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Sheryl Loch

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
3/5/2008 8:05:39 PM
Hello Sara,

Here in Las Vegas we are having a real problem with illegal immigrants taking jobs. Even though many times they have to show Social Security cards, ID.... They are all working under they same name.

Brad was working in one place a new employee came on his first night (a Saturday night) he did NOT have any ID or SS card so he was not allowed to work until he got his cards. Well, he came in on Sunday night with a SS card & ID. Now, we might be a 24/7 city but, not for the offices that hand out those cards. In fact the social security office mails you your card about 2 weeks after you produce your info at the office. To get a Nevada ID you must have a social security card. Hmmm, this guy must have gotten lucky to get all that done on a Sunday.

They even have cases where the same name & SS number is used by more than 1 worker & the companies plead stupid.

Many companies will hire the illegal workers because they can treat them any way they want because the workers have nothing they can do about it.

Companies can face fines for hiring illegals but, it is seldom ever heard of.
Sheryl Loch

Sheryl Loch

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
3/5/2008 10:31:02 PM
Hello Rea,
I just watched all 5 parts of the movie.
I will say I went in a bit confused. I really had no clue what cold fusion was. Even with my limited knowledge I somewhat now understand. That is if you do not ask me some of the big words.

What I fully understand is the cover up.

I do allot of research on natural health & find the same "universities" are also covering up for the FDA & Big Pharma. These are some of the biggest named schools. I also have read so much about the fluoride research that has been discredited for years. Same thing you disagree or want to let do a study that goes against what will take control & money away from the big boys you are put to shame, loose your job, & ran down the rail. This is happening all through the health world & now I see it is not limited to just 1 part of our health. Pollution, chemicals, & financial stress will keep up all poor & sick.

Thanks for showing us another big cover up.

With all the information that can be found online you would think it would be harder for them to keep secrets. But, I guess they figure if they do not teach our kids to read then maybe they will be to stupid to notice. Well, they also have so many people on mind altering drugs so, it will be harder to have rational thought.

Sheryl Loch

Re: Let's Take America Back!
3/6/2008 5:29:20 PM
Don't even get me started on this "no child left behind" socialized schooling.  Notice, I said schooling, NOT education.  I'm not sure I want to even show the link for the (2) e-books I downloaded and just read, from (2) different sources.  One book is called "The Dumbing Down of America" and the author actually worked for the government so has a bit of knowledge about the real agenda.  And, I did a search on YouTube for education/school and found a video about the "fuzzy" math being taught today.  If you have young ones, are they coming home with the "cluster" or "lattice" method of math?  Unbelievable, it's no wonder we have no new up and coming engineers and free-thinking scientests.  If long division is not taught, then higher math or science classes such as calculus or physics cannot possibly be understood or taught. 
With respect to the internet, a bill was just passed that gives the president (in a time of declared crisis, of course) the right to take over all publically owned businesses on the pretext that all sources of emergency communication remain open.  Along with the proposed tax this valuable resource for us consumers may be a thinng of the past!

Don't give up the fight!  The Kick Them all out Project has more and more merit every day!
Sheryl Loch

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
3/7/2008 12:43:11 AM
Oh, now you have done it!!
I had to go get the book! I also did a search on Youtube for her & wow, what an amazing lady. Listen to her a bit & you will know why so many people are homeschooling.

 Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms.

Find Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt =>

I know the video you are talking about for the new math. I watched it about 1 week ago when I was posting at a forum that was bad mouthing homeschool. The women in the video was from Washington State. She was telling people why they MUST protest letting it be taught in their school. That was the 1st time I kinda' figured out what cluster math was.

WTH is a cluster? Trust me I had to call & ask Cait's teacher. Cait was in 2nd grade (in Washington) & brought home papers wanting her to show clusters to math problems. I had no clue & neither did any of the parents in our neighborhood. That was one of the factors in pulling her out of public school. Even the teacher could NOT explain it over the phone & did NOT want to show me in class.

The website you left the link to has some great articles. I bookmarked it! It is just a really busy day so, I will be back there when my eyes are working again.

I had spent a bit today finding out about the Mother Act, so I could get a post on my blog to get a few more people to research the government wanting to pass legislation so doctors can push antidepressants on pregnant women. 2 of the names on the list of contacts are running for president.

I had better get my butt in gear, I had a gentleman leave a comment on my blog with links that I also need to read. I also need to find a link to a video that I saw (& lost the link to) that shows what Thimerosal (mercury) does to brain neurons. William Vanderbilt has a a forum that talks about Autism & it's relation to vaccines. HERE

I will be back soon,

Sheryl Loch

Sheryl Loch

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
3/14/2008 2:12:18 AM
Today I watched the video that you posted at Mary's forum  Who Controls the Children.
After watching all 6 parts I went outside for a few minutes & it hit me. Before I pulled Cait out of school we went though a whole mess of issues. I was likely the biggest reason they wanted to put her in special classes.

I had insisted on seeing a test that they were giving (her teacher from the year before told me they would not allow that). Well, I told her teacher that Cait would NOT be in class to take it if I did not get to see it. If she was there then I would be in class with her. This all happened in Jan. the test was to be given in March or April. It was right after that the school decided that Cait needed to be in special classes. Cait was going backwards in her learning & FAST! But, it was not Cait's fault. I had blamed her for awhile & then spent so much time in her class that I knew it was the teacher & the school system. Anyway we pulled her from school before the national test was ever given.

There is so much more to this story but, I now think that Cait was going to be in special classes because I would not conform to the way they wanted. I bet it had very little to do with her.

We did have to spend time deprogramming her when we first left the school system.
Wow, what an eye opener!!
Sheryl Loch