Hello Dennis and Beck (again),
Seems you folks were posting at the same time as I.
What is hard to understand about being being HIGHLY Visible in the community? That is clearly stated.
The 350 posts mark was used by our predecessors, whether clearly stated or not. However one cannot disagree that the following is not rocket science nor very hard to understand.
• Are highly visible on the community
I would believe that high visibility would be related to the number of posts within the community.
It seems that even within the Hive itself, if you are not very active and post regularly, showing that you are a busy bee, that your status within the Hive is reflected by your activity or the lack of same.
I would ask that folks show some maturity and allow us to rectify the issue as stated in my previous post.
Quote: Anyone can have a high post count but I would be more likely to count relevant posts than to count just anything that anyone posts. Too many people are posting nothing...
Adland Pro tracks the number of posts and that is the standard we go by with relation to the same. I do agree that posting a one line reply or just a graphic is not really a participation but an acknowledgement. But according to ALP it is a legitimate post and counted.
Becky, I nominate you to be in charge of relevant post count for the community. I am sure you are up to the task.