Hello Becky,
Here we are once again on opposite sides of a discussion. And I whole heartedly agree we made a mistake and let Anthony, slide by the criteria.
Once we had posted that particular weeks line up, we realized our fubar. Rather than pull it and remove him from the lineup we decided to let the chips fall where they may. And one of your valued Hive Team became a POTW Award recipient.
At the time Anthony, was quite active within ALP, the Hive Team and if I am not mistaken it was about that time his brother became ill. We took all that into consideration.
However if you think it is best to have Anthony (aka. Jon Adams), disqualified and his POTW Award rescinded.
Then I am sure, Peter, AnaMaria and myself will be happy to poll the community at large and pose your suggested scenario to our fabulous ALP members and abide by the outcome, are you?
The criteria we are using, is the one used by John and Pauline in the past. as you remember the first time you nominated Beef Sloan, he was disqualified by John and Pauline, for lack of participation in the community, with his number of posts at the time the disqualifier.
We are not perfect like yourself, so we shall make a mistake every now and again. But we are also willing to admit our mistakes and ask for forgiveness, when we have made them.
You know me, Becky. I have no problem admitting my mistake in judgement and that even upsets folks at times too. Didn't it?
You also know that I have no problem speaking my mind, play by the rules and only have one ID within this community. You get me 100% nothing fake about me at all.
We will be making the criteria simpler to find, understand, explicit and reasonable.
We will post the POTW Awards Nominee criteria in the very near future, so we may avoid these challenges in the future.
Thanks you for your input.