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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/16/2012 6:33:35 AM
Hello Friends,

Nigel Farage who might possibly be the only voice of reason in the EU parliament tells it like it is again. The imminent collapse of the EU is understood by most almost as a given but the show must go on and the European elitists who control the EU are carrying on as if everything is under "control", just like the progressive liberal democrats in the US are ignoring what's staring them in the face and the collapse of the United States.

The ludicrous example Farage gave of Italy having to fund 20% of the Spanish bailout of 100 Billion Euros. Italy is also on the verge of needing a bailout but she has to borrow 20 billion at 7% interest rate while Spain will only be obligated to pay 3% interest on the loan to the Italians. Make sense to you?

I wonder when they'll all understand that you can't spend more then you earn? Will they ever understand you have to cut spending in order to save the sinking ship?

Listen well and watch the EU collapse in front of your eyes and expect the same to happen in the US under the the leadership of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein.

I wonder if people understand that the United States is morphing under the B Hussein regime into a mirror image of the EU catastrophe? In November this guy's gotta be voted out of office and sent packing. I'm sure his going away party will be celebrated by conservatives nation wide.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/16/2012 12:29:43 PM
Hello Peter and Friends,

I concur with you Peter. Mr. Obama needs to go and the sooner the better. I would prefer that they pull out the stops and remove him as fast as humanly possible for treason and his total disregard for our constitution as well as his failure to live up to the oath that he swore to uphold. I saw a list of over 900 executive orders that he has signed in the last three years that were clearly point toward their plans to trigger this country's total collapse. These orders clearly have been put in place to facilitate a power grab should unrest and civil disorder break out within the US.

Actions speak louder than words and every step of the present Ruling Regime has been aimed in one direction. DOWN!!! This is the result of many years of planning by his co-conspirators. It is no accident that they all have ties to the Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Chairman Mao and the Communist Party. BO was raised in the Muslim Cult and has seething rage against colonialist powers. To make matters worse his mother, grandfather and grandmother were members of the Communist Party in Hawaii were Barry was raised after his mother dumped him. This was verified via their neighbor according to a local Cal State Worker with direct knowledge.

The Great Pretender promised that he could turn water into wine, feed the masses with three fish and put a new green machine in each garage while the world's countries would be living the utopian dream singing Cumbaya. Yes he is the great uniting force that has brought the world's peoples to a loving and trusting utopia. Many have experienced weakness and spasm in their legs and often times pass out and or soil themselves in his presence. He has actually been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his ability to breath, lie and read a teleprompter at the same time. He is the first American President to have visited all 57 States. He has all of the answers and is omnipresent and referred to as the ONE in his mind.

So here we are listening to Fox and the rest of the media talking about what a nice guy he is, or saying that he doesn't understand business and the economy and making otherwise ridiculous excuses for his failure to lead us to recovery.

Meanwhile the RNC establishment seems to be inept and powerless to make the inroads needed to right our course. The MSM has been bought by the puppet masters ie. Obama's Czar's, shadow governmental organizations with the real skin in the fight. They are totally above the law and share common interests and desires to take over the US and World by creating total collapse. The 99% that they are using in their fight against freedom and human rights in the end will find themselves picking **** with the chickens and likely without real means to save themselves.

There is a recurring theme to BO, his life and history. He is a narcissist and he believes the world should revolve around him. It is his way or the highway and we are lucky to have him. Unfortunately this Muslim antichrist has had the world handed to him on a silver platter for most of his life and judging from his poor work habits and bad upbringing we would do well to take him out of office as soon as possible and by what ever means it takes. Their are a number of Christians in Kenya that were barred in their churches and burned alive by Odinga followers after Barack violated the Logan act as a Senator supporting his communist candidacy for president of Kenya.

How many of our Presidents have actually spent millions to hide and or rewrite his history to hide the fact that he is not even qualified via birth to be president. Michelle Obama was disbarred for extortion and Barack gave up his bar license so that he could seal it.

We need to throw this man to the curb.
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/16/2012 3:48:08 PM
Hey Rick,

Excellent post and you covered most of this guys defects along with his agenda to destroy the United States.

Add to all that his islamic agenda and empowerment of the muslim brotherhood within his administration. His aiding and abetting the jihadis around the world even within the borders of the America.

The amazing thing is that with all the damage he's already responsible for no one is calling to charge him with treason or label him a traitor to his country. His total disregard for the Constitution and Congress and the Senate. He thinks he can do what he wants when he wants and unfortunately so far it's working and he's not been held accountable for his actions.

Yeah, we have to rid ourselves of this abomination as soon as possible and the sooner the better. By November he has enough time to worsen America's already dire situation and our lawmakers have to start doing their job and reign him in and not allow him the free hand to whatever he wants whether it's legal or not.



Hello Peter and Friends,

I concur with you Peter. Mr. Obama needs to go and the sooner the better. I would prefer that they pull out the stops and remove him as fast as humanly possible for treason and his total disregard for our constitution as well as his failure to live up to the oath that he swore to uphold. I saw a list of over 900 executive orders that he has signed in the last three years that were clearly point toward their plans to trigger this country's total collapse. These orders clearly have been put in place to facilitate a power grab should unrest and civil disorder break out within the US.

Actions speak louder than words and every step of the present Ruling Regime has been aimed in one direction. DOWN!!! This is the result of many years of planning by his co-conspirators. It is no accident that they all have ties to the Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Chairman Mao and the Communist Party. BO was raised in the Muslim Cult and has seething rage against colonialist powers. To make matters worse his mother, grandfather and grandmother were members of the Communist Party in Hawaii were Barry was raised after his mother dumped him. This was verified via their neighbor according to a local Cal State Worker with direct knowledge.

The Great Pretender promised that he could turn water into wine, feed the masses with three fish and put a new green machine in each garage while the world's countries would be living the utopian dream singing Cumbaya. Yes he is the great uniting force that has brought the world's peoples to a loving and trusting utopia. Many have experienced weakness and spasm in their legs and often times pass out and or soil themselves in his presence. He has actually been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his ability to breath, lie and read a teleprompter at the same time. He is the first American President to have visited all 57 States. He has all of the answers and is omnipresent and referred to as the ONE in his mind.

So here we are listening to Fox and the rest of the media talking about what a nice guy he is, or saying that he doesn't understand business and the economy and making otherwise ridiculous excuses for his failure to lead us to recovery.

Meanwhile the RNC establishment seems to be inept and powerless to make the inroads needed to right our course. The MSM has been bought by the puppet masters ie. Obama's Czar's, shadow governmental organizations with the real skin in the fight. They are totally above the law and share common interests and desires to take over the US and World by creating total collapse. The 99% that they are using in their fight against freedom and human rights in the end will find themselves picking **** with the chickens and likely without real means to save themselves.

There is a recurring theme to BO, his life and history. He is a narcissist and he believes the world should revolve around him. It is his way or the highway and we are lucky to have him. Unfortunately this Muslim antichrist has had the world handed to him on a silver platter for most of his life and judging from his poor work habits and bad upbringing we would do well to take him out of office as soon as possible and by what ever means it takes. Their are a number of Christians in Kenya that were barred in their churches and burned alive by Odinga followers after Barack violated the Logan act as a Senator supporting his communist candidacy for president of Kenya.

How many of our Presidents have actually spent millions to hide and or rewrite his history to hide the fact that he is not even qualified via birth to be president. Michelle Obama was disbarred for extortion and Barack gave up his bar license so that he could seal it.

We need to throw this man to the curb.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/18/2012 4:30:12 AM
Hey Peter,

I found this article that deals with the founders views of how to handle BO. Unfortunately while his stench is strong I suspect it will take something stronger than Right Guard.

CURL: Obama: A domestic enemy of the U.S. Constitution


“Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation — I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.*

“* Unless, you know, 224 years from now, whoever happens to president simply decides he really doesn’t want to do that.”

- Article II, Section 1, Clause 8 of Barack Obama’s U.S. Constitution

The Founders set the course in a simple, concise, 35-word affirmation — the president’s top job is to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution. The chief executive does, of course, have other responsibilities, but his guardianship of the document they had just written was deemed by the Founders to be of such great import that they made him swear it — aloud, in front of witnesses.

In 1884, Congress, having no set oath of office, wrote its own: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same …”

Little did they know then that 128 years later, America would face just that: a domestic threat to the U.S. Constitution.

From the very beginning, the president and his administration made clear they had no intention of enforcing laws they didn’t like. Mr. Obama and his minions decided that they would simply stop enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act, no longer prosecute growers of “medical” marijuana, and let some states walk away from provisions in the No Child Left Behind law (which, by the way, was co-authored by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, and passed the Senate by a 91-8 vote).

Mr. Obama’s Justice Department has even more flagrantly flouted the laws of the land. Out of the blue, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, reinterpreted America’s gambling laws (and dumped the decision on Christmas Eve so as to avoid scrutiny). More recently, Mr. Holder has decided to thwart congressional oversight by refusing to release documents on the disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-running scheme, and he is actively fighting Florida for trying to expunge dead people from its voter rolls.

Now comes Mr. Obama’s decision to stop enforcing America’s immigration laws. The new policy states that illegal immigrants who were younger than 16 when they entered the country are eligible for a two-year exemption from deportation. Of course, the “deferred action process,” as Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano called it, will apply to illegals up to age 30. (Think when they legally get their driver’s licenses they will also be handed a voter registration card?)

The increasingly desperate Mr. Obama, once a constitutional professor, knows full well he is circumventing Congress. In March 2011 he told a group of young Hispanics: “America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the president, am obligated to enforce the law. I don’t have a choice about that. That’s part of my job.

“Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws,” he said. “There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as president.”

So why now? Politics. The Hispanic population in Florida, Virginia, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado may well decide the November election, and with working-class whites, religious blacks, disenchanted young people and Jews fleeing in droves, Mr. Obama is looking to shore up his support, even if that means violating his oath to protect the Constitution.

Continuing his nonstop campaign of division — black against white, rich against poor, straight against gay, religious against secular, race against race — the president is seeking to build whatever loose coalition of support he can. Forget bipartisanship; a coalition of the middle, Mr. Obama’s sole path to victory, he thinks, is to stir up so much discontent within different strata that he can win re-election.

Of course, the liberals who whined about President George W. Bush’s signing statements haven’t made a peep about Mr. Obama’s Napoleonic power grab.

“What’s ironic,” columnist Charles Krauthammer noted, “is for eight years, the Democrats have been screaming about the imperial presidency with the Bush administration — the nonsense about the unitary executive. This is out-and-out lawlessness.”

But that doesn’t matter when you are King Barack. The Founders were determined to make sure no American leader ever had the power King George III enjoyed. Which is why they also wrote this in the Constitution: “The president, vice president and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

• Joseph Curl covered the White House and politics for a decade for The Washington Times. He can be reached at

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Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/18/2012 2:18:10 PM

Hello Peter and all

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