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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/16/2008 10:41:09 AM
Success will come from focusing on the right problems and solving them. That will mean making tough decisions about some problems that have been with us for decades. It will also mean taking a tough stand on new problems and challenges.The dynamics of political party connections, the political process itself and public perceptions have once again yielded the top contenders of each major party in the 2008 presidential race. And once again, the public can only hope that the ultimate winner of the White House will be a candidate with the most leadership substance.John McCain has spent more of his career inside government than outside, and the reasons I vote for him as the Republican nominee are very compelling compared to our other choices. Gods speed :-) Lee

Peter Fogel

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/16/2008 11:56:31 AM

Hi Lee & Friends,

I must say I've been following this thread with much interest.

To be perfectly honest I'm a bit surprised at the results so far. It seems that the overall opinion is not even close to the results of the Democratic race and I wonder if this will be what we'll see on election day.

I also wonder if there might be reasons other then political ones for the results we see in this poll. Hmmmmm



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/16/2008 12:46:44 PM

Hello Lee,

I have to applaud your positive thinking, but cannot support your choice.  We are TRILLIONS of Dollars in the HOLE because of the cut taxes and spend Republican Administration and you are willing to suffer more of it.  This guy will keep the status quo and retire in 4 years, leaving us more in debt.  We may lose many more civil liberties based off a fear based campaign against whatever or whomever they claim to be a terrorist threat.

That leaves us two to really choose from.  Barrack and Hillary.  I know Ron Paul is in but he isn't showing up on the radar as far as I can tell, except in cyberspace.  We can't vote there yet so will his supporters go to the polls?  Who knows!?


Barrack, has little experience, a muslim influenced childhood and radical preacher, that he has listened to go 20 years, acts oddly at public functions, where the Anthem is played and the Pledge of Allegiance is being said.  His wife has only just recently became proud of her country America.  What????  You would hope the President's wife was a lifelong proud American, I would think.  He didn't vote for the war.  Great!!!  But he did FUND IT everytime!


Now we come to Hillary.  A woman, Lawyer, senator, wife and mother.  What better credentials could you ask for!?  Think about it, now.  Mom settles all arguments, controls the household expenses, has dad's ear, protects her young, and so much more.  I know the trust issue is there but good grief!  Lawyers lie to protect their clients, it's some kind of code.  Looks over dad's misdeeds, but still loves him, after all she is standing by her man.  Is a very good hostess and list keeps going. 

The high points are balanced budgets, she was around when some of those decisions were made that left such a great windfall for this current administration.   Remember we were not in the red Trillions of dollars, we had some left over and then here comes the Republicans and Good Ol' George.

I believe given what we have to choose from, I will continue to choose Hillary.  She knows that both sides will be making concessions to get their agendas moved forward.  She is smart and will do what is best for the typical American and not just the elite.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Myrna Ferguson

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/16/2008 12:54:34 PM
Hi to all,

I am so surprised that there are none of you have mention the constitutuion.  I am guessing that we have been without it all our lives,  would we know how to live with it?  It has not been practiced  for over 100 years, so it seems to me that no one wants to live that wonderly as the constitution would allow us to live. 

Two, that you have listed are for the way things are going with big government, and the other one has never did much at all.  I myself don't want to see this war continue and more and more people die for the only reason is the New World Order, and believe me this is what is coming if any of these mentioned get into office.

We are having our primary elections in Pennsylvania on April 22, 2008 and Ron Paul is on the ballot.  He is the only one trustworthy to obtain office and get this counrty back on the right track.  Did you know that the IRS,CIA,Federal Reseve are made up of lies. 

The young people are for Ron Paul, How about You?

Here is my hero, watch him, PLEASE

((youtube id="UnLLcsqavNA"))((/youtube))
Joelees Wholesale

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Re: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for President?
4/16/2008 1:09:56 PM
" Hi  Friends,
If you live in the USA or Not, I thought this would be fun and interesting ,Please vote and then post your why ? Please do not reply or comment on any friends Whys !  Gods speedSmiley Lee "

I feel the need to ego or forum subject here my friends , as I read I see and feel your view points and respect them as I do my own . Please restrain from attempting to push your views . I enjoy understanding and letting all our friends read each view without the concern it is going to turn into a conflict forcing me to a corner .As we all have our own views Thank you for your understanding and most of all your friendship . Gods speed :-) Lee


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