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Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 3:32:38 AM
############################################### Folks this forum is now closed for nominations, we will get back to you in a new forum when we are ready to take new nominations. 8/31/05 9/1/05 - Nominations are now being taken at: John and Kathy ############################################### Hello everyone at AtlandPro! It’s time to nominate your favorite person for the Feature of the Week! Kathy Martin and I (John Sanchez) are excited because this forum has been a big success as you can see by how it is being featured in AdlandPro’s community front page: All four members that have been chosen so far are also being featured in the person of the week page: Some of you might not know that I asked Bogdan (CEO of AdlandPro) if he would reward the person’s chosen for this forum with something like credits for advertising and he generously proposed something better. Here is what he proposed: We would appreciate it if you would go thank Bogdan for this generous gesture at our forum that we have constructed especially for that. While you are there also thank his staff for the great job they are doing in our community website. Here is the link: Now back to the matter at hand. We would like for you to nominate someone who meets the criteria that you saw in the Person of the Week Program: ·Are highly visible on the community ·Are Always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. ·Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. When Bogdan returns from his holiday trip he will have the polling place up and ready for us to vote on the person who have been nominated. We will have to decide on who gets placed in the polls according to how many nominations they receive. Kathy and I have been having fun selecting who would be the next Feature of the Week person but we feel that this would fairer to the community if we turn over the selections to you. We therefore can all be a part of this and enjoy it even more with everyone’s participation. Kathy and I would now like to thank you the Members for making this forum (project) such a success. And thank you Bogdan and staff for assisting us on this project. We love you all, John Sanchez and Kathy Martin
Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 3:37:16 AM
Attention Everyone! Please spread the news of this great event! Let's get everyone involved. Thank you for your support! Blessing to you all, John Sanchez and Kathy Martin
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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 3:42:36 AM
Hello my friends, please lets really get involved in this, Please do your part,thanks kathy martin
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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 3:58:07 AM
HI John, Thanks so much for the invitation and for the info on this great new idea! I think that letting everyone vote is a very good idea...also seems a little more fairer to me. I will definitely let Bogdan know how much I appreciate all that he and his staff are doing! Keep up the great job you are doing John! God Bless! Marilyn L. Ali
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Re: Nominations For The Feature Of The Week!
8/19/2005 4:02:37 AM
I will start off the nominations with my pick. There are so many worthy people that it's not easy to choose just one but I will have to so I nominate "Drum Roll Please!" LOL GREER TRUMBLE Now it's your turn! Enjoy! JOHN

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