One of the reasons that traditional mlm is so hard to promote is that they usually have very strict rules on what you can use as far as company images, etc... also a lot of them want you to use their own website designer programs as a backend product so the mlm owners make even more money. If you design your own site to get around the rules, they sometimes will suspend your account for it. So you have to be really careful with these big corporations. They're in it to make money, not to help you make money. Yes they may have good products but you really pay the price for them and there's no guarantee that you'll ever make a dime. There's a very small margin of people who actually are able to sell products or bring people into the opportunity. And those who do make the most money, those who don't ...well they're just stuck footing the bill to pay those who do.
A consumable product is great, but will it be something that people will buy again and again for the sake of the product or are they only doing it in hopes of making more money? Paying for products month after month can get old real quick if no one else is doing it and you're not making enough to at least break even. That goes for anything, even virtual products or ebooks or whatever.
I would recommend something that's either free to sign up or only has a one time payment. Too many monthly payments eat away the funds if you're not making sales, but a one time payment would pay for itself in a reasonable amount of time, sometimes even with just one sale.
Thomas you asked if maybe I had something else? I did bring this up once before and it's probably still here. I recommend Nano Tech because it's free to sign up and start building and pays a nice commission on sales even if you don't buy anything. I went ahead and ordered a two pack of the product and will be sharing it with my friends here who have pickup trucks that cost quite a bit to fill up two or three times a month.
I think that Nano Tech would be another good one to promote.