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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Picture Poll
1/26/2009 2:02:57 PM
Problem is i don't have a 300 dollar camera Kathy, one of these days perhaps i'll look more spiffy.
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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Picture Poll
1/26/2009 3:00:42 PM

This is turning out to be quite a chatty thread.

Thomas you look niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!

The rest of my note is directed to Kathleen.  I wish (WISH!) I had listened to you last week about that carbonite site.  For only 47 bucks my stuff that I WANT (my pictures, my files) would be online.  SAFE.  The GeeksAKnockin' guy is coming tomorrow.  My computer hard drive MIGHT be gone.  Won't know till later.

PATSPICTURES010.jpg picture by PatriciaB123


About lost cats.  My dear little Gracie was lost on Superbowl Sunday in 2005 for hours.  For some reason...only known to Gracie, she went under our house.  Ordinarily that would be no big deal.  We live on a FLOATING HOME.  On a houseboat.  The water is DEEP under our house.

We think she saw a bird and went after it. We only let our kitties out when we are out and we watch them.  Gracie is not the run all over the neighborhood cat like Sophie.  She was a stay around us girl.  When we could not find her, I was frantic. I called and called her.  Finally I heard a meow and it was coming from under the house.

Near where I had heard her, I got down on my stomach and looked over the edge of the deck.  I saw her WAY under...on one of the big logs in the middle.  She had jumped from log to log.  I called and called her.  She was scared and would not move.

I continued to call.  We heard a splash.  She had jumped closer to us but fell in the river.  We did not want to have her drown.

Hubby went to a place on the back side of the house -- on the same log where  Gracie had parked herself.  He ripped some of the board up.  He put his head down and called her.  She wouldn't move.

We continued to try and get her to come to us.  Gracie was a himalayan cat bue she was sure acting blonde .. lol !! She went the opposite way. She was walking down the log towards the other side of the house!!!   We went to the front deck. We called her, she was getting closer and closer.  All that kept her were the boards on the front deck. 

Hubby just starting ripping up boards!!! Soooooooooooo Fast.  To make a hole for our kitty to climb though. After about 15 minutes there was a big hole.  I peered over.  I saw her about 5 feet way and called her.  She bounded though the hole and into my arms.  She was all muddy and wet and cold but she was safe.  WE hugged and kissed her.

This whole ordeal took hours. 

I was heartsick.  If she wouldn't have made that journey, Gracie would have had to stay under the house....on those cold wet logs all night.  Prey to the killers.....raccoons or otters.

I thanked GOD for anwering my prayers.  My cat was safe

So Kathleen, I am so happy for you that you have your beloved pet back safe and sound.  I am a pet lover....whether they are gold fish or guinea pigs...dogs, horses or cats!!!

Sorry for making a long post.  I had to tell this story when I read your lost kitty tale.

Hugs to you Kathleen!!


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Pat and Kathy Chat
1/26/2009 3:17:31 PM
Hi Pat, shoulda? coulda? i know what im talking about, but i see you posted your cat pic, bravo!  I'll call this thread the Pat and Kathy Chat LOL.
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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Pat and Kathy Chat
1/26/2009 3:26:37 PM

Hey sweeters.  Thanks Thomas for OUR 

Thomas, I posted it the OLD FASHIONED way and I didn't even know it would reallyt work.  I copied and pasted Gracie.  I didn't put the URL in the box above labeled Insert Image. I've done c/p before and it didn't work. 

I like the snickers picture above.  by the way, it's about my fav candy bar too!!


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Pat and Kathy Chat
1/26/2009 3:34:58 PM
Hey Pat Snickers is my favorite too, you know i used to eat the peanute butter kind when they first came out but of course went back to the original , yes i know im a sinner LOL , i liked the calories hehe. My picts i C/p all the time, it depends on your browser, i have to switch off to Firefox to go into my C-panel of my SEO software website to pay my affiliates and use my file manager, somethings i cant do on IE which i use most.
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