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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/15/2012 9:51:30 AM
Hi Evelyn,

Thanks for posting this article. Happily the results of the different polls show that Israel has the overwhelming support of the majority of the American people.

It also shows that the American people aren't buying B Hussein's excuses for high gas prices. Just the Keystone pipeline alone could drastically lower the price of gas and the genius B Hussein nixed that project in favor of dubious green projects that so far has proven to be a dubious science to begin with and the major green companies are going bankrupt even though they received massive bailout monies. Remember Solyndra?

There is already proof positive that Iran's agenda to become a nuclear power is a fact of life supported even by the rat infested UN.

Thanks again for sharing with us.




Hi Peter, here is another timely article from todays' Israel Hayom -

Poll: Most Americans back US strike on Iran nuke facilities

Reuters poll shows 56% Americans want the U.S. to launch military strike on Iran if there is proof of a nuclear weapons program • U.S. asks Russia to warn Iran that next round of nuclear talks will be last chance before Israeli strike • U.S. think tank says they have located secret nuclear testing site near Tehran.

Israel Hayom Staff

A majority of Americans would support U.S. military action against Iran if there was tangible evidence that Tehran was building nuclear weapons, even if such action led to higher gasoline prices, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday.

The poll encompassed 1,084 adults across the U.S., and was conducted between March 8 and 11. The margin of error is 3.1 percent.

The results indicated that 56% of Americans would support U.S. military action against Iran if there was evidence of a nuclear weapons program, while 39% opposed a military strike.

Asked whether they would back U.S. military action even if this resulted in higher gasoline prices, 53% said they would, while 42% said they would not. The poll also found that 62% of Americans would back Israel taking military action against Iran for the same reasons.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said all options are on the table in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program, but he has encouraged Israel to give sanctions against Iran more time to take effect. Iran insists its nuclear program is peaceful, but many Western countries believe its aim is to develop nuclear weapons.

Rising gasoline prices, in part due to tension in the Middle East, have put political pressure on Obama as he fights for re-election later this year. The Democrat president has also faced criticism from his potential Republican rivals for being too soft on Iran and not supportive enough of Israel.

The poll showed Republicans were more willing to support military action by the U.S. or Israel than Democrats, with 70% of Republicans saying they would back U.S. action, and only 46% of Democrats and 51% of independents saying the same.

“What we’re seeing is kind of a general trend that we always see, that Republicans tend to be more hawkish than Democrats or independents,” said Ipsos pollster Cliff Young. “Historically Republicans have been much more security-centric.”

The breakdown was similar when respondents were asked to factor in gasoline prices or their support of an Israeli military move.

Obama said on Tuesday that rising tensions with Iran and talk of an imminent military operation against it have caused the price of oil in the U.S. to rise. The statement came as polls showed American support for the president was dropping.

According to a poll published by ABC on Tuesday, only 38% of Americans support Obama’s economic policies -- a number that becomes more significant in the midst of a presidential election year.

The New York Times also published a poll on Tuesday which found that Obama’s approval rating had dropped by 9% recently and was now down to 41%, his lowest rating since he entered the White House in 2009.

In an interview with WFTV in Orlando, Florida, Obama said the main reason behind the global oil price hike was speculation over war in the Middle East, and that government officials had to curb their talk of a possible war with Iran.

In the U.S., the price of gasoline has risen by 12 cents over the past two weeks and now stands at $3.81 per gallon. In Los Angeles, the cost per gallon reached a record $4.35. In comparison, between the years 1998 and 2004, the price range per gallon was between $2 and $4.

The ABC poll showed that 54% of Americans felt Obama could do more to prevent the price of oil from rising.

Further signaling Obama’s waning support, the ABC poll also showed that GOP presidential candidate frontrunner Mitt Romney would defeat Obama if the elections were held today. The results indicated that Romney would receive 49% of the votes against 47% for Obama.

According to the poll, Obama would defeat GOP candidate Rick Santorum only by a narrow margin of 49% against 46%.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has reached out to an unlikely ally -- Russia -- in its bid to keep Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

According to a report in Russia’s Kommersant daily, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in which she told him that the situation with Iran was near the point of no return. Clinton was seeking to employ Russia as a go-between as the U.S. has no formal diplomatic relations with Tehran. If Iran does not change course soon, the report said, the U.S. feels military action will be the only remaining option.

“She asked her Russian colleague to make this clear to the Iranian authorities,” Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper translated the report as saying.

Clinton spoke to Lavrov in New York on the sidelines of the U.N. Security Council meeting on Syria.

In related news, a CNN blog reported Wednesday that a think tank in Washington believes it has pinpointed the location in Iran where secret explosives tests, connected with a covert nuclear weapons program, took place.

David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security, gave an exclusive interview to the CNN blog Security Clearance and told the news network that his organization had located a building in the Parchin military complex, south of Tehran, that, according to CNN, “may be the location of a high-explosive test chamber.”

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N.’s nuclear watchdog, has repeatedly requested, and been denied, access to Parchin.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/15/2012 1:35:14 PM
Hello Friends,

The Lake County Democratic in Florida put up an American flag with a picture of B Hussein in place of the stars. This is unthinkable and shows that these fools think he's the country and not the citizens and the states they live in. This is cult behavior and the fraud and great pretender might be their hero but only brainwashed idiots could do something of the sort.

I'm sure had the veterans living in the area not complained it still would be up and B Hussein would have had these disgusting flags raised nation wide. Thank G-d for the veterans to bring some sanity back even to braindead democrats who would stoop to such lows and degrade the American flag.

You can see the flag in the below article.



Democrats’ Obama Flag Offends Veterans

The Lake County Democratic Party in Florida put up a version of Old Glory featuring President Obama’s face in place of the stars this week. Veterans quickly protested the flag, which they called “disrespectful” and “ridiculous.” As reports:

[Jim] Bradford, an organizer with the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park in Leesburg, Fla., snapped photos of the flag and distributed them to fellow veterans and friends. By late afternoon, he and several other veterans delivered a copy of the federal flag code to Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party.

"We read that to her, but she would not accept that," Bradford said. "The discussion finally got a little bit heated."

The flag, which had been flying for several months without complaint and is available online for $12.95, was later removed by Hurlbert.

Hulbert was clearly upset about having to remove the flag – she said “it’s not about the flag … Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president.” She added that the flag might go back up.

But the question is why the flag was up in the first place. And the answer is that a bizarre cult of personality has been built around this president, far more than presidents of years past. No Republican would have flown a flag with George W. Bush on it, or even Reagan; no Democrat would have flown a flag with Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter on it. Some of Barack Obama’s supporters seem to believe that he is the country, or at least the embodiment of it. And that is deeply troubling.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/15/2012 2:51:16 PM
Hi All,

I'll be posting this both in the joke thread and in the president's thread. In the joke thread cos it is funny and in the president's thread cos it's so sad and represents what the fraud and great pretender B Hussein stands for.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/17/2012 7:45:43 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting video with Dick Morris on B Husein's Iranian policy, why he's giving away, to the Russians secret military information along with cutting America's nuclear arsenal.

It all boils down to his reelection and if he loses which I hope he does his actions will leave the United States in much worse condition which wouldn't bother him in the least.

Worse is that if reelected he'll carry on with the destruction of the United States with impunity cos he'll not have to worry about being reelected. If we thought his first term is a disaster his second term will be a catastrophe to America and the world.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/17/2012 12:18:09 PM
Hello Friends,

Who woulda thunk it, the AFL-CIO endorsed the fraud and great pretender B Hussein? Are any of you surprised that these goons want more of B Hussein? Aaaaaand they aren't alone amongst the different unions. They're all supporting their inept president cos they know he's one of them and will support them through thick and thin.

Read more about it in the below article.



AFL-CIO Endorses Obama, Boosts Ground Support for Democrats

Tuesday, 13 Mar 2012 05:47 PM

ORLANDO, Fla. — The AFL-CIO formally endorsed President Barack Obama's re-election bid Tuesday, saying it would mount a vast door-to-door effort for Democratic candidates in response to the flood of outside political money that conservative groups are pouring into the campaign.

The labor federation said its strategy is to devote less money than it did in 2008 to specific candidates' campaigns and Democratic campaign organizations and put more emphasis on old-fashioned, get-out-the-vote shoe-leather.

AFL-CIO political director Mike Podhorzer said up to 400,000 union members will be staffing phone banks and knocking on doors to persuade voters to support federal, state and local candidates.

"We're not going to ever raise anything like the kind of money that our opponents have," Podhorzer said. "But the power of people talking to each other, friends talking to friends, friends talking to neighbors, is always going to trump these cheap negative ads."

The strategy, announced at the AFL-CIO's annual winter executive council meeting near Disney World, marks a shift from two years ago, when about two-thirds of organized labor's political spending went directly to candidates and party campaign committees, Podhorzer said.

Unions hope to take advantage of a 2010 Supreme Court decisions that allows union campaign workers to stop at the homes of any voter, not just those of union members, Podhorzer said. The same ruling allows corporations and unions to spend unlimited cash in support of, or against, candidates for elected office.

Union leaders have said they plan to spend more this election cycle than the $400 million they say they spent helping elect Obama and other Democrats in 2008.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said unions are more enthusiastic about Obama than they were a year ago, when Obama was mired in a debate with House Republicans over deficit reduction and didn't seem focused on job creation.

"I think he's made a complete pivot," Trumka said of Obama.

Obama addressed the executive council Tuesday via conference call and thanked them for their support. His campaign manager, Jim Messina, addressed union leaders in person.

Podhorzer wouldn't say exactly how much the AFL-CIO itself will spend this cycle. The federation, which represents 57 unions and about 12 million members, spent more than $53 million during the 2010 campaign cycle.

The federation is devoting most of its attention to six battleground states: Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It also hopes to register at least 20 percent of an estimated 2.3 million active and retired union members who are not registered to vote.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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