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Donna Lira

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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 8:17:33 PM
Hi Everyone, I will go along with any method that is finalizd for nominations, believe that there are so many fine people here are deserving. So what ever is decided on I an with you. Your friend Donna Lira aka Texgirl
Marsha Mckinney

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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 9:09:51 PM
Hi! We were not aware of all this, and we wanted to thank Ana Marie for telling us, and thank you for all that ya'll do in here! We are still new to all this, but just love all the wonderful people we have met so far! Thank you for everything! Ya'll (Texas slang!), are appreciated! Blessings to each and every one! Fredie and Marsha McKinney
Greetings from your Texas friend! God's blessings to each of you, always,
Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 10:00:36 PM
Hi John and kathy, what a great idea! I don`t have many friends on my list yet so i can only vote from there i would like to put my vote in for Greer Trimble I hope that how you spell his last name not to good with spelling lol He always has informative forums and has shared his knowledge with his friends list.
Deborah Storm
David G Smith

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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 12:31:57 AM
I am going to throw the gauntlet down to both sides on this one... I challenge both the "Yay's" and the "Neih's". Firstly, I think Marion's way of thinking is the way forward. I know that it could mean a lot of work, coding and programming for Bogdan and his team, but an anonymous way of nominating someone via a click of a button on their profile page, seems like the way to go. As someone else also pointed out, I'm sure that there are many people out there in Adland that are totally unaware of the fact that this forum or nominations for POTW exsist. But I bet they all check someone's profile when sending or accepting any invitations. I know I do... And after getting to know those people, if they knew that a nomination button exsisted on their profile, I'm sure that they'd go back to click it if that person happened to make a difference in their life. But... Something like that will not happen tomorrow, or by next month even, and the time is now. So... John and Kathy are putting a lot of work into this project and, as un-selfish as they always are, they are doing it for you guys. This system of nominating, or format for doing it may not be perfect now, but please let's all muck in, participate and all help to mould it into what it could be. I haven't been a member of Adland for very long, but in that short time I have made many, very dear friends. Choosing one above all others, in no way means that I think any less of the those that I do not. Choosing one today, only means that I will choose another next week. So today, I will proudly stand up and nominate my good friend, Lisa Lomas...
Why??? Well, she calls me every other day to ask how I am doing, if my family are well and what I am getting up to. She takes a great interest in everything that I do and is always at hand to offer help and advice if she can. Not only that, but her demeanour in the forums is always caring, kind and courtious. For that I nominate, Lisa... You ROCK, girl...
Michael Caron

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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/20/2005 1:27:15 AM
Hi John, I may be just a littlr bit biased on this one, however I am going to nominate Shirley Ruth Caron. We had a great ten years, and I don't want to start the next ten years on a Rocky Road, (Unless it's Ice Cream). Oh, wait a minute. I don't have any teeth left. I would loose out both ways. Your Friend Mike
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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