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Patricia Bartch

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Re: JoAnne Green - QUEEN OF AdLandPro POTW 150
2/19/2009 6:40:18 PM

Sara is totally right in all that she said.  Especiall here: No one in their right mind would have agreed to the proposals made by JoAnne.  She is smart enough to know that also.  Then why post them in those pt.24 fonts.  I understand some people have poor eyesight and can only read very large print but that is so large even I can't read most of it.  I have to use reading glasses for small print.

I informed Joanne, I made her font smaller so we could at least read what she wrote.  Her font size is SO looks like she is SHOUTING AT US.  The reason to use a smaller, PROFESSIONAL font size is: AdlandPro's message system removes some of your pictures and statements if your fonts are so large.  It's hard to read what she writes.  I pointed that out.  She ridiculed me.

Not so. A good business person makes it EASY for others to read your terms and business points.

In my opinion, what Joanne DEMANDED of Georgios was ridiculous.  She wanted him to BEG forgiveness and I saw that she was not expected to offer an apoligy at all.  Serious mistake Joanne.  Most people who offered opinions said you were WRONG in what you said about Georgios.  YOU INFERRED, YOU IMPLYED, You documented. You just  "cleverly" didn't state his name. 

I totally understand how you feel Georgios.  I feel the same way.  She let me have it in a minor way....she threw BOULDERS at you.


We all still knew who she was accusing.

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Rinna Rani

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Re: JoAnne Green - QUEEN OF AdLandPro POTW 150
2/20/2009 8:14:13 AM
Dear Georgios, Pat & Sara,
I actually agree with Pat and Sara and am glad that they have the courage to speak it out.  Its very true that the rules stated by JoAnne is all going her way.  That is no right.  If a win win situation is needed, then both parties need to come to the sollution together and not one sided.

A very good point Pat you made about the smaller fonts and accepting good advice from friends.  Instead of rediculing, JoAnne should say thank you and I appreciate your oppinion.  It all boils down to respect and manners.

Has the older generation even forgotten that like JoAnne has?  To even redicule a person from a time where manners and respect were important, that is not right.

As a business person, its like telling your downline to keep quiet, I know best.  You never know if you maybe listen or work hand in hand, you could achieve great success.

Oh my, I never imagined that sometimes people who are way older than me could actually teach a younger person such things like if a person advises you, redicule them.  This is not the right way to guide our younger generation because the younger generation seems to be lacking of this qualities.  Now, I see where the examples come from... hold on, its obvious.  Older generation should be giding younger people but it seems older generation seem to try and be like the younger generation.

What is wrong with this world I wonder.

Love, Rinna

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