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Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/14/2009 2:16:37 PM

Dear Myrna!

Thank You!



Rinna Rani

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/16/2009 12:20:09 AM
Hi Alain,
My dear sweet adorable friend.  I stopped by here just to wish you and everyone a Happy Valentine's Day.

Hope the celebration was a special one.

Lots of love, Rinna
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/25/2009 1:55:25 PM

Hello Alain.

I was taking a few moments to re-read some of the posts here.

One thing has occurred to me.

As "Older"" or "Adult" people we seek,  even if not expect, respect from younger people.

This is often brought about by our desire to instill values in young people and we then expect that our words have been listened to and followed.

What we sometimes forget is that we need to show respect to young people. They are not, as we all know, all thugs.

We,(I use the term loosely) tend to say "These young people today are........." and lump them all together. They reasonably get annoyed by this, just as we would get annoyed if they said "these older people always.............

Respect has to earned but we should be generous with it.


Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/25/2009 8:30:19 PM

Dear Roger!

Thank You for coming back and sharing some more thoughts on the subject...

I personally often felt that this need of imposing respect from adult to younger people was not much respect related anymore... but much more expressing the need or even obligation of you as a young person to listen to me as an adult - as I am supposed to know what I am talking about (nothing is as far from truth) - and even do what I ask you to do... Adults are using respect here in a sense of imposing a power upon young people... This is not much respect anymore!

I agree with You that respect goes both ways and we, as adults, certainly need to learn to be more respectful of the young ones. And, in my humble opinion, if we could cease from thinking that we possess the Truth and start to listen to others even much younger people, we would be very much surprised by the wisdom shared and we could learn so much more...

With Lots of friendship,



Kim Stilwell

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/25/2009 10:29:04 PM

Boy I have always agreed that too often young people are "lumped together" under certain negative labels that claim "this generation" doesn't have the values, respect, work ethic, etc.. that "we grew up with."  In reality I agree that there are some awesome young people today who Do possess these things and the only real difference is it's a different world today, a different set of circumstances, that perhaps some can't relate to and thus can't recognize these virtues in.  I'm sure it's also true that people may judge the whole based on what they see in the margins...we can assume the whole generation is corrupt just like some say that "all" men are heels or "all" women are only out for your money, etc.  It's amazing how we can generalize or form opinions of a whole based only on perhaps a few personal experiences or observations.

On another note, we parents of today can hardly expect our kids to automatically be respectful and mature if the only respect we are exposing them to are our threats that they better be!  How many times I have observed parents displaying intolerant impatience and a total lack of regard for their kids in public, yelling at them about being good or polite or about "listening" all the while displaying to them everything that opposes what they are demanding in the kids.  Makes you wonder if such adults/parents believe that they grew up just knowing and following good habits without patterns of good behavior being modeled to them.  I honestly think that some today are acting like children to their children and expecting them to be adults.

What a subject! It can be kindled in alot of directions.  I do agree that there is no fear and no reason not to respect all people as much as it is possible, because as much as we do is probably as much as we respect ourselves, as you can only truly give what you truly possess and cannot give well what you do not possess, you think?          Kim


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