
Who is Kim Stilwell?

Kim Stilwell

Kim Stilwell
BirthdayTuesday, December 19, 1961
Member SinceTuesday, October 4, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, September 11, 2010
LocationRoscommon, Michigan, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I live with a deep sense of Calling in God for about 30 years now since I gave my life To God and was made aware of Callings in and by him.  This sense has never left me for any brief time and through all the trials and battles of life and valleys of hurt and pain, which most of us do encounter at some or more than some times, I have "...lifted my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help..." (Psalm 121:1-2), and I have been met with help, not often or always from man, but from God. I didn't learn God as much as I came to know him.  Even in the beginning, I heard inside me, answers when I needed and asked for them, that were not audible but yet very distinct and clear. 


About 12 years ago I heard that God would "Restore my Family," during a time that I had been in great pain and sense of lostness and futility, after 7 years of separation and then divorce with young kids. Today I have been given a new marriage, career, home, life, and kids (another boy and girl just like the first time).  I was also given deliverance from the condemnation that often falls on divorced people; I was shown how God does not change though we may; his love and all he had given me in him was not in any way taken away, and He proved it to me by giving me opportunity to preach again just 2 weeks after a Pastor I drug myself to for emotional help condemned me and my future.


I have been a Nurse for over 12 years after all this, and today am in college a second time pursuing my lifetime desire and sense of calling in Christian Counceling.  Working on Bachelor's in Psych presently at Liberty Bible College.  This present pursuit came about in one inspired day, when it felt like God just dropped the inspiration on me and also it was ironic how this school approached me just as I was in process of registering at another secular college. I remembered then how God had made me promises over 25 years ago about my "later years," and I "knew" I was being led and feel confidently so now almost 2 years into school.


I have a genuine interest in people that is not smothered by any personal financial pursuits.  While I do value and enjoy my business ventures, my highest heart is to be God's voice to others and his hand extended and I have no mind or heart to put anything above that. If it's true that in Networking we ought to have a genuine interest in people then I find that easy, because I find perhaps a glimpse of God's interest and love for people.  I Love to be an Encouragement and offer Encouragement to people who need in any way, and feel like God gives me talent or anointing in that area; it's my heart.  So feel free to contact the Undergrad Christian Councelor if you need; I live to be a help and encouragement to God's people, whom we all are.


My credentials are not full yet in formal education, and perhaps not even in what I call "God's School," which occurs on the ordinary roads of life, but with humility I know that God has schooled me by his Spirit & Word which speak of heaven's amazing unconditional love, through many fiery trials and valley's of life's pain, so that I know the spirit of his word that tells us if we have been comforted by "The Comforter" in our own times of great need, then we will later comfort others with the same which was given to us.


I am a great believer that I am, "My Brother's Keeper."   I enjoy meeting every new person who comes across my path in life, and do enjoy knowing people no less than doing business with people.  Thanks for reading my "About Me," and I surely read yours if you have one!  Visit my Web Page if you will, as I will surely also visit yours if you invite me or if I invite you.


                                             Be Blessed,  preachergirl,  Kim


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Alain Deguire - (12/18/2011 3:49:07 PM) : Hello Kim! This is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Myrna Ferguson - (12/15/2010 11:17:46 PM) : Happy Birthday
Donovan Baldwin - (9/22/2009 3:30:13 PM) : Hello Kim. Thank you for accepting my invitation.
La Nell ! - (5/12/2009 9:28:28 PM) : Hi Kim, You have been a very special and wonderful friend. Hugs,LaNell
Mana Trogdon - (4/18/2009 10:50:19 PM) : It's wonderful to meet other Christians in the walk of life. Thank you for your words of encouragement on your About Page. God Bless!

Perfect and Immortal - (3/12/2009 3:35:00 AM) : thank you for u bio, kim. have u graduated yet from liberty college.
Randall Pendland - (7/11/2006 11:37:43 AM) : Kim, I am inspired with your "AboutMe". God does have a plan for everyone. His ways are not ours so life can sometimes be confusing. Thank you for such a strong testimony.

May blessings overtake you and darkness run from you...

Kim Stilwell - (7/11/2006 11:37:43 AM) : Oh thank you Randall! Ah, an ordained minister! Wonderful. Thank you also for the word...for darkness to run! Light will expel it ha? Darkness doesn't like light..ha ha. I just read 2 books, near death accounts, that have even as a Christian, given me a new excitement and peace about the time to leave this world. Truly, God gives us exceedingly above all we could ask or think! If interested they are:
"Embraced by the Light"
"My descent into Death (and the love that brought me back) Howard Storm
In the latter, which is said to be the most substantiated account, the man is given some insight about the Holacaust, and other subjects. Thanks again, Kim
Winston West - (4/11/2006 7:34:39 PM) : Welcome to AdlandPro!

My name Winston West, and I would be honored if you would join me as a friend here at AdlandPro.

Also, wishing you very much success, and great friendships at Adland.

Please accept my invitation and visit my Web Page.
And leave a good message in my forums

