
Who is Marilyn L Martin?

Marilyn L Martin

Marilyn L Martin
Member SinceMonday, August 23, 2004
Last ActivitySunday, November 11, 2012
LocationVan Nuys, California, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
Hello. My Name is Marilyn L. Martin and I live in Ventura County, CA north of Los Angeles. I have 4 grown children and 13 grandchildren, and I am 46 years young. I grew up  in NY but moved down South when I was 18 years old. I have lived in VA, GA and LA, and hope to move back to VA or MD one day soon! I went to college for business mgmt. I was a manager in retail for over 40 years, and I have owned a few home-based businesses. I had an in-home day-care business, an automotive repair biz, home repair, I am a licensed realtor, I sold Avon and was the top salesperson in my area, I also did Creative Expressions Arts & as you can see I am a very business oriented person. I became disabled in 2003 so now I have a home-based Internet business that I do. I actually do more than one. I am involved with Melaleuca, which is an awesome business with fantastic products and great comp plan. I am involved with uVme, which is an Internet Marketing, Social Networking, and Gaming site all in one! This business is very easy to make money with. I am also a licensed Travel Agent online and work with Global Travel Trends. I am involved with a couple of other businesses online, as well as with AdlandPro. I am very involved with Adland's community and I love this site. So, as you can see I am a work-a-holic...some people say that is my one bad point...I have always worked very hard my whole life since I was 11 years old. I guess it is just in my blood! I like to stay active and love business, and I am always successful at whatever I do! I had a bout of major depression back in 1988 and after dealing with that became very involved with Mental & Emotional Health. I have counseled many people and have helped a few people from committing suicide! I am also in Natural Home Health & Herbal Remedies and have studied about all natural prevention and cures for illnesses. I guess you could say I am pretty knowledgable in that field as well. I also am a Certified Nurses's Aide...I received certification in 2001. As so can see I am quite involved with the medical field in many different aspects. So, now you are probably saying to yourself...why so many different occupations, right? Well, I always tell people that I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up! Some of my hobbies are arts & crafts, art, music, nature. I draw quite well too. I made up my own cartoon characters when I was about 11 years old, and then one day I decided to put a couple of them on T-shirts. When I would wear them out people started asking me where I got them from and I told them I made them. This was actually my very first business. At 12 years old, I was designing and selling T-shirts with my cartoon characters on them, or whatever someone wanted on a T-shirt. I also was doing very well in Art in school and had many of my art pieces sent to exhibits all over NY state. I also play a few instruments and was in a band for a while as lead female vocalist. One day I am really going to have to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life! LOL!

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Jack Sunshine - (3/21/2010 8:11:46 PM) : Want to earn some extra money! You may want to consider becoming a Sunshine Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to family, friends, neighbors and business associates. It's easy and it's fun to earn extra money as a Sunshine Master Distributor. 1-800-7674469 For more Information CALL :Sunshine Jewelry Customer Service (order a catalog) ---------
Jason Lee - (7/26/2009 7:33:11 PM) : Hi there~
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702 E. Santa Ana Blvd. #108, Santa Ana, CA 92701, USA
Darryl Van Kirk - (10/25/2008 2:23:04 PM) : Marilyn does a valuable service to Adlanders by compiling a list of new people regularly.

Thanks for giving.

Johannes Mongatane - (7/15/2008 2:19:17 AM) : I really liked your profile it is amazing.

"I joined SFI and Alandpro in 2003! I find them most well-established businesses I have ever been involved with. I am totally commited to BOTH of them! To anyone desiring a online home business and advertising that beat GOOGLE and any PPC, this ARE the No. 1 opportunity and business networking to be involved with! Great support, benefits and, did I mention, FREE!"

Johannes Mongatane
Gauteng, South Africa
Gunther G. - (3/28/2008 8:52:35 PM) : Hi Marilyn. CONGRATULATIONS GRANDMA on your new addition, Eliza, to your family. YOU (the person) are well reflected by your profile and easily deserve this 10. It's GREAT to call you my friend.

Consider yourself "tagged" as per my Friend to Friend for Friends forum.
Podo Pierre - (3/20/2008 2:09:43 PM) : Dear Marilyn,
During Easter, great hearts meet, memories untold get together and the family enjoys a common motive. Those of us who are far away always pick our friends during easter, those who have shared and contributed something special to our life's. Those whose light will never fade , but continues to enrichen the people and the world. Carry on the good work , bcs we all love you.

Pierre Louma
Paul Mcgregor - (2/22/2008 9:54:00 AM) : hi

read your information very good I noticed you are interested in health and beauty as all women are so here some magic for you below.
Mark Stephen Hauser ( ) - (11/14/2007 5:42:57 AM) : "She's an 8, she's a 9, she's a 10 I know."

Hey Marilyn, what I love about you is that nobody is a stranger. You treat everyone very well, whether they are newbies, veterans, or somewhere in between regarding their Adlandpro participation, and whether you are best friends or just an acquaintance! You are always friendly and willing to assist.

Providing us with things like the Parade of Stars forum is just one of the many ways that you give generously. You are an inspiration to many to reach for the stars. Thanks! Stephen
Joyce Parker Hyde - (10/18/2007 8:33:45 AM) : Marilyn my friend, you are a classy lady! You always encourage your friends and send us lots of love and positive energy-and somehow you always choose a quote to send that hits the nail of the day on the head.
Russell Timothy - (9/16/2007 5:32:21 AM) : hi, Im Russell from India. Have a nice day


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