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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/3/2012 7:36:53 PM

GREAT graphic Peter and yes it's true, a picture is worth a thousand words and even more in this case.

Hello Friends,

B Hussein and his administration have been apologizing every chance they get for the mistaken burning of a few korans. As I've said muslims see this as a weakness and believe they can do what they wish and nothing will be done to them. Unfortunately with the fraud and great pretender at the helm they're right.

The below graphic shows the results of his apologetics.



Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/6/2012 9:50:15 AM
Probably the best argument for the 1% crowds of late, or are they the 99%?

Jim Rohn says it best, and if one may think that he only speaks business and or motivation then please think again. ;-)

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/6/2012 2:50:14 PM
Hello Friends,

I was appalled that Rush Limbaugh apologized for his comments on this Fluke gal. It's amazing that once again the truth lost out cos of advertisers pulling their ads from a show. His apology assisted the progressive left wing radical MSM in winning their fight against the truth and making the truth bad and the lies good.

This Fluke woman had the audacity to ask for and expect us to pay for her sexual activities. This again shows that the freeby and entitlement crowd is alive and well.

When Rush called her a tart he hit the nail on the head and I can assure you all, that even though B Hussein told the Fluke that her parents should be proud of her they aren't.

Over the past few days I was really upset that Rush apologized but I decided that he's human and I guess his bosses pulled the plug on him cos of all the commotion about his remarks.

I have a different take on it all.

I actually think the name Fluke fits this whole situation extremely well. In a way it's similar to the nasty word f*ck and I think we can now stop using this word and call it Fluking. This Fluke gal is fluking away as a student and honestly thinks we should pay for it. The question is, are we allowed to limit her fluking to twice a week if we're paying for it or maybe three times a week? You do realize that when you pay for something you do have control over the product or service you're paying for so we can makes demands, rules and laws that have to be obeyed. Here's a partial list of rules and limitations.

1. No fluking like a bunny.

2. Fluking once or twice a week is more then enough when you're doing it on my/our dime.

3. If you want to fluke like a bunny then you have to do it at your own expense.

4. Every time you fluke on our dime you have to send in a report to the fluking board of advisers who will keep accurate records of all your fluking activities and see if you meet the requirements for fluking on our dime.

This fluking list is a work in progress and will be added to when necessary. Please see graphic below.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/7/2012 4:48:45 AM

Hi Peter, how appropriate that I got the following article in an email today that compliments your post. Can we maybe say "Karma". Probably not the right word but I'm sure most will understand what I'm trying to say. Anyway this article perfectly explains the double standard in practice with the MSM.

Bill Bumpas - OneNewsNow - 3/6/2012 4:25:00 AM

A conservative media watchdog sees a double-standard in the way the mainstream media is handling the latest controversy surrounding talk-show host Rush Limbaugh.

Last week, Georgetown student Sandra Fluke complained before Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill that her school does not provide contraception coverage in its student health plan -- and that contraception can cost a woman more than $3,000 during law school.

Offering on-air comments on the law student's remarks, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh called Fluke a "prostitute" and "sl**" for advocating expanded access to birth control. Fluke, he said, "wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

The radio host has since apologized for what he calls his "insulting word choices."

Limbaugh's disparaging remarks about Fluke have created a media firestorm. But Dan Gainor with the
Media Research Center wonders where the outrage is over comedian Bill Maher.

"He's got an HBO program, he appears on CNN, [and] he appears on MSNBC. He gave a million dollars to Barack Obama's Super PAC," notes Gainor. "He's dropped words we can't even [repeat] ... calling women that. And I don't see any controversy about that at all, because the media pick and choose which controversies to hype and which ones not to."
Numerous advertisers have dropped their sponsorship of Limbaugh's show and even President Obama called Fluke on the phone to express his support.

"How many advertisers dropped when Ed Schultz called Laura Ingram that? Did Barack Obama call Lara Ingram on the phone and express his concern?" Gainor asks. "Where were the comments when Bill Maher called Sara Palin worse words? Did Barack Obama call her? Did the mainstream media make a big thing about it? No."

Gainor tells OneNewsNow it is all about media control and setting an agenda for an election year.

Different paths
commentary on Yahoo! News contrasts how Limbaugh and Maher have handled similar mistakes, noting that while Limbaugh has apologized, Maher has chosen a different path.

On Friday the liberal comedian rationalized his insults, stating that Limbaugh is responsible to his advertisers -- but because he airs on a pay-for-view cable network, Maher can say what he wants.

The commentator observes:
"Limbaugh managed to swallow his pride and showed himself to be a man and a gentleman by doing so. Maher, by making excuses, showed himself to be something else entirely."

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/8/2012 7:46:52 PM
Hello Friends,

Bill Whittle came out with another excellent video. Today's topic is "The Battle of Big Ideas: Constrained vs Unconstrained". It's an interesting concept and two revolutions are compared the constrained American revolution and the unconstrained French revolution.

We can also add the so called Occupier's revolution which of course is the unconstrained version.



Before you can build a political house, you have to know what materials you have on hand. In Part 1 of The Battle of Big Ideas, Bill looks at the two visions of Mankind that Thomas Sowell has labeled "Constrained" and "Unconstrained," and the examples of their twin Revolutions: the Constrained American Revolution and the Unconstrained French Revolution.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7