My vote counts, so does Robin's and I can speak for her vote. As the rules say with no argument that it takes 3 managers of the 5 to approve a program; My vote and Robin's vote in absentia with Lee's count as three. So, in effect, I'm not sorry to say that Xooma is voted in. I think if we can accept the fact that the majority of votes went for XoomaWorldwide to be a viable program with potential, we can give it the college try as a team that works together for the better good.
All for One and One for All !! (touche`).
We've got to work together as a great team in Group 2, (like we did in Group 1, lest we fail.) ;-)
In considering, any program in the future, I would personally like to see less negativity towards it, until all the facts, of its potential is reached and presented, without an attitude.
In closing of my statement and observation also... As Hive Team Managers, we are responsible adults ---When meetings are called to be held with or without notice; a much better attempt at getting to the meeting is required. We need the Hive Team Managers to act as or in a cohesive group. If we were volunteer fireman, the way we've been, a town would have burned down (because we need to be more alert when working online.) I am speaking for myself as well, without pinpointing anyone in particular. It is up to each and everyone of us to pay attention to the fine details, of how we're going to bring honey into the hive.
If I have offended anyone in this post we need to be less thin skinned and take this as good criticism for the betterment of everyone in Group 2 as a whole.
Thank you. God bless us all.
For the FYI for everyone, Don & I were hit by a van a lady was driving that blew a red light and broadsided us yesterday afternoon. We were oly a block from the house. Don is feeling whoozy and is afraid to lay down because his head struck the windsheild on impact and broke the windsheild. He's afraid he won't wake up. The town constable informed me that they knew the lady was at fault, to get a police report in the next 2 days and that the insurance company for the lady would be out to investigate and write a check for the total loss of our vehicle. We thank God no one was seriously injured to the point of serious bodily injury because 1 1/2 hours earlier in the afternoon, 3 LifeStar helicopters landed on the highway in front of us, where we waited in the heat of the day with our dogs until the victims could be airlifted to UT Medical or wherever the best of the best could help them. Evidently it looked like a truck and 2 cars were involved. They had to be going at a high rate of speed because the vehicles were not recognizable they were so mangled. If it were drag racing I would not be surprised. We have not slept all night. I did not go to the hospital because I had the pets. I am feeling very sore now and so is Don. The body aches are like that of a bad flu. I am thankful that I am still alive to talk about what happened and drivers would become safer ones. If it were not for Xooma Blast, I would be so stressed out they would have had to put me on a psyche unit. I can say for the product that it has also helprd Don edure the trauma of the very bad accident.
Believe what you want to believe. Everyone. I endorse Xooma. The health benefits outweigh any amount of commissions it may bring in. Altho, incentives are nice, its going to take all of us to work it to do what Prime Finance, L.L.C., has done for the Hive Team(we got paid didn't we?)