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Dean Beaty

447 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Children's Poems
4/21/2008 5:55:11 AM


By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/26/03


Though Naaman was a general,

  His leprosy was bad.

But Naaman had a servant girl,

  Whose heart was very sad.


She said, “Elisha is God’s man,

  If he can’t cure you, no one can.”

So Naaman went on her advice.

  For he would pay most any price.


Elisha said, “Go take a ride,

  And bathe in muddy Jordan.”
But Naaman’s heart was full of pride,

  He turned for home again.


But then his men persuaded him.

  “Just go to Jordan, take a swim.”

So Naaman went on their advice,

  For he would pay most any price.


He almost didn’t become cured.

  For he was full of pride.

When Jordan’s water he endured,

  His men yelled out and cried.

“Look at your skin it’s whole again.”

  When you obey you always win.

So listen to this wise advice.

  Obedience is worth the price.



II Kings 5

By Rev. Dean Beaty   4/08/08


Gehazi was Elisha’s servant and probably quite young.

His name’s a little difficult to rap around your tongue.

He was near when Naaman returned from the Jordan River.

Grateful to be cured of leprosy, he wanted to be a giver.


Not to confuse the grace of God with that which can be bought.

Elisha refused Naaman’s gifts of gold and this was as he ought.

So much gold and beautiful clothes the value was unknown.

Gehazi coveted it and made a plan to make it all his own.


When Naaman left with all that wealth Gehazi was close behind.

Then he lied because of greed.  “Elisha has changed his mind.”

With all this wealth he’d be someone as rich as he could be.

But Elisha knew and said to him, “Went not my heart with thee?”


Sin does not pay; hear what God said, “Your sin will find you out.”

He coveted that which Naaman had.  It would give him so much clout.

He lied and schemed, became a thief so he could get ahead.

It didn’t end as he had thought.  He got Naaman’s leprosy instead.


Wealth is not bad in itself.  How one obtains it can be sin.

The love of money will lead to sin and corrupt the heart within.

Be content with what God gives.  Work hard for what you gain.

If you try to get rich quick you will just end up in pain.

Keep them out w/ Home Security... Put them out w/ Pepper Spray. Where YOU are much more than a Customer. And we are much more than a Webstore! To read more poems by Dean go to:
Dean Beaty

447 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Children's Poems Miriam's Obedience
9/6/2008 12:10:13 PM

M I R I A M' S  O B E D I E N C E

By Rev. Dean Beaty  8/05/08


Moses was a little child born in a dreadful time.

To keep a baby boy alive was said to be a crime.

Pharaoh sent his soldiers out to kill each newborn son.

It was Miriam’s special job to see this was not done.


His mother made a tiny ark, kind of like a boat.

Pitched with tar to make for sure the little boat would float.

Miriam took the little ark and put it in the Nile.

She stayed nearby to keep him safe and watched it all the while.


One day the daughter of the king came by that way to bathe.

What would Miriam do if caught and would the child behave?

God knows how to care for us.  He had a special plan.

Moses would not die that day but grow to be a man.


The princess saw the little child, who was now all alone,

“I’ll keep this little baby boy and raise him as my own.”

About that time Miriam appeared and offered this advise.

“I know a mom who’ll nurse the child and do it very nice.”


So Moses went to live at home, protected by the king.

Miriam helped to save the child, it was a daring thing.

Young children can be used of God to help to win the day.

But we must listen to His word and then we must obey.

Keep them out w/ Home Security... Put them out w/ Pepper Spray. Where YOU are much more than a Customer. And we are much more than a Webstore! To read more poems by Dean go to:
Dean Beaty

447 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Children's Poems God Uses Small Gifts
9/23/2008 9:48:52 PM


By Rev. Dean Beaty 9/23/08


“I do not have much,” the little lad said.

“There’s just two small fish and fives loaves of bread.”

It sure wasn’t much, its size almost sad.

But do not miss this, he gave what he had.


Give God what you have, He will not rebuff.

When in the Lord’s hands, it’s always enough.

We might think it small or not worth His while.

But when given to God it’s met with a smile.


God takes it and breaks it and multiplies it.

Whatever the need, our God makes it fit.

How God will use it we just can’t quite see.

Do not miss this truth.  Giving is the key.


What’s kept for ourselves will vanish away.

What’s given to God, we’ll harvest someday.

A bushel of grain, starts out as a seed.

Give God what you have, He’ll make it succeed.

Keep them out w/ Home Security... Put them out w/ Pepper Spray. Where YOU are much more than a Customer. And we are much more than a Webstore! To read more poems by Dean go to: