
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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What is the Main Objective of MLM?
1/28/2008 1:05:16 PM

The main objective of being in an MLM business is to eventually gain enough passive income from our downlines so we can put in minimal effort and still earn a great income.

In a perfect world, everyone in an MLM group would do an equal amount of promoting.  In reality, about 5% or less of the group brings in 95% of the income. 

Too often, people quit too soon, or don't put in consistent effort.  Consistency is the key to group success.  When every person in an MLM organization does the same small things on a regular basis, then every person will eventually see good results and a higher income.

The absolutely most important factor is to work with a good company.  If we try to promote a shaky company, it's not going to go well for anyone.

What makes a good company?  A product or service that lots of people already need or want, plus excellent support for affiliates and customers, a wide variety of marketing materials, openness to suggestions, and a history of reliability.

Now back to promoting, if every person does the same SMALL things on a CONSISTENT basis, everyone will see good results.  A smoothly running business shouldn't take up too much of your time, an hour or less daily, or  a few hours per week of promoting either by internet or direct mail, or a combination of word of mouth, handing out business cards or just talking to people.  If the company and product/service are excellent, your efforts shouldn't be too difficult.

Before you join a business, ask yourself if you are truly willing to put in consistent promotional efforts.  Ask yourself if you're prepared to deal with negative responses... 

Ask yourself if you'll stick with it if your first month's income doesn't cover your investment.  Ask yourself if you're willing to be flexible and try different promotional tactics during your second month...

Ask yourself if you're willing to spend money on a small direct mail campaign if your internet efforts are not enough.  Ask yourself if you're willing to re-invest your first few months income into more promotions.

How many people have quit a business before putting in a full 30 days of consistent effort?  Why?  During your first 2 or 3 weeks you didn't see any results?  How much actual time did you put in?  Most people don't keep track of time spent on promoting a business.  Did you really think everyone would respond favorably?  Are you mentally prepared for several people a day to say NO to your offer, without you instantly thinking about quitting?

Internet advertising can be done in a very short time daily.  Direct mail advertising also doesn't take much time, but it does take postage costs.  That's why previous planning and re-investing your profits is so important.  The company you decide to join needs to be of very high quality if you're going to spend money on promotions.  You need to seriously study different businesses before you jump on the popularity bandwagon and join because lots of your friends joined.  

Does the company offer excellent support?  Do they offer many different ways to advertise?  Do they allow you to write your own advertising with their consent?  Are they open to new ideas?  Are you really prepared to do your part on a consistent basis?  Do you have absolute faith in the company and the product/service so you can continue to be enthusiastic every day without getting discouraged by the people who say "No, absolutely not interested, and never will be"? 

When you joined this a few weeks ago, were you planning to quit so soon and so easily?  What was it about this company's promotions that caused you to join in the first place?  Why didn't your interest last longer?  Was it you or the company that made you decide to quit?  Do you quit a lot of businesses without giving a consistent effort?  Do you join a lot of businesses without doing thorough research?

Did you think you'd have an instant downline that would make you wealthy overnight?  What have you done so far to help your upline earn more passive income? 

Sometimes there are only one or two downliners who put in a huge effort.  If someone makes a lot of sign-ups and has dozens of downliners, there's a good chance that most of them don't put in a consistent effort, don't study all available marketing materials, don't have contagious enthusiasm.   It's essential to have contagious enthusiasm and that can only come from working with an excellent company and putting in consistent effort to create your own income.

I don't think anyone plans to quit, but a lot of people don't make plans to consistently promote or keep track of time spent promoting, or re-invest their income into more promotions.  Working smart in the beginning is the key to avoiding working hard later.


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Re: What is the Main Objective of MLM?
1/28/2008 1:40:41 PM
Great post, yes very interesting


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Re: What is the Main Objective of MLM?
1/28/2008 1:58:52 PM
Thanks Kathleen!

That is a wonderful article!  Would you mind me passing it on?  I know it is true, because I have done it myself.  We all have to realize, that the "get rich quick" schemes promoted out there may work, but they are not "Quick".  It takes time to find THE program that you know is viable, but also one that you can be "passionate about" and feel good about sharing with others.

Have a wonderful 2008!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What is the Main Objective of MLM?
1/28/2008 2:04:53 PM

Thanks, Anthony!

I'm glad you read it!  Too many bandwagon jumpers end up jumping off too soon!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What is the Main Objective of MLM?
1/28/2008 2:27:18 PM

Thanks, Lorna!

You can pass my article on if you include my name and the link to Lotto Magic that's in my signature file, thanks! 

Lotto Magic is an excellent company, people do need to make an effort and they will see results.  As a Team Captain, you'll earn $25 monthly from each Captain on your first level and $2 monthly from everyone on levels 2 thru 5.  If everyone just makes 5 sign-ups thru all 5 levels, that adds up to $7,875 monthly after membership deduction, that's $94,500 yearly. 

Even if we each just get 4 sign-ups and that happens thru all 5 levels, we'll earn over $33,000 yearly.

67-year old Alice from Ohio has only been with it for 2 and a half years, she earned over $37,000 in her first full year in 2006 and over $53,000 last year, that was under the old 2-level pay plan.  She has been consistently earning over $4,000 monthly since September 2006.  Now with the new 5-level pay structure we can all earn a lot more with the same effort!

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