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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 10:37:40 AM
Hello Steven,

It's my pleasure.

That tiger is so beautiful. I want to cuddle it!

Thank you for your visit.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 10:42:48 AM
Hello Branka,

I enjoy blogging, so I make time.

Can you hear my hubby huffing and puffing at me at 1 o'clock in the morning?? LOL

Thank you for your visit.

I'm sure you have a lot that you could share on a blog.


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 11:29:12 AM
Hello Sarah,

Thanks for the invitation here.

Oh, girl, I do admire you!  How can you manage all! Family, networking, blogging, the farm, the garden!    Wow, you surely are a superwoman!  All I can say is : Bravo Sarah!


Sheryl Loch

1260 Posts
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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 1:08:01 PM
I have been doing tele conferences with the Blog Squad. They have said how great blogs can be for business. I agree, I have been getting new customers from my blog. Yeah!!

Your blog is great & I love that it is not just 1 advertiment as a post.

I fully agree that people need to take control of their blogs. I paid $9.97 for my domain name & registered it in our name no one can sell it out from under me (do not let a company or person register for you - then they have control). My hosting is great it is only $2.99 a month or $30 year. BJ skype chatted with us through the entire set up of getting my blog transfered & domain registration.

I also see that by starting with your own domain you are building the rank of your domain. You have to start at 0 hits no matter when you set up your domain so might as well start now. Even Cait (13 y/o)has her blog on her own domain so she can start building rank.

Cait & I run a B2Evo it is made by some of the guys that made the wordpress script.
Some people have not figured out the B3Evo blogs yet because you can add as many blogs as you want at 1 spot. I also run a rotating front blog because the search engines seem to love it. I have been critisized about my blog because it is 5 blogs in one. That is OK, it is working to get new customers & that is well worth all the grumping I hear.

I am not sure about word press but The B2evo has excellent stats in the back.

A little about the B2evo blog.

This is not your regular blog. You can have as many blogs as you want all connected.

Each blog can also have unlimited sub sections. If you find you want a new sub section or blog added - Do it at any time!

Super easy posting! Automatically sends out pings when you hit the Post button!

The tracking stats are amazing!! Check each blogs stats!

**The Hit Summary shows you how many hits from XML's, Browsers, & Robots for each day.

 **Browser Hits shows Referring searches, Referrers, Direct accesses, Self referred, **Special referrers, Admin you can see them for each day.

 **Search Hits - This stats page will show you the search engine that referred someone to one of your post it also includes the words they searched. If someone searches Google for "Hot Conference" & they came to read your post that included those search words it is listed with the "search words".

 **Referred browser hits will show you what site referred a hit to your site. If I have a banner on a forum of social site, someone clicks it & visits my blog I will know which site the banner was on. This way you know which sites are producing traffic for you.

**Direct browser hits - These are browser hits from people who came to this blog system by direct access (either by typing the URL directly, or using a bookmark.

**Robot hits - This page only includes hits identified as made by indexing robots a.k.a. web crawlers. Some may include Googles Googlabot, Yahoo Slurp, MSN msnbot.....

**XML hits summary will show hits from XML readers. This includes RSS & Atom readers.

**Referring Domains will show total hits from any a domain. This way I know which domain's are producing the most hits to my blog.

 Banned List - Banned domains blacklist

Any URL containing one of the following keywords will be banned from posts, comments and logs.

If you have found other words you can add them easily! B2evo also updates the list they have found with just 1 click. Beware - the list of banned words is just that - words that you do not want allowed on your blog! You can see these words listed & yes many are not family friendly!!

Complete notification & control over Trackbacks & Comments

Well there is more I could say but, you would just have to see it to believe it!!

OK, I am off!!

Hope this gives you a little info about this amazing blog!

Sorry Sarah,
I just get so excited to tell people how easy & great it is to blog.
Blogging - it's not just for crazy people anymore. LOL!
The B2Evo is a free script so this is for information only. So, you can see another type of blog.

Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts
Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 3:03:26 PM

Hello Sarah!

Thank you for your very valuable information about the blog, I consider this form of advertising the most creative, professional and affordable. People who have learned how to use it properly went too fur towards.

I myself, learn from all the sources including your information. Here is my first try; please feel free to give your feedback any additional advises will be very helpful. 

 All the best in New Year. Looking forward to our professional relationship growing.

Warm regards, 

Taisa Brosilovsky,
Executive IR


"When I am frustrated I eat chocolate. But then I cannot slim down and I am so frustrated of it that I eat chocolate again..."




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