You Go!! Len. Great going!! Nice work.
Thank you all for your wonderful concerns for my husband, pets andy myself. Thank you for your prayers, as well.
I have been reading the forum but have scrapes, bruises and general soreness in all my joints. I've been limited to what can be done with business. Tomorrow I may be up for more. I do surf every day regardless of what is going on.
Don has been disoriented and having headaches from the trauma. The pets were remarkably resilient and back to their normal canine routine. Thankfully neither party suffered any serious injury and the SUV that struck us broadside if she hadn't hit the way she did we might not have survived. We also had a full tank of gas that if was not full would have exploded. We had angels watching over us that day. The young lady who struck us is now stating that we were the ones who were at fault and blew off the stop light. WRONG. The insurance on her side told me this so I had to scan and email him the police report which states she failed to yeild the right of way and did not obey the traffic controls. I imagine she had to have gotten a couple of citations written up and she will have some hefty fines to pay.
Next week, I'm predicting that all will be back to normal with how Don & I feel physically. I had not actually been to the hospital since I had the pets but Don was treated and released. Usually people don't feel the pain from their injuries until a couple days afterwards. I'm definitely feeling like I've caught a very bad flu.
That is the update for everyone on us. I'm looking forward to doing more work with Group 2 Hive Team
Thank you everyone
~ God blesscha ~