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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/8/2012 7:49:49 PM
Hi Robert,

Jim Rohn definitely hit the mail on the head but when you get to the nitty gritty it is a motivational video that is well suited to our times and the pathetic occupiers.



Probably the best argument for the 1% crowds of late, or are they the 99%?

Jim Rohn says it best, and if one may think that he only speaks business and or motivation then please think again. ;-)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/8/2012 7:57:11 PM
Thanks Evelyn for a great article and yes it sure does compliment my post. The progressive and radical MSM and all their outlets have double standards. There are so many examples of they're crossing the line and instead of making an issue and scandal out of it they either ignore it or laugh it off.

The bottom line is that so much is being discovered about this Fluke gal that her effort is becoming the best joke in town. Believe it or not in a round about way she is connected to George Soros.




Hi Peter, how appropriate that I got the following article in an email today that compliments your post. Can we maybe say "Karma". Probably not the right word but I'm sure most will understand what I'm trying to say. Anyway this article perfectly explains the double standard in practice with the MSM.

Bill Bumpas - OneNewsNow - 3/6/2012 4:25:00 AM

A conservative media watchdog sees a double-standard in the way the mainstream media is handling the latest controversy surrounding talk-show host Rush Limbaugh.

Last week, Georgetown student Sandra Fluke complained before Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill that her school does not provide contraception coverage in its student health plan -- and that contraception can cost a woman more than $3,000 during law school.

Offering on-air comments on the law student's remarks, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh called Fluke a "prostitute" and "sl**" for advocating expanded access to birth control. Fluke, he said, "wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

The radio host has since apologized for what he calls his "insulting word choices."

Limbaugh's disparaging remarks about Fluke have created a media firestorm. But Dan Gainor with the
Media Research Center wonders where the outrage is over comedian Bill Maher.

"He's got an HBO program, he appears on CNN, [and] he appears on MSNBC. He gave a million dollars to Barack Obama's Super PAC," notes Gainor. "He's dropped words we can't even [repeat] ... calling women that. And I don't see any controversy about that at all, because the media pick and choose which controversies to hype and which ones not to."
Numerous advertisers have dropped their sponsorship of Limbaugh's show and even President Obama called Fluke on the phone to express his support.

"How many advertisers dropped when Ed Schultz called Laura Ingram that? Did Barack Obama call Lara Ingram on the phone and express his concern?" Gainor asks. "Where were the comments when Bill Maher called Sara Palin worse words? Did Barack Obama call her? Did the mainstream media make a big thing about it? No."

Gainor tells OneNewsNow it is all about media control and setting an agenda for an election year.

Different paths
commentary on Yahoo! News contrasts how Limbaugh and Maher have handled similar mistakes, noting that while Limbaugh has apologized, Maher has chosen a different path.

On Friday the liberal comedian rationalized his insults, stating that Limbaugh is responsible to his advertisers -- but because he airs on a pay-for-view cable network, Maher can say what he wants.

The commentator observes:
"Limbaugh managed to swallow his pride and showed himself to be a man and a gentleman by doing so. Maher, by making excuses, showed himself to be something else entirely."

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/10/2012 2:27:03 AM

Hello Peter and friends, here is an article from today's The Western Center for Journalism that I think you will find most interesting.

Obama Eligibility Controversy Receives International Attention

March 9, 2012 By

The English language version of the Russian publication “Pravda” (a word which ironically means either truth or justice) is revealing what perhaps is the most mind boggling piece of the puzzle of Barack Obama’s nativity story heretofore hidden from public knowledge.

“Arizona + Minor v. Happersett + Hawaii State/U.S. Citizenship issues = justia and the scrubbing of Minor off the internet=a puzzle coming together, showing what Obama really is” summarizes one columnist, commenting on Pravda’s scoop.

One free legal search site allegedly scrubbed the penultimate Supreme Court decision regarding definition of NATURAL BORN CITIZEN before the 2008 election; Minor v. Happersett either was just dropped or somehow (minimized) by “ (which) is owned by an Obama supporter.”

Pravda goes on to assert that the “systematic scrubbing of Minor v. Happersett in the summer of 2008 (involved) erasing the name and specific text quoted from the case, along with specific citations to it out of dozens of Supreme Court cases” citing Minor in “over 138 years of American Supreme Court History!” .

Further confusion of the entire nativity story involves a uniquely struck law specific only to Hawaii which conveys U.S. citizenship to any citizen of Hawaii born on or after April 30, 1900. And this is why, “the campaign itself created the entire birth certificate controversy” mainly pardon the pun, as a red herring to draw the public away from Minor.

In the Minor case Supreme Court Justice C.J. Waite delivered an opinion supporting ordinary citizen, Mrs. Virginia Minor, who had sued a Missouri election official who refused to sign her up as a voter because she was a woman. “According to the decision (in Minor);” at common-law with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens, also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162, 167 (1874).”

Pravda specifically points out: “As long as the public was wondering about what being born under ‘the British Nationality Act of 1948′ meant, and the birth certificate “birther” controversy in general, they were NOT looking into laws which would have legally prevented the senator from assuming the role of candidate and then President!”

And Pravda is calling Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s press conference “an earth shattering revelation.” “Without doubt, this is a serious Law Enforcement Officer, not one to be taken in by tin-foil-hat wearing loons.” In a very insightful evaluation of U.S. mainstream media, Pravda continues: “the American Press is aggressively protecting the presumed President of the United States, pushing the fraud upon both America and the world, supporting a man who may well have usurped the office. . .one can easily imagine the reaction of the press had this scenario been about George W. Bush in 2004.”

So we may very well have the answer to America’s spin control story on steroids from a famous Russian news outlet which is doing the story our own fourth estate simply will not touch.

When we have to get our truth from Pravda, what’s next?

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/14/2012 2:31:33 PM
Hello Friends,

I read about this in different news sources and I was surprised to say the least but when Pannetta and Gen. Dempsey appeared before the Armed Services Committee and blatantly stated they would go to war with UN or Nato approval without having to get congressional approval I was in shock. Here you have Gen Dempsey from the joint chiefs of staff and Sec, Defense of the USA saying congress can be bypassed like it was with the Libyan campaign.

Many of us are aware that one of B Hussein's main objectives is to minimize and in the end replace the Constitution with anything other then the laws of the land. This man wants to destroy America and turn her into a dependent country instead of the worlds leader. For him the sycophants in the UN are superior to Congress and the laws of the land.

Friends this guy's gotta go and it should be across the political spectrum unless you agree that the US should become subservient to the rat infested UN.

The below article and more importantly the video is proof positive that B Hussein hasn't got America's best interest in his mind and heart. The video is very telling and can't br misunderstood. The UN and NATO are superior to Congress.

Vote the fraud and great pretender him out of office in 2012.



Congressional Irrelevance

March 14, 2012 by

Congressional Irrelevance

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) appeared stunned during a March 7 Senate Armed Services Committee hearing when first Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey and then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said the Administration of President Barack Obama needed only an international legal basis to go to war, and Congress would be an afterthought.

What’s truly stunning is that Sessions would be surprised. Congress has been derelict in its duty for some time and has essentially allowed the President to function as an emperor. It ceded its authority after 9/11 when it allowed President George W. Bush to engage in the vaguely defined War on Terror and send American troops around the globe. Obama upped the ante in Pakistan and Libya and may be on the verge of doing so in Syria and Iran.

Congress has become a ceremonial body. Its 535 members are interested in lining their own pockets and passing legislation to benefit the banksters and large corporations than in Constitutional governance.!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/15/2012 3:41:52 AM

Hi Peter, here is another timely article from todays' Israel Hayom -

Poll: Most Americans back US strike on Iran nuke facilities

Reuters poll shows 56% Americans want the U.S. to launch military strike on Iran if there is proof of a nuclear weapons program • U.S. asks Russia to warn Iran that next round of nuclear talks will be last chance before Israeli strike • U.S. think tank says they have located secret nuclear testing site near Tehran.

Israel Hayom Staff

A majority of Americans would support U.S. military action against Iran if there was tangible evidence that Tehran was building nuclear weapons, even if such action led to higher gasoline prices, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday.

The poll encompassed 1,084 adults across the U.S., and was conducted between March 8 and 11. The margin of error is 3.1 percent.

The results indicated that 56% of Americans would support U.S. military action against Iran if there was evidence of a nuclear weapons program, while 39% opposed a military strike.

Asked whether they would back U.S. military action even if this resulted in higher gasoline prices, 53% said they would, while 42% said they would not. The poll also found that 62% of Americans would back Israel taking military action against Iran for the same reasons.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said all options are on the table in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program, but he has encouraged Israel to give sanctions against Iran more time to take effect. Iran insists its nuclear program is peaceful, but many Western countries believe its aim is to develop nuclear weapons.

Rising gasoline prices, in part due to tension in the Middle East, have put political pressure on Obama as he fights for re-election later this year. The Democrat president has also faced criticism from his potential Republican rivals for being too soft on Iran and not supportive enough of Israel.

The poll showed Republicans were more willing to support military action by the U.S. or Israel than Democrats, with 70% of Republicans saying they would back U.S. action, and only 46% of Democrats and 51% of independents saying the same.

“What we’re seeing is kind of a general trend that we always see, that Republicans tend to be more hawkish than Democrats or independents,” said Ipsos pollster Cliff Young. “Historically Republicans have been much more security-centric.”

The breakdown was similar when respondents were asked to factor in gasoline prices or their support of an Israeli military move.

Obama said on Tuesday that rising tensions with Iran and talk of an imminent military operation against it have caused the price of oil in the U.S. to rise. The statement came as polls showed American support for the president was dropping.

According to a poll published by ABC on Tuesday, only 38% of Americans support Obama’s economic policies -- a number that becomes more significant in the midst of a presidential election year.

The New York Times also published a poll on Tuesday which found that Obama’s approval rating had dropped by 9% recently and was now down to 41%, his lowest rating since he entered the White House in 2009.

In an interview with WFTV in Orlando, Florida, Obama said the main reason behind the global oil price hike was speculation over war in the Middle East, and that government officials had to curb their talk of a possible war with Iran.

In the U.S., the price of gasoline has risen by 12 cents over the past two weeks and now stands at $3.81 per gallon. In Los Angeles, the cost per gallon reached a record $4.35. In comparison, between the years 1998 and 2004, the price range per gallon was between $2 and $4.

The ABC poll showed that 54% of Americans felt Obama could do more to prevent the price of oil from rising.

Further signaling Obama’s waning support, the ABC poll also showed that GOP presidential candidate frontrunner Mitt Romney would defeat Obama if the elections were held today. The results indicated that Romney would receive 49% of the votes against 47% for Obama.

According to the poll, Obama would defeat GOP candidate Rick Santorum only by a narrow margin of 49% against 46%.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has reached out to an unlikely ally -- Russia -- in its bid to keep Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

According to a report in Russia’s Kommersant daily, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in which she told him that the situation with Iran was near the point of no return. Clinton was seeking to employ Russia as a go-between as the U.S. has no formal diplomatic relations with Tehran. If Iran does not change course soon, the report said, the U.S. feels military action will be the only remaining option.

“She asked her Russian colleague to make this clear to the Iranian authorities,” Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper translated the report as saying.

Clinton spoke to Lavrov in New York on the sidelines of the U.N. Security Council meeting on Syria.

In related news, a CNN blog reported Wednesday that a think tank in Washington believes it has pinpointed the location in Iran where secret explosives tests, connected with a covert nuclear weapons program, took place.

David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, gave an exclusive interview to the CNN blog Security Clearance and told the news network that his organization had located a building in the Parchin military complex, south of Tehran, that, according to CNN, “may be the location of a high-explosive test chamber.”

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, has repeatedly requested, and been denied, access to Parchin.


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