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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Social Workers knocking on the doors of Home Schoolers----Alert to what is coming
3/10/2008 12:16:40 PM
Thank you Mary for stepping in here for our discussion.  My neighbort homeschooled her children.  They were finished with the curriculum by the first week of May because they didn't observe all the holidays for which  the schools closed.  They also did not have to wait for reviews of information  but progressed along at their own speed.  Her children were several years ahead of their age group.  I think the 16 year old had finished the high school curriculum and then proceeded on to college.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Social Workers knocking on the doors of Home Schoolers----Alert to what is coming
3/10/2008 12:26:47 PM

Joe, thank you for those great thoughts and testimonies.  One could make a case against home schooling saying the children do not learn patience and tolerance because they are not sharing with 20 or 30 other children.  Most are given those opportunities in other forms.

I am also aware that most parents belong to organizations where the children go on field trips with other homeschoolers so yes, they do learn to socialize.

My point is is they score higher than public schooled children why should they punished.

One could use negatives like the young man in Colorado who killed 2 sisters and wounded others at a church campus before killilng himself.  He was ADD and hyeractive.  If he had socialized with others, which he did in younger years he would still have been made fun of and acted out with violence. His parents sacrified tremendously to have  him home schooled to avoid all the problems he endured at school.  So does that mean his violent act is cause to stop ALL HOMESCHOOLERS.  The young men at the Columbine shootings were not homeschoolers. 


 Again what is the point of education but to learn.  Homeschoolers are learning at a faster rate and with higher scores.  Punishing successful parents and learners is a disgrace and a slap in the face to all the parents who sacrifice so much.

Sheryl Loch

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Re: Social Workers knocking on the doors of Home Schoolers----Alert to what is coming
3/10/2008 12:31:51 PM
Hello Mary,
I know that California is one state that will not allow many homeschool kids to participate in state contest such as spelling, history, math.... Why? Because the homeschool kids win every time. They have made the public schools look like a joke.

Nevada also has strict rules on homeschooling - it is basically illegal. I know so many people here that do not register as homeschoolers because they do not want to follow the state appointed curriculum & also do not want a certified teacher in the home testing their children all the time.

Nevada is one of the fastest growing states for homeschooling. But, no one knows where most of these kids are - they do not register. Nevada was a big one for arresting parents on neglect & abuse charges for hoomschooling. They now have so many that they can not keep up & the jails & CPS homes would be full.

Las Vegas is always about 1500 teachers short. They even brought in teachers from the Philippines (many of which spoke very poor English). The grade school our neighbor girl went to taught in Spanish 3 days a week & the English speaking kids had to learn Spanish. So, Las Vegas has had kids leaving the school system in huge numbers. They have so many leaving that they do not even call any more to find out why your child is not in school.

The US is driven by the Big Pharma. So, for them to make money by requiring that all kids have massive shots, mind altering drugs, antibiotics...They have to have the kids in a school so they are easy to track down.

Not long ago in Prince George, Maryland they ordered parents by gun point to vaccinate their kids. It is hard to do that in big cities unless you have a head count & mass grouping.

We seem to be loosing all parental rights faster than you can imagine. This is just another right that they want to flush down the toilet.
Just a few days ago I downloaded a copy of

Find Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt =>

 Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms.

You can also find interviews with Charlotte Iserbyt on YouTube. She talks about how the government wants to have mass mind control of public school kids. If we all conform - they can tell us all what to do. We also will not be smart enough to complain.

I will be going to find out more about this new California law.


Sheryl Loch

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Social Workers knocking on the doors of Home Schoolers----Alert to what is coming
3/10/2008 12:54:37 PM

Sheryl,  Thank you for your input.  I was not aware it was illigal in any state and that is what shocked me about the report I heard on National Public Radio.  It is easy to make the laws but enforcing them is another matter.

But like Rebecca, making herself known got her in hot water, so homeschoolers will have to keep a low profile in Calif. and Nevada. 

Your report is very disturbing and hopefully this forum will alert a few folks whether they post or not.

Re: Social Workers knocking on the doors of Home Schoolers----Alert to what is coming
3/10/2008 1:07:35 PM

We are long past the age of having children in school. I do have grandchildren both in Arizona and Florida. It is big business to run a charter school. There are able to teach the children with teachers with less cridentials, except as leaders. Lets look at the facts Public schools get between $3600-9160 per student and they still can't teach.

The charter school finds there nitche whether its math, science, vocational and gives the basic education but in addition focus on the nitche.The amount of money they get from the federal goverment must be enough because more and more are opening up on a monthly basis.It is profitable to be a charter school. So if I were the advocate in the caucuses of the goverment regarding education, and I as a charter school would surely want to get rid of homeschooling. They are literally taking money out of there pockets.

It is as simple as that. Fight on. I haven't heard of this in Arizona yet. The education here is so lousy my grand children go to private school at the tune if $5,000 a year times three. If we don't care about there education who will.

Frank Eckert 


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