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Jim Allen

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Draining the SWAMP!
2/18/2017 2:50:13 PM

Wave Of State Department Personnel Resign, Are Fired As Tillerson Takes Control

Update: according to a CNN report - so as always take with lots of salt - the story has shifted materially, because according to two senior administration officials, it wasn't a resignation by the State Department officials, but more of a termination: "the Trump administration told four top State Department management officials that their services were no longer needed as part of an effort to "clean house" at Foggy Bottom."

Patrick Kennedy, who served for nine years as the undersecretary for management, Assistant Secretaries for Administration and Consular Affairs Michele Bond and Joyce Anne Barr, and Ambassador Gentry Smith, director of the Office for Foreign Missions, were sent letters by the White House that their service was no longer required, the sources told CNN.

All four, career officers serving in positions appointed by the President, submitted letters of resignation per tradition at the beginning of a new administration. The letters from the White House said that their resignations were accepted and they were thanked for their service.

The White House usually asks career officials in such positions to stay on for a few months until their successors are confirmed.

"Any implication that that these four people quit is wrong," one senior State Department official said. "These people are loyal to the secretary, the President and to the State Department. There is just not any attempt here to dis the President. People are not quitting and running away in disgust. This is the White House cleaning house."

Mark Toner, the State Department's acting spokesman, said in a statement that "These positions are political appointments, and require the President to nominate and the Senate to confirm them in these roles. They are not career appointments but of limited term."

A second official echoed that the move appeared to be an effort by the new administration to "clean house" among the State Department's top leadership. "The department will not collapse," the second official said. "Everyone has good deputies. It's a huge institutional loss, but the department has excellent subordinates and the career people will step up. They will take up the responsibility."

Victoria Nuland, the State Department's assistant secretary for Europe, was also not asked to stay on.

The following org charts breaks out the unfilled appointee positions, in blue, while the red crosses show the resignations

* * *


Demonstrating just how ideologically alligned with the Obama administration was the entire US State Department, moments ago the WaPo reported that "the entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday, part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who don’t want to stick around for the Trump era."

The mass resignation took place as Rex Tillerson was inside the State Department’s headquarters in Foggy Bottom on Wednesday, taking meetings and getting the lay of the land.

According to WaPo's Josh Rogin who suddenly has no more senior level sources left at State:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Reliable Sources: Obama 'Much More Dangerous' to the Press than Trump
2/25/2017 2:14:38 PM

Reliable Sources: Obama 'Much More Dangerous' to the Press than Trump

In a moment of absolute candor on CNN’s Reliable Sources, David Zurawik of the Baltimore Sun laid into President Barack Obama and set the record straight about who’s a bigger threat to the press. As many members of the media whine about Donald Trump giving them a piece of his mind, Zurawik guided people down memory lane and declared, “What happened to the press under Obama was really deadly.

Zurawik did agree that Trump was a threat to the press, his position to prosecute publications he didn’t like being an example. “But so far, nothing rivals what President Obama did to James Risen, did to James Rosen, and did to the AP,” he stated to the rest of the panel, “Trying to criminalize reporting.

He reminded the viewers that the Obama administration served Associated Press writer James Risen and Fox News’s James Rosen with subpoenas to locate their sources for leaking information to the press. Attorney General Eric Holder’s order said they believed Rosen may have violated the Espionage Act and declared him a “co-conspirator” to the leaking party. In late 2014 Holder said he regretted the incident but only wished he’d used better language.

Quoting Risen, Zurawik said, “Ask Risen what he called him. He said he's the biggest threat -- the Obama administration was the biggest threat to the press in a generation.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. Ever!
4/6/2017 3:50:20 PM

Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?

Here’s a summary of the revelations so far (source links below):
Image: Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?
  • Obama and other high-ranking Democrats (such as Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes) deliberately “weaponized” the intelligence apparatus of the nation to undermine or destroy political opponents. This is a serious crime and a gross abuse of power.
  • To accomplish this, Obama officials deliberately targeted a long list of foreign officials for surveillance, knowing that Trump Team members were likely to be engaged in international diplomacy conversations with them, allowing Trump’s people to be “incidentally” swept up in the surveillance.
  • This “weaponization” of surveillance for political purposes was put into place a full year before the 2016 election. It very likely included surveillance of other Republican candidates as well.
  • Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes then conspired with the Obama White House to illegally “unmask” the identities of the U.S. persons who were swept up in the surveillance.
  • Susan Rice maintained a “detailed spreadsheet” of all the calls, names, conversations and other details which were shared with the White House (President Obama).
  • Obama then signed an order allowing 16 intelligence agencies to share these “unmasked” surveillance recordings, guaranteeing that an Obama-friendly mole inside the deep state would leak details to the anti-Trump media (NYT, WashPost).
  • Obama Deputy Defense Secretary Evelyn Farkas openly admitted to urging Obama’s “deep state” operatives to wage a massive “surveillance sweep” program to target Trump Team members.
  • The surveillance conspiracy marks the largest and most criminal abuse of power ever witnessed in the history of the White House.
  • Many Obama-era officials are likely to face serious criminal indictments over this activity, and the “web of deceit” is likely to rapidly expand to include other officials who are not yet named.
  • CNN and most of the mainstream media are pretending none of this happened, hoping they can sweep the story under the rug.

Here’s the key reporting now coming out on this bombshell story:

From The Daily Caller:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: Draining the SWAMP!
4/7/2017 2:16:24 PM
Could the "GAS ATTACK in SYRIA be a False Flag to take our Eyes off this story? I do Believe it to be so! It has worked so far.


Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?

Here’s a summary of the revelations so far (source links below):
Image: Obama officials caught red-handed in most explosive abuse of power in U.S. history… bigger than Watergate… is Susan Rice going to prison?
  • Obama and other high-ranking Democrats (such as Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes) deliberately “weaponized” the intelligence apparatus of the nation to undermine or destroy political opponents. This is a serious crime and a gross abuse of power.
  • To accomplish this, Obama officials deliberately targeted a long list of foreign officials for surveillance, knowing that Trump Team members were likely to be engaged in international diplomacy conversations with them, allowing Trump’s people to be “incidentally” swept up in the surveillance.
  • This “weaponization” of surveillance for political purposes was put into place a full year before the 2016 election. It very likely included surveillance of other Republican candidates as well.
  • Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes then conspired with the Obama White House to illegally “unmask” the identities of the U.S. persons who were swept up in the surveillance.
  • Susan Rice maintained a “detailed spreadsheet” of all the calls, names, conversations and other details which were shared with the White House (President Obama).
  • Obama then signed an order allowing 16 intelligence agencies to share these “unmasked” surveillance recordings, guaranteeing that an Obama-friendly mole inside the deep state would leak details to the anti-Trump media (NYT, WashPost).
  • Obama Deputy Defense Secretary Evelyn Farkas openly admitted to urging Obama’s “deep state” operatives to wage a massive “surveillance sweep” program to target Trump Team members.
  • The surveillance conspiracy marks the largest and most criminal abuse of power ever witnessed in the history of the White House.
  • Many Obama-era officials are likely to face serious criminal indictments over this activity, and the “web of deceit” is likely to rapidly expand to include other officials who are not yet named.
  • CNN and most of the mainstream media are pretending none of this happened, hoping they can sweep the story under the rug.

Here’s the key reporting now coming out on this bombshell story:

From The Daily Caller:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
