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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 3:26:15 PM

Hello Sarah!

I am thrilled to see your success here.

Blogs are great.  Blogs used to be these kind of exchange thoughts of like minded people, but not anymore.  Blogs are weekly updated websites.

Everybody has a blog now, even TV shows...

Here is mine:

Your friend,



Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/23/2008 4:03:09 PM

Hello Sarah ,

You are doing a wonderful work ! I love your blogs and forums ! My best wishes to you and your wonderful family and have a great succes in everything you do !

Hafiz Rahman

58 Posts
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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/24/2008 2:54:59 AM

Beautiful forum Sarah. I never thought I would enjoy your forum. You help us with so much down to earth information to know about blogs, reports, etc.,

I would be following closely your posts, albeit , going back to basics....

Thanks once again.

best regards 


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/25/2008 4:58:42 PM
Hello Dimitra,

Superwoman! I do my best! LOL

The trouble with me is that I can't sit there doing nothing.

Even in bed I'm doing exercises, reading, writing, knitting, thinking (brain never shuts down even when I want it to), giving myself Reiki or sending it  to others......

A blog or two is a good way to release some of that 'creative' energy and share.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

2411 Posts
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Re: Have you entered the Blogosphere?
1/25/2008 5:03:06 PM
Hello Sheryl,

Thanks for your long reply! There is so much for me to take in here and it is very late (or early if you look at it that way). I will have to put off my reply til the morrow.

For now, angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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