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Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/9/2009 9:34:29 AM

Hello Sweet Myrna!

I am so happy always to see you here visiting me and us to share your smile and all of your heart... You are a Blessing and our Queen of Adland... great to see your smile everywhere!

You bring to this discussion...

"I have said things on these forums before and what I said did not sound the same to others and they took it to mean something else I had not thought of. Do you understand what I am saying? Let me know what you think of this"

I understand what you are saying... and, I must say that I see it happening here a lot... much too much to my displease! I even see a war started and increasing in intensity right here in our own community and, I must admit that it BUGS me a whole lot... based on misinterpretation.

I tend to believe very few people in the World to be fundamentally bad, so I can bring up here some of the reasons for misinterpretation happening...

a) we are in a hurry to read all of these posts and answer or show by courtesy that we passed by... so read fast and answer fast without too much concern;

b) we are writing a post and, somehow we disappear... so the person cannot really check with us to make sure they understood well the meaning of what we expressed - and, even in our daily communication we should check to confirm much more often;

c) languages barrier... I am a francophone writing in English here... even though my English is not bad, I guess... I am missing a lot on all the subtilities of so many words, especially when times come to talk about feelings;

d) there are people here with all sorts of agenda... and, even though they might look as amazing and great people, it is some times not easy to discern the real purpose behind - as example, on some social network, I received so often amazingly kind emails from women who want to have my personal email to contact me and they are looking for sex or for a husband or anything else... and, I know that the reverse is also true (women receiving emails from men)... so even though she might be a great person, we don't have the same agenda;

e) we don't share all the same education, life experiences - which affect so immensely the way of interpreting any saying, personal growth, etc...

So many factors that can lead to misinterpretation... making communication such a challenge - even in face to face discussion, so I believe it to be even more of a challenge in a virtual environment.

Blessings to You Myrna,


Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/9/2009 9:59:46 AM

Hello Jean Marie!

The only thing I want to say... besides Thank you for sharing with us this amazing example of Respect in a difficult situation indeed... is BRAVO!

This is really, in my opinion, what LOVE is all about... and, Respect is so much a fundamental part of it... This is an expression of the DIVINE in You and in each and everyone of us that can lead to such Loving Action.

Here is a wonderful poem refering to this Expression of the Divine in ourselves, by defining the greeting or salutation word "NAMASTE" from the Indian subcontinent....

Namaste Jean Marie!

and Namaste to all of You My dear Friends...


Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/9/2009 10:21:57 AM

Hello Amanda,

Like you so very well mentioned as well as Jean Marie in his story...

We are very often so far from understanding what might be so hurting inside of a person to make her spill out so much angriness to everyone around... This is so tough to not react in such a situation and take a brief moment to ponder what might be behind such behaviour; and, then, realize that the only thing that this person really needs is Blessings and not me coming back with angriness at her.

Like you point out from the Bible, I really believe that we are hurting ourselves much more than others by unrealeased bitterness or unforgiveness. We do need to forgive for our own Salute in the first place. It is so interesting to note that it all starts from us first... before extanding to others. This notion of RESPONSABILITY, responsability for all that is happening to me or in my life, was certainly one of the greatest surprise and one of the greatest learning on my own path.



Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/9/2009 10:28:13 AM

Hello Patricia!

Thank you for visiting us here... I am so happy of your visit Dear Friend!



Alain Deguire

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Re: What about Respect in Making a Difference?
2/9/2009 10:51:40 AM

Hello Jean Marie,

I can so much relate again to your sayings...

"As humans, I have found that the hardest skill for me to master was to learn to refrain from replying till my brain had time to catch-up to my mouth, LOL!"

"I cannot begin to tell you how many times in my younger years that my flippant, off-the-cuff remarks caused emotional injury to those close to me."

"When all is said & done, we each must realize our own limitations, our own abilities, and do everything to utilize our skills to their fullest potential.  That's the best any of us can do.We need to respect each other enough to realize that none of us is perfect...  we all have "bad days"..."

We are all humans... and, just accept our humanity and our falling downs is already quite a respectful challenge in itself... at least for me, so often!




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