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Carla Carey

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/3/2008 3:03:07 PM

Glad you made it to the potw and have a great week! Tell Ally hello for me.
God bless!
Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Jerilyn Merideth

1618 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/3/2008 3:31:03 PM



Who loves ya??? ;)

Talk Soon,



Jerilyn Merideth "Cutest Critter Photo Contest" now through April 30, 2011. "The purity of a person's heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals" ~ Anonymous"
Sharon Lee

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/3/2008 3:46:16 PM



What a BeAuTiFuL Picture of you and Ally!!!!! I Just LOVE The two of you and you are such a PeRfEcT Match for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTG and "about time" for POTW (Although you have always been that to me anyways...;-)

Have a Great Time this week and be sure I will be here again to PaRtY!!!!!!

WHOOoooHOOoooooo!! PaRtY Time!!!!


Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/3/2008 4:41:18 PM


I'm proud for you that you won, and I hope that  you will truly enjoy your week of fun and recognition! 

I enjoyed your bio very much.

Take care!


Re: It's Time To Honor The 133RD Person Of The Week BILLDADDY!!!
3/3/2008 5:00:16 PM

Hello Judy S

   Very appropriote picture there Judy. I did kinda turtle my way into the POTW didn't I. I kept tripping over the carrots that the Bunnies left behind. LOL I know I couldn't have done it without the help of you and all the other great friends I have here in Adlandpro. Thank You So Much Judy.

    Speaking of helping. When it comes to our military people I know many of us ask ourselves, " what can I do to Help"? AS we speak there are nearly 4,000 fallen American Heroes who have perished in The Middle East. Many of them have left behind loved ones who were dependant on them for their very existance. CHildren are especially vulnerable to the casualties of war and there is someth9ng we can all do to help these kids and their families. Here is just one example of how we can help.

President's Message RULE

Since September 11, 2001, thousands of Americans serving in our Armed Forces have given their lives to protect our freedoms in the global fight against terrorism. The families of these fallen heroes deserve to be recognized for their sacrifice. They need the help and support of a grateful community -- indeed a grateful nation. Many of the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country have left behind a spouse and/or children. In addition to dealing with the loss of a husband, wife, mother or father, these families must also deal with the challenges of rebuilding their lives. They must deal with the issues of finding a job, raising children, relocating, providing for children’s education, or even providing for basic needs such as food, car payments, mortgage, or rent. The Armed Forces provide some benefits, such as Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI), a $12,000 death benefit, continued payment of a portion of service member’s military salary, assistance with burial costs, health care and continued use of military housing for up to six months. While these benefits are helpful, the financial needs that many of these families face may require immediate assistance.

The Our Fallen Heroes Foundation provides support to the families of military personnel who have given their lives in the defense of our country in operations since 9/11. The gifts provided to each military dependent family are intended to help these victims through any short-term or long-term financial needs that they may have. Gifts can be made quietly in order to protect the privacy of families needing assistance. Our objective is to support these families in their time of need. Equally important to material assistance provided is the comfort these families can have knowing that a grateful community will never forget the sacrifice they have made for us.


Info for Military Families

The Our Fallen Heroes Foundation works in conjunction with the casualty assistance offices of the United States Armed Forces to determine families eligible for financial support. The foundation will provide

SIncerely, Billdaddy

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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