
Forum: Yes It Is Political

Description: Start Your "Yes It Is Political" thread NOW. NO Ads Please as They will be Removed! "Yes It Is Political" is open to all with a political viewpoint they wish to share or discuss. It doesn't matter your persuasion or topic all are welcome to post new topic threads, politically motivated on ALL Topics. Feel Free to Share Your Viewpoints #YesItIsPolitical "Active Threads Will Be Featured * will appear in the Highlighted yellow threads at top of this board.
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Last Post 12/5/2018 3:18:37 PM
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Jim Allen


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»Jim Allen's forums

Yes It Is Political
Thread Last Post Posts Views
The Global Warming/Climate Change Scam, Ran On the World Stage
12/5/2018 3:18:37 PM
1 1262
Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation outright hid critical in
5/11/2018 10:02:42 PM
2 651
Former CIA Officer Exposes Clinton Charity Fraud As Biggest Scandal In US Histo
4/25/2018 1:34:22 PM
1 582
This Video Got Donald Trump Elected
Page: 1, 2
8/8/2017 5:09:45 PM
10 3298
Seven Inconvenient Facts About Trump’s Refugee Actions
7/16/2017 2:41:41 PM
4 1366
Draining the SWAMP!
Page: 1, 2, 3
7/3/2017 5:25:47 PM
11 2945
Part II: How To Kill A Trojan Horse
5/18/2017 6:09:43 PM
2 1124
The Periscope about Seth Rich that will cause some people to go mental
5/18/2017 6:03:57 PM
2 727
Susan Rice Lied About Syria Chemical Weapons (Guest Post)
5/18/2017 6:00:37 PM
2 1410
CBP commissioner nearly clobbered with rock while touring Friendship Park border
11/27/2018 1:41:26 AM
1 560
Here is a real funny one Jim. I have this one on my forum
2/13/2018 8:35:40 PM
1 602
I found this funny cartoon series, I missed it somehow during elections
2/13/2018 4:25:24 PM
1 658
The USA is in trouble when this happens....OREGON GOVERNOR KATE BROWN SIGNED
11/18/2017 4:38:37 PM
2 377
11/7/2017 6:03:48 PM
1 365
Top 10 GMO Foods to Avoid
11/7/2017 5:17:47 PM
1 364