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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/6/2012 11:26:09 PM

Hi Geketa and Peter, I found this article from WND very interesting and thought you might too. You know, I hold people like Oprah partially responsible for the sorry mess this fraud has gotten our country into because even though she, of all people, should have been educating people on Obama's shady background and the thugs he surrounded himself with and etc but instead the ONLY reason she supported him was because he was black, and that makes her racist to the core. She abused her power as one of the top female talk show hosts and I doubt very many people are going to forget that and I for one have no sympathy whatsoever for her predicament.

PS: Geketa, I happen to LOVE okra. A big plate of fried okra with sliced, home grown, tomatoes is delicious. That is a southern staple where I came from. :)

Oprah's career 'tanking because of Obama'

by Joe Kovacs

Oprah Winfrey’s virtual vanishing from America’s airwaves is the direct result of her political support for Barack Obama, according to the nation’s top-rated radio host.

“Oprah threw away her TV career for Obama,” Rush Limbaugh said this afternoon. “If you want to know why Oprah’s not on television anymore, it’s because she supported Obama. If you want to know why Oprah is flailing away on a cable network that nobody watches, it’s because of Obama.”

Oprah is best-known for her self-titled TV talk show, which became the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally broadcast from 1986 to 2011.

But her latest venture, the cable channel OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, is flirting with disaster, struggling to attract viewers since its debut in January 2011.

Last month, Bloomberg reported OWN may have lost a staggering $330 million since its inception.

“The company needs to provide investors with a roadmap for this business,” said Paul Sweeney, senior analyst with Bloomberg Industries. “Specifically, how long will they stomach these losses before they make a serious change in strategy?”

Limbaugh says Winfrey’s fall is not difficult to trace.

“Oprah decided that she would let her racial association take precedence over her television and broadcasting knowledge,” he said.

“When she decided that … she had Obama on [her show] and made him a millionaire. She put him on TV to sell his first book. It made him an overnight millionaire. It helped establish him as a rising figure in the Democrat Party. It helped get his biography out there. OK, that’s all well and good. There ought to be some gratitude from Obama for that.

“Then Oprah basically throws away her career by endorsing Obama. That’s when her likability number (the Q number, favorable number) started plummeting, along with her ratings. Because it was at that point that Oprah’s audience began to ask themselves – maybe suspect – ‘You know, maybe race matters to her more than all this other stuff that she talks about.’

Limbaugh says prior to Oprah’s public support for Obama, race was not a big deal with her.

“She was about self-improvement and all that yin-yang that her program was about,” he said.

“But people started now questioning all of that and how sincere it was. So she’s out on the campaign trail, and she sacrificed herself. This is not a sympathy play for Oprah. I’m just telling you what happened. Because in the process of doing all of this for Obama, where’s Oprah now? They don’t even let her in the White House because Michelle hates her, according to [Ed Klein's book, 'The Amateur'].”

“And Oprah is quoted in this book as saying that Michelle doesn’t like fat people ‘waddling around the White House,’ and Michelle felt threatened by Oprah because Obama liked Oprah. The bottom line is, Obama and Michelle ought to have eternal gratitude for Oprah Winfrey, and they don’t. And Oprah gave up a lot for ‘em. And by the same token, Obama ought to have a little gratitude for people that came before – and he doesn’t. He’s a lone wolf; he’s a lone player.”

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/6/2012 11:56:06 PM

Here is another GREAT article by Judi McLeod and as I write this there were also some excellent comments by some of the readers.

‘Humpty (Hussein) Dumpty’:

How Even the Mighty Can Fall

- Judi McLeod Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The high-handed US emperor stands before the world this morning buck naked. And it was the political events he manipulated himself that painted his portrait.

Governor Scott Walker’s handy defeat of Democratic opponent Tom Barrett, becoming the first governor in US history to survive a recall election, ending eight long months of bitter acrimony that kicked off all because he dared to scale back union rights, is Show and Tell Time 101 for spinmeister President Barack Hussein Obama.

For the first time a watching world can now view a puny Obama without the deliberate diversion of his props.

Talk about history being made!

Without the props and bling, Obama is not a pretty sight.

With 98 percent of the mainstream media eating out of his golf-calloused hand, with full control of communication, including personal hand-held devices, Obama’s union buddy thugs lost in the defeat of Democrat hopeful Tom Barrett.

One of the most celebrated spinoffs of the Wisconsin experience is how Democratic senators in town to stuff envelopes are now worrying about their own political skins.

Flash it up in neon lights: Forward is now going backwards for the Obama campaign.

Put that in your trademark teleprompter, Barry Soetoro!

As Americans who still have jobs head off to work today, the teleprompter guy’s top two groomers, the overbearing, I-get-to-tell-you-what-you-can-eat Michelle Obama and power crazed Valerie Jarrett are frantically searching for answers to how Wisconsin and the re-election of Lieutenant governor Rebecca Kleefisch in Wisconsin could have happened.

All of the trade unions and Hollywood celebrities are on their side…aren’t they?

Patriots out there trying to restore America finally have positive good news leading to the kind of hope and change that truly matters.

The media will blame the $62 million spent so far by the candidates and “outside” groups in returning the beleaguered Walker to office. Astroturfing David Axelrod will write off the biggest victory since midterms, Obama will practice his arrogant look in front of White House mirrors, the internet will be blitzed with “Send us $3 more” messages. But the fact remains that the most cunning spinmeister of all time today stands among the ruins of his own ego.

Tea Party members remind Canada Free Press (CFP) that some 4,000 TP members were on the ground working for months for Walker.

Here’s betting that by the time you are reading this GOP will already have stepped forward to claim the victory as their own.

But it really doesn’t matter. The long suffering grassroots of We the People proved that they know how to win elections, including where necessary, those seats warmed too long by RINOs (Republicans in Name Onlys).

With hard-earned taxpayer money, Barack, Michelle and the handpicked freeloaders in their traveling road show have been living in a fairytale world peopled by Hollywood phonies like George Clooney and Tom Hanks.

But their fairytale world has morphed into the most popular children’s’ nursery rhyme of all time:

No matter how you count the spoils Humpty (Hussein) Dumpty has had a great fall.

All the king’s horses (read asses) and all the king’s men (Bite Me) can’t quite put Humpty together again.


Geketa Holman

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/7/2012 9:10:18 PM
Hi Peter and All ,
Mary , I know about fried okra I used to eat the breading off and toss the okra out when I was a kid .. when you boil in it becomes very slimy as you know so, I suppose, I should have been more specific about what kind when I posted my reply. ;) I agree that the decline in her career is partly due to her support of Obummer. She should know by now to vet people before she supports or endorses them. Remember the author she supported and push his book and it wound up he was a total fake ? A Million Little Pieces is a semi-fictional[1] memoir by James Frey. It tells the story of a 23-year-old alcoholic and drug abuser and how he copes with rehabilitation in a Twelve steps-oriented treatment center. While initially promoted as a memoir, it was later discovered that many of the events described in the book never happened. Even a half truth is still a lie !


Hi Geketa and Peter, I found this article from WND very interesting and thought you might too. You know, I hold people like Oprah partially responsible for the sorry mess this fraud has gotten our country into because even though she, of all people, should have been educating people on Obama's shady background and the thugs he surrounded himself with and etc but instead the ONLY reason she supported him was because he was black, and that makes her racist to the core. She abused her power as one of the top female talk show hosts and I doubt very many people are going to forget that and I for one have no sympathy whatsoever for her predicament.

PS: Geketa, I happen to LOVE okra. A big plate of fried okra with sliced, home grown, tomatoes is delicious. That is a southern staple where I came from. :)

Oprah's career 'tanking because of Obama'

by Joe Kovacs

Oprah Winfrey’s virtual vanishing from America’s airwaves is the direct result of her political support for Barack Obama, according to the nation’s top-rated radio host.

“Oprah threw away her TV career for Obama,” Rush Limbaugh said this afternoon. “If you want to know why Oprah’s not on television anymore, it’s because she supported Obama. If you want to know why Oprah is flailing away on a cable network that nobody watches, it’s because of Obama.”

Oprah is best-known for her self-titled TV talk show, which became the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally broadcast from 1986 to 2011.

But her latest venture, the cable channel OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, is flirting with disaster, struggling to attract viewers since its debut in January 2011.

Last month, Bloomberg reported OWN may have lost a staggering $330 million since its inception.

“The company needs to provide investors with a roadmap for this business,” said Paul Sweeney, senior analyst with Bloomberg Industries. “Specifically, how long will they stomach these losses before they make a serious change in strategy?”

Limbaugh says Winfrey’s fall is not difficult to trace.

“Oprah decided that she would let her racial association take precedence over her television and broadcasting knowledge,” he said.

“When she decided that … she had Obama on [her show] and made him a millionaire. She put him on TV to sell his first book. It made him an overnight millionaire. It helped establish him as a rising figure in the Democrat Party. It helped get his biography out there. OK, that’s all well and good. There ought to be some gratitude from Obama for that.

“Then Oprah basically throws away her career by endorsing Obama. That’s when her likability number (the Q number, favorable number) started plummeting, along with her ratings. Because it was at that point that Oprah’s audience began to ask themselves – maybe suspect – ‘You know, maybe race matters to her more than all this other stuff that she talks about.’

Limbaugh says prior to Oprah’s public support for Obama, race was not a big deal with her.

“She was about self-improvement and all that yin-yang that her program was about,” he said.

“But people started now questioning all of that and how sincere it was. So she’s out on the campaign trail, and she sacrificed herself. This is not a sympathy play for Oprah. I’m just telling you what happened. Because in the process of doing all of this for Obama, where’s Oprah now? They don’t even let her in the White House because Michelle hates her, according to [Ed Klein's book, 'The Amateur'].”

“And Oprah is quoted in this book as saying that Michelle doesn’t like fat people ‘waddling around the White House,’ and Michelle felt threatened by Oprah because Obama liked Oprah. The bottom line is, Obama and Michelle ought to have eternal gratitude for Oprah Winfrey, and they don’t. And Oprah gave up a lot for ‘em. And by the same token, Obama ought to have a little gratitude for people that came before – and he doesn’t. He’s a lone wolf; he’s a lone player.”

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/8/2012 8:11:35 PM
[if !mso]> Hello Peter and Friends,

I ran across this article from the Texas Congress Woman Kay Granger concerning Obama's continued posturing by executive order. It is reasonable to conclude that much like his VP said "We may not be happy with BO's actions", that BO is preparing for a takeover as his numbers are dropping like a rock. The question of the day is where are the Republican Leaders when the need to grow a pair? This has taken on new meaning since the American people are throwing the Unions under the bus and their support may be in question since BO appears to by distancing from them or is this for appearances. Any way what says you and is Ron Paul out of it Jim?

Weekly Enewsletter: An Executive Order You Should Know About

Mar 30, 2012 Issues: Defense, Global War on Terror

Dear Friend,

With all that is going in Washington these days some things don’t make the news the way they should. Fourteen days ago President Obama issued an Executive Order that you should know about. This order gives an unprecedented level of authority to the President and the federal government to take over all the fundamental parts of our economy - in the name of national security - in times of national emergency.

This means all of our water resources, construction services and materials (steel, concrete, etc.), our civil transportation system, food and health resources, our energy supplies including oil and natural gas – even farm equipment – can be taken over by the President and his cabinet secretaries. The Government can also draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill "labor requirements" for the purposes of "national defense." There is not even any Congressional oversight, only briefings are required.

By issuing this as an Executive Order the President puts the federal government above the law, which, in a democracy, is never supposed to happen.

As President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he has the Constitutional authority to issue executive orders. And while similar orders have been made before by presidents from Eisenhower and Reagan to Clinton and George Bush – it has never been done to this extent.

It is still unclear why this order was signed now, and what the consequences are for our nation – especially during times of peace. This type of Martial Law imposes a government takeover on U.S. citizens that is typically reserved for national emergencies, not in a time of relative peace.

I want you to know I am following this very closely. If you would like to read the order for yourself please click here.



Kay Granger
Member of Congress

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Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
6/8/2012 9:39:02 PM
Hello Friends,

When I read the below article I couldn't stop laughing. I thought it was hilarious but not surprising ............. to me. Now to the ronbots it's a totally different story. I've been telling them for ages that all Ron wants is some power at the convention for deal making but they wouldn't listen. I told them they're being used and conned by Ron and his son and asked what they'll do when Ron endorses Romney but they failed to reply just told me that Romney was the lesser of two evils but still evil.

All the ronbots were fantasizing about the ronbot takeover of the GOP convention by a guy that couldn't get the popular vote so had a plan to try and steal the nomination. There was no way to convince them they were simply brainwashed by the real evil and that's Ron Paul and they were in lala land believing that will happen.

Well my ronbot friends (some of you are) read the below article and weep. Bet, many will say it just ain't true but Rand is just the beginning and next comes Ron himself. :) :) :) :)



By Emily Goodin - 06/08/12 06:52 AM ET

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) endorsed Mitt Romney on Thursday night but said his father would remain his "first pick."

"My first choice had always been my father. I campaigned for him when I was 11 years old. He's still my first pick," Paul told Fox News's Sean Hannity. "But now that the nominating process is over, tonight I'm happy to announce that I'm going to be supporting Gov. Mitt Romney."

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is still in the presidential race, although he's suspended his campaign and admittedWednesday he lacked the delegates to win the nomination. Romney has clinched the 1,144 delegates necessary for the nod.

The younger Paul, a freshman senator, is a Tea Party favorite who's seen as the heir to his father's libertarian legacy — along with the elder Paul's dedicated band of followers, a group that made the Texas congressman a fundraising force in the presidential campaign.

Sen. Paul told Fox News he met with Romney when the GOP presidential nominee was in Washington recently and that the two had a "kinship" on several issues.

"I think we have a lot in common, a lot of things that we will be able to fight together on," Paul said.

He also said he would campaign with Romney.

Romney said in a statement he was "honored" to have Paul's endorsement.

"Sen. Paul has been a leading voice in the effort to scale back the size and reach of government and promote liberty," he said. "I am grateful for Sen. Paul’s support and look forward to working with him to get America back on the right track.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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