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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/25/2008 5:11:03 PM

Sarah, thank you for this and I will refer back to it.  No, I am not into the blog thing yet.

Well, I have the dish thing!!


Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/25/2008 5:15:20 PM

Hello Sarah,

I always enjoy your blogs.

I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
Scott Reynolds

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/26/2008 12:03:36 AM
Hi Sarah:

Thought I would drop in and see how your forum is doing, and I see you are getting a lively discussion going.

There are many blog programs out there, from free blogs to ones offering cheap hosting and domain names with an installed blog. There are many platforms, all with many features and that is a given. At Success Patrol while we are using a Word Press base, our blogs are optimized with many features and  with successblognet we are indeed creating a network that is climbing in rankings quite fast.

Most large free blog networks are easy to use but it is very hard to get your posts seen.
Purchasing your own hosting and starting your own blog is great if you are ready to fuss with cpanel, ftp and installing  your blog script.  Mosts hosts and even the blog script authors will help, making this possable for everyone but it is a lot to deal with for the normal person.

As you are starting to learn Sarah, using blogs as a way to brand yourself as an expert in your niche is the only way to really create a lasting long time income.

I like the fact that you are starting to realize the importance of creating a conversation, much like what I am doing now, without advertising in anyway. Posting on anothers forum or blog should always stay relevant to the topic, and be professional at all times.  It creates a credibility to onself and is certainly more informative to read.

A lot of people see blogs as basically a way of promoting links or having an online journel. The truth is most will only be seen by the few people they send to them anyway.
I believe that blogging should be a lot more, with good content, not blatent ads, a way of becoming an expert in your field creating your own search engine traffic with your origanal articles, and of course different ways to monetize. It can be a great way to create an income on line.

I am truly glad that You are learning with us and look forward to teaching you still more ways to succeed.  

Thanks for letting me share in your forum

As always,

To Your Success,
Scott Reynolds
Webmaster, Success Patrol
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/26/2008 11:15:27 AM

Hello Sheryl,

 You gave us a lot to think about in your contribution here.

 You said that you liked the fact that my blog wasn’t just one advertisement for something. I don’t like the blogs that are just that. They are not at all subtle, and as blatant advertising, they tend to turn people away, which is, of course, the opposite effect to what the writer intends.

 There are those who have a whole series of free blogs, all with the one blatant advertisement and this, to me is rather black hat stuff.

 My other comment that I’d like to make about this is that a one advertisement blog only encourages other advertisements to be posted in comments, if they get any comments at all. I actually translated a blog posting for an online friend of mine very recently. He wrote in French and I translated it into English. He had a very interesting point to make about the topic of blatant advertising on other people’s blogs or forums. I’ll let you take a look for yourself here.

 The other point I’d make about this is that a good blog is one with content and interesting topics. On the other hand, I believe that a blog shouldn’t be too ‘crowded.’ If there is too much on the page people will not want to spend the time reading it, as they are usually very busy people. A crowded blog or webpage is not pleasant to the eye. This is my opinion, of course and is not carved in stone!

 I’m not familiar with the B2evo system, I must admit, but what I like about Wordpress is that it is easy to use and you can create new pages easily, which is like having multiple blogs, and it is just like having a website without getting too technical (if you get challenged like me). You have used some terms in your post that are not familiar to me. I don’t have to worry about that, because I have my Success Patrol team who deal with that for me, or instruct me, if I ask for explanations.

 I want to concentrate on my passion, writing.  The technical details and setting up of domains and cpanels and all that jazz, I can leave to my friends at Success Patrol that like to do that sort of thing and are good at it. I have every confidence in them.

 I see that Scott has made some valuable comments on page 4 of this discussion about blogs and the Success Patrol system.

 The last thing that I’ll say in this posting, is about internet marketing online and making money from your blogs. The chaps and chapesses at Success Patrol are constantly researching on our behalf to get our blogs, along with the system, highly ranked etc. as well as teaching us how to market using our blogs. This is a big aid.

 Also, as our friend Thomas said to me in one of my other forums, quote

 I think Success Patrol is very useful with info put in by all to help you recognize your potential in marketing. Tim is a great business partner, I had fun personally to give him a showcase on his business, I knew from him way back his marketing skills but to actually have the privilege to be in the same company with him is awesome for me."

 Thank you for your contribution here Sheryl.

 Angel cuddles,



Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/26/2008 12:13:50 PM
Hello Taisa,

Thank you for visiting and sharing your blog with us.


I see that we are both chocoholics!

You say "I consider this form of advertising the most creative, professional and affordable." I quite agree with you, but blogging is far more than that. An interesting blog with lots of info and content, lots of sharing is a platform for discussion for readers to get to know the author and to build relationships with the author. The author can prove themself as an expert in a certain field or niche etc.

There are no limits.

I like the look of your blog, by the way, and you have included some valuable info about one of my favourite subjects. My advice will seem bias, but it is to get another blog via Success Patrol and have all the backup and support that comes with it, as well as the marketing tips and valuable teaching.

One of the reasons for this would be so that you could have a "general" blog about chocolate for example, with lots of interesting content, without the blog being a direct advertisement to a particular chocolate or business. You could then link it to your other blogs or sites.
At Success Patrol, our blogs are optimized with many features and  with successblognet we are  creating a network that is climbing in rankings quite fast.

 Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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