Hi Brad,
I was shown your site about Ron Paul, and I had to come see what all you were doing. Thank you
When I heardRon Paul is a Constitutionlist. I flipped and said he has my vote. Ron Paul is the 1st one I have ever heard of talking about the Constitution. I never bothered much about politics, I just when and voted for a republican. Not anymore, I plan on doing my homework, and the homework I have done this time has paid off for me. I love Ron Paul, He is my Hero. Gee, I haven't had a real hero, until Ron Paul. What he is doing for America is just wonderful, but a lot of people will not listen to what he stands for, and that is real freedom.Something we do not have much of anymore. I don't think they really understand what is going on in this country. I is scaring me to think of what we could get in office.
I am told Ron Paul doesn't have a chance, isn't that just what the medial and government want you to think? I hope people wake up before it is too late.