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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG-Great News B Hussein's Approval Levels Hit New Low-Reid In Big Trouble
12/13/2009 6:21:54 AM
Hello Friends,

There is good news, actually very good news. The protesters, skeptics and disbelievers of B Hussein Obowma and his regime are growing steadily and his approval ratings/levels are hitting new lows.

At the moment he stands at -16 which is the difference between those that strongly approve and strongly disapprove of this man and his disastrous regime. According to the latest Rasmussen Report the strongly disapprove stand at 41% and the strongly approve at 26%. You'll see the full details below. In the past I've written that B Hussein will go down in history as being the worst president ever. Yes, even worse then peanut brain Carter. After a year + in office his standing in the public eye is one of the worst ever for a president at this stage of his administration.

This goes to show that the people are waking up to the dangers they are facing with this president. As each day goes by the nays to B Hussein's agendas, policies, Islamic advocacy, Global Warming and so much more are growing and one of these days even he in his arrogance will understand that the people have seen through him and finally see the real man behind the teleprompter. An empty suit! No more no less.

More good news is that Harry Reid is also in big trouble according to Rasmussen and that will be the beginning of a tidal wave of real change and not the Marxist/Socialist/Islamic change B Hussein Obowma had/has in store for you.



Saturday, December 12, 2009

Obama's Approval Levels Hits New LOW/Harry Reid In BIG Trouble

The more the President pushes his progressive agenda the more America pushes back. The latest Rasmussen Pollshows the President's approval rating at a -16 the lowest it has everbeen. The -16 is determined by subtracting those who stronglydisapprove of the President's performance (41%) From those who stronglyapprove (25%). Why this number is interesting is that those who havestrong feelings about an issue are more likely to take some action insupport of that passion.

Interestingly the 25% who Strongly Approve matches the lowest level ofenthusiasm yet recorded and the reason for that level is a the declining enthusiasm among Democrats. Only 43% of Democrats Strongly Approve, which is low for a president of their own party.

Overall 36% now believe that the president is doing a good or anexcellent job handling the economy 45% rate his performance in thisarea as poor. Seventy-one percent of the President's own party sayshe’s doing a good or excellent job on the economy, 74% of theopposition GOP say he is doing a poor Job, 52% of independents sayObama is doing a poor Job when it comes to the economy.
On national security matters, 39% rate the president’sperformance as good or excellent while 36% say poor. Most votersnationwide lack confidence that NATO will do its part to help in Afghanistan. The President’s new plan for Afghanistan draws mixed reviews from voters.

There is also bad news for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Rasmussen is also reporting
Fifty-four percent of Nevada voters oppose the Obamacare plan he istrying to shove down the throats of the Senate, while 44% favor it
More significantly, however, those numbers include 49% who strongly oppose the plan while only 23% strongly favor it

That may be one of the reason Rasmussen report of Reid polling numbersare low. Reid, who earns only 43% of the vote against each of three GOPcandidates (Reid received 61% of the final vote in 2004).
Sharon Lowden, chairman of the Nevada Republican Partyand a former state senator, and businessman Danny Tarkanian both pickup 49% of the vote against Reid in the latest survey. FormerAssemblywoman Sharron Angle gets 47% of the vote in her match-up withthe four-term senator. In every case, the number who favor some othercandidate or are undecided are virtually identical and in singledigits.
It seems as if the more Harry Reid plays his little gameof "anything for 60 votes on health care," his constituents are playing"anybody but Harry Reid."
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - B Hussein Says Nothing And Does Nothing About Radical Islam & Jihad
12/13/2009 3:22:24 PM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago 5 DC youths were arrested in Pakistan. Why were they arrested?? They were plotting Jihad terrorist attacks. What does B Hussein Obowma have to say about that??? Not much aside form a few very sad "jokes" as you'll see in the below video. He doesn't have much to say about radical Islam and Jihad attacks. The Jihadi attack on Ft.Hood is an excellent case in point. "Let's not jump to conclusions" is all he had to say then. And now with the arrest of the 5 DC Jihadi youths he said the following.

Is this guy for real??? Does he live in the same world we all live in? I seriously doubt it. I wonder it he sees the violent protests of Muslims in the streets of America that we all have seen time after time.

So is it any wonder that this man says and does absolutely nothing against radical Islam, creeping jihad, stealth jihad and the slow but sure ascendancy of shariah law in the US?

This video is a reminder of what he stands for and who he is. Remember it's all in his own words teleprompter and all.

B Hussein Obowma is Islams strongest advocate and after watching the video I'm sure it's obvious to the majority why. Expect nothing from him in regard to Muslim terrorism BUT you can most probably expect his utmost support for their agenda of world domination.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Good News Is Getting Even Better - B Hussein -19%
12/14/2009 8:28:34 AM
Hello Friends,

The good news of yesterday is getting even better. Today's approval rating/level of B Hussein Obowma is now at a whopping -19%.

Strongly approve 23%, strongly disapprove 42% leaving -19% AGAINST this sorry excuse of a president.

His plummeting ratings are definitely a sign that America doesn't approve of any of his plans to socialize the United States and are willing to stand up for their rights under the constitution.


Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Era Of Madness - Lead By Madmen
12/14/2009 2:50:50 PM
Hello Friends,

We're witnessing the possible birth of a new form of world government in the guise of the Global Warming scam and hoax. What can save us for a time from this new pseudo religion of global warming/climate control is the fact that the many countries participating in the Copenhagen Accord can't seem to come to any common agreements to date.

Even if they do come to some sort of agreement who is going to ensure that countries like China will comply with the agreements? The United States with B Hussein at the helm??? I sorta doubt it; the most he'll do is bow to the PM and say sorry please kick me in the a$$ again. Let's not forget they own the debt of the United States that is growing daily with Obowma's spending and grandiose Marxist/Socialistic agenda.

In any case we all have to hope and pray that Copenhagen fails big time and this scam/hoax is put to rest.

While all the leaders of the world are wasting their time in Copenhagen there is a tragedy going on in Iran that the world is totally ignoring. People are dieing and being killed daily by the Iranian regime and the world stands by and does nothing and even worse says nothing. Completely ignores what is happening there. But, they still talk with these thugs while they tell the world to pi$$ off each and every day. B Husein's been b*itch slapped by them so many times he's become like Pavlov's mice and is salivating and asking for more when the bell rings for the next round.

The following article is a bit long but well worth the read. Maybe just maybe it'll open the eyes of those that are still under the spell of B Hussein Obowma and the false science of biggest scam artist of the century Al Gore.



Column One: Narcissists and madmen

Perhaps when the history of our times is written,ours will be called The Era of Narcissistic Catechisms. To understandwhy this is the case it is enough to consider the fortunes of two greenmovements.

Onthe main stage of global affairs this week we have the much touted UNclimate change conference in Copenhagen. Standing with 15,000 delegatesrepresenting green activism groups and politically correct scientiststhe world over are international celebrity leaders like Nobel PeacePrize laureates Barack Obama, Al Gore and Desmond Tutu and their fellowcelebrities and Oscar and Grammy winners Al Gore, Leonardo Dicaprio,Sting, Cate Blanchett and Daryl Hannah.

These celebrities are wholly committed to the proposition thatmanmade global warming is the greatest threat to mankind. They aresimilarly convinced that if the developed countries don't ante up $10trillion dollars and pass them on to the less-developed countries, wewill kill Planet Earth.

And we shouldn't balk at the price tag. As Deutsche Bank's climate change guru Kevin Parker told the New York Times,the cost is nothing when compared to the "cost of inaction." That cost,in his view, entails nothing less than "the extinction of the humanrace. Period."

Parker's alarmism would probably have a depravedring to it in all circumstances. But when placed against the backdropof the hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit at East AngliaUniversity, it sounds like the rabid ravings of a psychopath.

Posted on the Internet two weeks ago, those emails exposed howfor over a decade prominent climate scientists have apparentlyfalsified data to advance popular belief in manmade global warming.Among the group's various tactics, they intimidated and misledjournalists. They massaged data to conform to their predeterminedconclusions. And they sought to block scientists whose research ledthem to conclude that it is impossible to determine what role if anyhuman activity has had in determining global temperatures frompublishing their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Despite the fraud exposed at the heart of theglobal warming movement, Western celebrity leaders remain ready to taxtheir countries into the pre-industrial age in order to mitigate thedangers of global warming. The EU and the US are committed to takingradical action that is liable to derail the global economy byregulating and taxing their most productive sectors out of business inorder to contend with a threat that may not exist.

And if the planet is in fact getting hotter, it is far fromclear that the radical steps they intend to adopt will have any impacton how hot the world becomes. Even assuming that the problem is realand that the remedies on the table are sound, they will have to beuniversally implemented to work. And no one has the ability to ensurethat will happen. After all, to take just one eminently foreseeableexample, the US will not go to war with China or even seriouslythreaten China - which owns the US debt - to compel Beijing to lowerits CO2 emissions. So no matter what happens at Copenhagen, it is clearthat all the global warming activists' fervor and radical plans will donothing to save the planet from the global warming they so fear.

And yet, in spite of the inescapable futility of their plans,these global warming activists remain willing to take steps which the Timesacknowledges, "will entail profound shifts in energy production,dislocations in how and where people live, sweeping changes inagriculture and forestry and the creation of complex new markets inglobal warming pollution credits."

SOME 4,600 KM away from Copenhagen, another green movement tookto the streets this week. In Iran tens of thousands of anti-regimeprotesters from the green movement for democracy again risked theirlives to demand freedom.

Writing of the protests in the Wall Street Journal onThursday, Amir Taheri reported that the protesters' demands are nowopenly revolutionary. What started as a protest movement against astolen presidential election on June 12 has morphed into a full-blownmovement aimed at overthrowing the regime. Protesters are holdingplacards calling for "Death to [Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei," "FreedomNow," "Iranian Republic, not Islamic Republic," and "Abandon UraniumEnrichment, Do Something about the Poor!"

Unlike global warming, there is no doubt that the specter of anuclear-armed Iran constitutes a grave threat to international peaceand security. There is also no doubt that the most effective way toprevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is to replace the currentgenocidal jihadist regime with a peaceful, liberal and democraticgovernment.

As unlikely as it may seem, at the very moment that freedom inIran has become most urgent requirement for the world as a whole, theIranian people have taken to the streets to demand it and are willingto pay with their lives to achieve it.

In the face of this miraculous turn of events, theinternational community has nothing to say. Whereas the West'scelebrity icons line up to get their pictures taken next to posters ofpolar bears, no one stands with the Iranian people.

As he received his Nobel Peace Prize Thursday, Obama did notprotest the mullocracy's repression of its people. He did not offer togive his prize to fellow peace prize laureate Shirin Ebadi. The Iranianhuman rights activist's prize was confiscated by regime goons lastmonth.

No Hollywood directors have announced plans to produce afeature film about the Iranian anti-regime protesters. No collegestudents have marched on Washington or Brussels to demonstrate theirsolidarity with Iranian university students who are being arrested bythe thousands and killed by the hundreds by the regime for their crimeof demanding freedom.

ON THE face of it, the international community's willingness tocommit economic suicide to solve a problem that is probably not thatserious and may not even be a problem on the one hand, and itsunwillingness to take even the most symbolic action to help otherssolve a problem that is both real and urgent, makes no sense.

To understand what possesses the internationalcommunity - that is, the US and the EU - to act in this way it is worthconsidering the EU's moves regarding Israel and the Palestinians thispast week.

Aproposof nothing, this week the EU felt it necessary to pass a resolutionaccepting the Palestinian positions on every single issue in theirconflict with Israel. As far as Europe is concerned, Israel mustwithdraw from all of Judea, Samaria and large swathes of Jerusalem, andturn a half a million Israelis into internal refugees. Israel must openits borders with Hamas-ruled Gaza. And it must accept the legitimacy ofa Hamas-Fatah government. Aside from that, Israel should agreeimmediately to hold negotiations with the Palestinians in which it willagree to all these positions.

The EU knows that there is an Israeli consensus that opposesthese positions. It also knows that successive Israeli prime ministershave ignored that consensus. Israeli leaders handed over Gaza and thePalestinians responded by electing Hamas to lead them. They offered upJerusalem and Judea and Samaria in 2000 and received a five year terrorwar. They offered up Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria again in 2008 and gotthe missile war from Gaza.

The Europeans know that their positions will not bring peace.If anything, their positions will bring further bloodshed by convincingthe Palestinians that the Europeans have their backs. And they know it.

So what possessed them to act as they have?

The truth is that the EU resolution was not a policy statement.It was a catechism. The Europeans felt the need to declare their fealtyto the dogma that says Israel is responsible for its conflict with theArabs. They don't have any intention of resolving anything. All theywished to do was make a public declaration of faith

HistorianBat Ye'or has dubbed this quasi-religious creed Palestinianism.Palestinianism is a convenient creed for Europe. If the source of allthe radicalism and terror in the Islamic world is Israel; if theIslamic fanaticism that greets Europeans on the streets of their citiesis simply a function of Israel's size and bad attitude, then there isno reason for anyone in Malmo or Amsterdam or London to consider thatthey might have to stop appeasing Islamists.

In a similar manner, the beauty of global warming hysteria isthat it is a Western affair. No one expects non-Westerners to doanything. Africans don't have to quit hunting elephants. Arabs don'thave to quit drilling oil. Only Americans and Europeans have to changetheir way of life. For Western narcissists who believe that the worldrevolves around them, global warming is a comforting creed.

Just as Palestinianism, as a quasi-religion, has its originalsin - the creation of Israel - and its heretics - the neoconservativewarmongers who point out the inconvenient reality of Arab intransigenceand fanaticism - so climate change activists have their ownpseudo-religious practices and rituals. Their original sin isindustrialization. Their fiery prophets threaten them with hellfire andeternal ****ation if they do not repent and change their ways. And theyhave their mortal foes. They are the heretics, the non-believers, thedoubters who point out that over the past decade global temperatureshave declined and that scientific facts are not determined by majorityvote.

This returns us to the green protesters in Iran. Thesecourageous freedom fighters have the unfortunate distinction offighting a regime the Western narcissists would like to like. Afterall, the mullahs share their hatred for Israel and the West.

Much to the narcissists' dismay, the Iranian green activistsare forcing them to recognize the inconvenient truth that not all badthings in the world are the product of Israeli aggression or Westernimperialism or the industrial revolution. Indeed if anyone were tonotice them, the Iranian democrats would provoke a crisis of faithamong the Western narcissists.

So they are ignored. Western celebrity leaders and theirfollowers say nothing as Iranian students demanding freedom are shotand killed on YouTube. They do nothing but posture as the regime buildsatomic bombs and tests medium range ballistic missiles. They do nothingbut preen as the regime transfers 500kg warheads and guided missiles toHizbullah and deploys terror agents throughout Europe and LatinAmerica.

Many have claimed that jihadists like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whoseek to destroy Western civilization in the name of Islam are madmen.So what do we call Westerners who won't lift a finger against him butvoluntarily embrace the destruction of their own way of life to avertwhat may very well be an imaginary crisis?

Perhaps this is not the Era of the Narcissistic Catechism. Perhaps this is simply the Era of Madness.

Peter Fogel
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Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
12/14/2009 3:10:05 PM

Hello Peter,

The second video is most disturbing and validates our concerns. You and I have discussed this and have shared our views all during the campaign and resulting election and we continue to do so during his presidency.

First and foremost I do not believe Obama is a Christian as he claimed during his campaign speeches. You and I have sounded the alarm all along as we listened to this man's words, read passages from his auto-biographies, seen him praised in text books yet he has yet to do anything truly constructive for America and its citizens. He and his Democratic controlled congress (Since 2006) have taken America on a path of self destruction.

The worst part of all this is the sheeple never listened to what he was saying. They were too busy chanting trance like "Obama, Obama, Obama" like mindless zombies. This is how this man was elected and he lies about it because he is on Jihad too. IMHO

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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