraniss talked to many of Obama Sr.’s friends, none of the credible ones ever so much as saw him with Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.

One Obama friend, a Cambodian named Kiri Tith, knew the senior Obama “very well.” He had also met Ann through a different channel. “But he had no idea,” writes Maraniss, “that Ann knew Obama, let alone got hapai (pregnant) by him, married him, and had a son with him.”

In other words, Obama’s spun fairytales on his Kenyan family were as bogus as the faux Greek columns from which he first strode onto the world stage at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

As a president, Obama makes a perfect knockoff.

Designed down to the last politically correct detail, for making it well past his best-before date, he just had to be half black, half white, metrosexual, the Underdog of Underdogs; an illusion that could never be nailed down and exposed.

The Catch Me If You Can Obama nightmare needs the hope and change of Catch Obama Before He Brings Down Civilized Society.

Among his manufactured lies and myths one has to wonder if Obama’s past is the only ‘pretend’ part of his life.

What about his present? Is Michelle Robinson really his wife or another composite to help complete the perfect picture of a man, a wife, two children and a dog?

With so many still out on the hunt for his birth certificate rather than his DNA, the illusion is gathering moss, growing grass, and maybe even run by people smoking it.

We know Obama the 44th President of the USA is utterly bogus. All we don’t know is who master-minded Frankenstein in the horror laboratory.

Most importantly, will we ever know how much Barry Soetoro of real life Catch Me If You Can fame is being paid for the deliberately destructive Fundamental Transformation of America?

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/23/2012 12:51:40 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Once again Judi McLeod hit the nail on the head. The fact that B Hussein is a fraud and con man is a given. The fact that when his lips move he's lying is also a given. We've seen time and again how this guy lies without thinking twice about it.

Unfortunately he knows he can get away with it cos the MSM covers his a$$ time and again. They are as guilty as B Hussein is and those that still support him are either deaf, dumb and blind or simply happily waiting for their freebies and ignore the truths staring them in the face. Wonder how they'll feel when the checks will stop coming cos there is no money left in the coffers?

You know what the difference is between Frank Abagnale Jr. and the fraud and great pretender B Hussein? Frank excelled in every con he did. He had a superior intellect and had he focused on a legitimate occupation he would have succeeded at anything he set out to do. The same can't be said for B Hussein. He thinks he's brilliant and his supporters try and "sell" him as the smartest president ever but remember how tongue tied this idiot gets when his teleprompter goes on the blink or he's asked an off the cuff question. Then the so called "brilliant" fraud can't make a coherent statement and the uhs, ohs, and ums are the sum total of his capabilities. Far from brilliant and I'd venture to say closer to the village idiot then anything else.

His whole history is still the in question and as each day goes by more holes and lies are revealed. After all this there are still fools willing to vote for him. Amazing!!




Hello Peter and friends. Here's another great article by one of my favorite CFP writers, Judi McLeod.

Grifter in Chief?

Barack Obama, the Illusion

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, June 20, 2012

If Barack Hussein Obama were a movie, he’d be the Steven Spielberg directed Catch Me if You Can.

Politicians and despots down through the ages have proven out as phonies, liars and thieves, but the one who took Barry Soetoro all the way to the White House as the self-proclaimed President Barack Obama, is a painstakingly crafted illusion.

Catch Me If You Can was a Hollywood blockbuster biographical film based on the slippery eel-like Frank Abagnale Jr., who before his 19th birthday, successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor, and a Louisiana bayou parish prosecutor. The primary crime of this ‘gifted’ grifter was check fraud. In fact he became so skillful at it that the FBI supposedly turned to him for help in catching other check forgers.

On screen, Tom Hanks played Hanratty, the FBI agent who worked with the infamous fraudster. Pretty Boy Leonardo DiCaprio took time out from saving the environment to play a credible Abagnale.

In real (if there’s anything real about Obama’s) life, Tom Hanks is an Obama sidekick; a fawning perennial White House dinner guest.

In real life imitating art, Soetoro/Obama has pulled off the biggest scam in history on an unsuspecting, economically challenged world.

Other authors have tried to pin the tail on the donkey called Obama, but biographer David Marraniss admits in his book “Barack Obama: The Story” that there was no Obama family.

Now we know why Obama’s brother George Hussein, living in a Kenyan shack on less than $1 a month gets no support from his wealthy brother, the president. They are not brothers.

Jack Cashill, the same investigative journalist and writer who broke the story that Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” was likely ghost-written by unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, writes in World Net Daily:

“In all the talk about David Maraniss’ new book, “Barack Obama: The Story,” the chattering classes seem to have overlooked the most significant of Maraniss’ revelations, namely that the story on which Obama based his 2008 candidacy is “received myth, not the truth.”

“My parents shared not only an improbable love,” said Obama famously in his 2004 Democratic Convention keynote, “they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation.” This concept of multicultural romance shaped his persona and his campaigns.

“At the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver, Obama leaped into the story in the very first sentence. “Four years ago,” he began, “I stood before you and told you my story – of the brief union between a young man from Kenya and a young woman from Kansas who weren’t well-off or well-known, but shared a belief that in America, their son could achieve whatever he put his mind to.”

As Maraniss concedes, these two young people shared very close to nothing. “In the college life of Barack Obama in 1961 and 1962,” writes Maraniss, “as recounted by his friends and acquaintances in Honolulu, there was no Ann; there was no baby.”

Although Maraniss talked to many of Obama Sr.’s friends, none of the credible ones ever so much as saw him with Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham.

One Obama friend, a Cambodian named Kiri Tith, knew the senior Obama “very well.” He had also met Ann through a different channel. “But he had no idea,” writes Maraniss, “that Ann knew Obama, let alone got hapai (pregnant) by him, married him, and had a son with him.”

In other words, Obama’s spun fairytales on his Kenyan family were as bogus as the faux Greek columns from which he first strode onto the world stage at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

As a president, Obama makes a perfect knockoff.

Designed down to the last politically correct detail, for making it well past his best-before date, he just had to be half black, half white, metrosexual, the Underdog of Underdogs; an illusion that could never be nailed down and exposed.

The Catch Me If You Can Obama nightmare needs the hope and change of Catch Obama Before He Brings Down Civilized Society.

Among his manufactured lies and myths one has to wonder if Obama’s past is the only ‘pretend’ part of his life.

What about his present? Is Michelle Robinson really his wife or another composite to help complete the perfect picture of a man, a wife, two children and a dog?

With so many still out on the hunt for his birth certificate rather than his DNA, the illusion is gathering moss, growing grass, and maybe even run by people smoking it.

We know Obama the 44th President of the USA is utterly bogus. All we don’t know is who master-minded Frankenstein in the horror laboratory.

Most importantly, will we ever know how much Barry Soetoro of real life Catch Me If You Can fame is being paid for the deliberately destructive Fundamental Transformation of America?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/23/2012 1:13:54 PM
Hi Evelyn & All,

Here's an interesting article from the brilliant Daniel Greenfield. It compliments Judi Mcleod's article and adds an even more sinister side to it. Daniel contends that B Hussein is conning the American people from day one and as usual goes into detail explaining his opinions and views. The proof again is staring us all in the face and all we have to do is accept the facts and understand that the fraud and great pretender is on the con 7/24/365. No rest of him, is there?



King Con: The Legend of Obama

Posted: 17 Jun 2012 07:24 PM PDT

Let us suppose for a moment that Obama's endorsement of gay marriage was a courageous step, rather than an admission of an opinion that everyone but a few dupes knew he already held. Now let's allow that moment to pass, because if, as liberals say, it was the right thing to do, then why did he wait so long to do it?

(A preview of the next Newsweek cover)
When Obama first came out against gay marriage, he was doing it to pander to voters. Now that he came out for gay marriage, he was pandering to a different set of voters. A small set with deep pockets who needed a reason to cheer him and donate to him.

No matter how many rainbow halos Newsweek sticks around his photoshopped head, there is no escaping the inescapable conclusion that Obama's alternating opposition and support for two men holding hands in a Las Vegas chapel while an Elvis impersonator pronounces them man and man, has nothing to do with his ideals and everything to do with precise political calculations.

Liberal apologetics explain Obama's decline as the woes of a naive idealistic lad, another Mr. Smith who spends too much stuttering and playing golf, to be able to properly explain to America why it needs to get in touch with its inner liberal child. But if Obama had been that fellow, he would have given his Adam and Steve speech a few days into his administration, not after a few years and some heckling from gay rights advocates.

Obama's Dream Act is a creature from the same closet. Trade in the rainbow halo for a tricolor sombrero and give Latino voters something to chew on going into the election. There's nothing idealistic about the maneuver. Much as liberals want their Josiah Bartlet, instead they've got David Hampton, who's slick, smooth and completely unprincipled.

If legalizing illegals is the right thing to do, then like gay marriage, it was the right thing to have done years ago. Instead the timing testifies that it wasn't the right to do for America. It was the right thing to do for Obama.

Obama deciding to carpet bomb American jobs would be bad enough, but what's worse is that he did it in the service of his own needs. It's grand scale policymaking whose only purpose is to get one man another four years doing a job that he isn't very good at. And if a few hundred thousand Americans have to lose their jobs for him to get his back, that doesn't bother him.

Liberals can defend a politician who comes out for gay marriage or legalizing aliens, but how do you defend a man who does these things not because he believes in them, but because they're convenient for him at a given place and time. You can't defend him as a deep thinker who doesn't seem to know how to handle real world politics. And you certainly can't defend him as a babe in the woods who just wants to make the country a better place. A man who does these things has only one agenda and all the liberal pieties come second to keeping his ass firmly in the Oval Office chair.

The unpleasant truth that Obama supporters have to face is that he isn't losing because of anything that the Republicans have done. He isn't losing because of FOX News or Rush Limbaugh. Those are reasons why Republicans are winning, but they're not the reason why he's losing.

Americans generally don't hate him. What they hate is seeing their finances unravel while the only thing he has to offer them is another sonorous speech that tries to remix FDR, JFK and LBJ but only leaves them worried and scratching their heads.

Obama in 2008 was like Madoff in the 90's. He had a good suit and an even better line. Mostly he made people feel like he was going places and if they hitched their wagon to his hybrid, they would go places too. But Obama in 2012 is more Madoff in 2008. The patter is still good, but nobody's seeing any money and they're starting to get worried. Suddenly the, "Let's invest trillions in America" line sounds like the biggest scam in the world.

Every time Obama walks out to give another speech, what hundreds of millions of people hear is a drawn out, "Just trust me." The check is in the mail. I sent it out last week. You want me to talk to Helen in accounting, I can do that. I'll go talk to her right now. We'll clear this thing right up. But I promise you'll get your money. I just have to work a few things out. But it's in the mail. Just trust me.

Liberals agonize that Obama isn't communicating to the American people. But he is communicating, the problem is that he has nothing to communicate to them. Just another round of blaming everyone else while telling people that "the rich" have their money. And once people have listened to that, once they've sat through another 54 minutes of, "Some say that ______, but I say_______" what then?

Then you go back to the people who gave you money when you were just working your way up. The people you began ignoring once you got into the big leagues. But now you come right back to them and endorse gay marriage. No more "not defending" the Defense of Marriage Act, which happens to be law. No more "not enforcing" Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Now you're committed.

Now you'll openly endorse gay marriage, and stop enforcing whatever relevant laws remain, because what the hell, the white men care about that sort of thing are never going to vote for you anyway. But if they did, if you could get all those white men back, why you'd run out on your gay pride fundraiser and be over to Virginia or North Carolina in a minute, denying that you ever contemplated accepting Adam and Steve.

Any gay donors who don't know that Obama is as reliably politically monogamous as David Bowie, will figure it out when he begins carving out a new territory in the dark hours of the election. Just as Latinos will figure out that a man who will deport them in the hopes of boosting employment numbers and then offer them a "Get Out of Deportation" card before the election, is about as likely to keep his word to them, as he is to Middle America.

Obama became popular whoring himself out to Chicago's aging Socialists on an Anti-War platform. But before you could whistle, "Hail to the Chief", he was in office and had his war on. Liberals who backed Obama over Hillary Clinton on his anti-war credentials, might just as easily have gone with John Edwards. They would have been screwed either way.

Now that Obama has done the gays and Latinos, look for him to go running back to the anti-warries to show them how many wars he's ended. And just like gay marriage and the Dream Non-Act, he did it right in time for the election.

"Afghanistan? Taken care of. Gay marriage, done. Dream Act, done. We've got gay illegal alien soldiers getting married in empty cells in Guantanamo Bay. What more do you guys want from me?"

How about the truth? But that's the one thing that Obama doesn't give anyone. You can have made up stories about his agonizing quest to come to terms with being a half-black half-hippie space alien, but don't ask him what he's actually going to do a year from now or whom, if anyone, he's loyal to. If you want a speech that invokes the Gettysburg Address and the time that his white grandmother said something racist, he can have that for you in 15 minutes or less. But don't ask him why he violated every promise that he ever made, often more than once.

David Hampton conned money out of wealthy Hollywood liberals by pretending to be Sidney Poitier's son. Obama conned money out of them by pretending to be America's son, the man who would finally reconcile their contradictory identities as Americans and as liberals by inspiring the country to be as liberal as it could be. Like David Hampton, Obama was lying to them.

Obama certainly tilted America leftward, but he didn't do it through inspiration, he did it through deception. This was not an administration that created a new consensus, but one that functioned as its own closed door consensus that it occasionally stepped out to announce to the American People.

Not only didn't Obama win the argument, but he lost the election. Congress snapped back to the right so fast that it might have been a rubber band on steroids. And this was to Obama's advantage because it allowed him to spend the next two years blaming his own laziness, corruption and ineptitude on a Congress which had only tilted right because of him.

Most legends are about heroic deaths. The warrior who falls in defense of his cause. His nobility enshrined in defeat. That's the story that liberals want to tell about Obama. A great man who was too good for us. Who fell in the electoral field because he was too honest, too decent and too right for us to acknowledge his virtues. But that's not the story of Obama. It's not even in the same fairy kingdom as his story.

Obama isn't losing because he's too good to cheat, too noble to mess with the political process, too decent to answer the evil Republicans in kind, too idealistic to turn the system to his advantage, or any of the ridiculous myths being spun to explain his fall. He is losing because he has done all these things and more, in the service of nothing but his own power.

Before Obama lied to America, he lied to the left. Before he cheated us, he cheated them. Now he comes to them with some pink underwear and a tricolor sombrero and the people he conned eagerly cheer for him, the way that investors cheered when despite all the investigations around him, he sent them a check.

"If it was all scam, why would he be sending us money? If it's all a scam, why did he endorse gay marriage and illegal aliens?" That's the mark's question that hangs in the air and there is no answer. The question is already the answer. If you're looking for proof that you haven't been conned, it's the best proof that the con has already happened.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/25/2012 8:31:55 PM
Hello Peter and friends, many's the time we've all read articles and comments by Obama supporters here at ALP and even though I know the majority of them will never change their mind or open their eyes to the truth I decided to go ahead and post this article. This is an excellent article that has so many truths in it and just maybe it will open at least one person's eyes to the sorry mess this country is in and the failure of this sitting president who's proven to be one of the worst, if not the worst president we've ever had, but I really doubt it. Anyway, for those who already have their eyes open I think you'll find this a great article hitting on many truths that can't be denied.

An Open Letter To Obama Supporters

June 25, 2012 By Alan P. Halbert

It is fair to say that our nation is divided amongst political viewpoints that resemble a chasm of thought, beliefs, deeds and actions that seem insurmountable while we struggle with an economic calamity unseen since the Great Depression. This transient economic situation has been not only our problem but the worlds as well. Our recession has circled the globe with the piper finally coming due for all the years of ignoring the reality of unbridled expenditures. The dearth of spending by our nation and the socialist nations of Europe is causing the world’s economies to crash under the weight of obligations to their own citizens.

We have always been a nation that has prided ourselves on our work ethic, that is until the “New Deal” came about with Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the 1930’s, the refrain from many during this time was “Mr. Roosevelt gonna save us all.”

It was then that America began to change; it was hard at first, as many just wanted a job, not a handout, and their abject rejection of “charity” was central to the average citizen at that time. Slowly, as the Depression wore on and heavily on our citizens, they were forced to change their perspectives as utter desperation was staring them in the face day-after-day. And hunger is a merciless master. It was also a time of great changes happening in the world, and many citizens were seeing the rise of Fascism and Communism being played out in Europe as they dealt with their economic collapse as well. This caused many of us to question whether these new “collectivist” schemes were viable. After all, there was a great divide between the rich and poor in those days, much more than we have today.

However, everyone forgot the heyday of the roaring twenties as the economy boomed and you could make a fortune on the stock market almost overnight. Practically everyone had money in the market: secretaries, schoolteachers, laborers, homemakers. Times were good.

As we move forward to today, we have a situation that is similar, if not the exact same conditions that we faced then. And it is being handled in exactly the same way now as then. The only difference we have is that the attitude of our citizens has changed. This is because the name of these same types of programs that Roosevelt championed have been repackaged and called “entitlements” instead of relief or assistance programs so the stigma of charity has been removed and charity has become institutionalized by the federal government.

Citizens now feel entitled to these benefits, and many have certainly paid their “dues” through the years with ever larger taxes to pay for all of this spending, though most would rather have a job and the quiet dignity that earning an honest living brings.

How many supporters of President Obama have taken the time to consider the consequences to the increasing costs associated with ever-increasing programs that have been forced upon the American taxpayer? In addition, even if these are the right things to do, why aren’t these expenses planned for and budgeted? Much less any consideration and appreciation to the people that actually pay for these benefits, which is that pitifully small group of citizens known as taxpayers. Instead, they are being vilified as selfish, and told that they certainly should be doing more? Our president, instead of asking all of our citizens to pull together and help one another, declares that these taxpayers are being greedy and demands that these citizens pay their “fair share.” Do you support this?

All Americans should understand that sacrifice is needed to solve the slump we are in. However, when the budgetary process is nonexistent and the Senate (through the leadership of Harry Reid) will not even bring a budget to vote on the floor of the Senate, clearly, this is not dutiful care of our collective treasure and destiny!

This has resulted in the largest deficits and debt since WWII when measured against the GDP and this type of spending will continue as it now sustenance expenditures to our citizens. It is being paid for by an ever-decreasing portion of the nation’s citizens, day-after-day and year-after-year. Do you understand at some point the system will collapse under its own weight? What will be the consequence of this, with almost half of our citizens receiving “entitlements” without any collection of federal income taxes from them to pay for it all, as more collect benefits while less pay for it, all in a downward spiral?

Do you support the expansion of endless legislation (that has thousands of pages) that create an ever-larger government and agencies upon agencies demanding more tax dollars and placing restrictions on commerce that will only cause the industrious to say, enough and just retire and remove opportunity, jobs and income from our economy? If you agree with all of this, just remember that the Constitution was only four pages, and it created all of the wonders that this nation has been (and I do mean “has been”). The rhetoric out of Washington these days is to pit neighbor against neighbor, and make cruel demands that only some be given all while many give none.

The collapse of the Soviet Union came about by the failure of their economic system, where the government had central planning and steered the economic fortunes of its citizens. They never had anywhere near the veritable life of luxury we have enjoyed. It collapsed for one reason and one reason only: it defied an immutable law of economics in that it took away the incentive for the citizen to get ahead and become more than we are at any one time, simply put, to climb the ladder of success. It happened in thousands of places in their nation at the same time since, their system created two economies: one was sanctioned, and the other sprang up of its own volition and required brutal force to suppress. It was the manager who operated the butcher shop, shoe store, the neighborhood gas station, and the clothing store that made the choice to sell the pitifully small amount of goods they produced and had to sell out of the back door and around the corner in the alley and pocket the money themselves. Of course, this was illegal, however their economic system was at odds with human nature, so it was doomed to die a slow death by apathy, and a life filled with drudgery was all a citizen had to look forward to. Is it any wonder Vodka was cheap and plentiful as their citizens numbed their dull and perfunctory existence with alcohol as a brief respite from reality. Ironically it was only one of a few goods that did not thrive on the black market, as the state controlled stores practically gave it away.

This is where all these programs, ideas and beliefs end up in the dust bin of history. While you may support these redistributive measures, can we really afford to have half of our citizens paying taxes with the others not? How is such a system fair? If you really believe this is best for our nation, then it is your responsibility to make sure that at least the people that pay the freight get a fair deal, demand accountability out of Washington, and demand that the vilification of these good citizens stop. After all, you support these ideas and programs, please treat those who finance them with the respect they deserve. They are not your ATM, cash cow, or enemy. They are simply citizens complying with a cruel system that requires much from them, while all too many reap the rewards without enduring the same sacrifice.

Please also understand that many are living in their condition of poverty by choice, and can with some hard work and sacrifice on their part to become more than they currently are. The truly disabled are another matter entirely, so bringing them up is only deflection and will not aid this discussion. When these citizens receive entitlements because they are uneducated and unskilled, this is their fault and not society’s. Education is available to every child free of charge. The property owners in your community pay taxes for this benefit so that we can all prosper if we choose to. So personal responsibility needs to be demanded from these citizens. The excuse of being disadvantaged when it is a self-made condition should be ignored after two, three, and four generations have passed. It is simply an excuse, not a reason. Continuing to allow them to stay in poverty by government largesse is only enabling the condition by a political party that advocates dependence. Why you accept this situation is anybody’s guess. Maybe you need to look at your own values as well.

If we do not take action to bring some sanity to these programs and paradigms, many shopkeepers and businesses will simply vanish, and the means to support this nation will collapse into chaos and misery, the same as the Soviet Union. It is your duty to make them listen. Speak up and be heard before it is to late.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/25/2012 8:52:16 PM
When I watched this video it made me very angry as I remember all the groping and humiliation of some of our elderly and small children the TSA imposes on our US citizens on a daily basis. Watch this and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about and if it doesn't make you angry at least ask yourself how this man got into the US with all the restrictions now in place but then maybe they're only for certain people.

Islamic Terrorist Met With Top Obama Admin. OfficialsJune 25, 2012 By Daniel Noe


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