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Re: Let's Take America Back!
1/30/2008 1:53:44 PM
I bet 90% of the American public have never heard of Codex, or that they are trying to pass a new law regarding vitamin supplements right now! 

Please access the Health Freedom website for more information on this very important topic: Natural Solution Foundation

Leon Horton

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
1/31/2008 10:43:37 PM
Hi Brad,

Thanks for putting this thread up for everyone to see.  I have found something that is very interesting from the net that some may have not heard.  This guy has nailed it and is letting us know what it will take... Let's get out there and put the vote where it needs to be!

((youtube id="6lAFfLy05_Y "))((/youtube))

Peace to you and yours,

Re: Let's Take America Back!
2/1/2008 6:56:31 AM
Do you think if we also became a "prevent" illness society instead of the current "treat the symptoms" western medicine and big drug companies are trying to promote that the health care costs for seniors won't go down?  Why aren't preventive measures taught instead of "just the basice food groups"?  We are facing a health care crisis here in America and no amount of taxes will ever be able to justify the cost to the average tax-payer or American citizen just in pain and suffering alone.  Changing the tax system HAS to go arm-in-arm with several other systems as well.
Sheryl Loch

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
2/6/2008 5:01:08 PM
I was not sure where to put this but it will fit in fine here.
I found this article & video today & you will love it.

Bev Harris went to new Hampshire for a check on how the ballet boxes are handled. It was to the point of shocking.  I pack my Christmas packages more securly than that.

Be sure to take just a few minutes & watch the video.
Harris Calls For The Resignation in New Hampshire Recount Fiasco

Beware it may just piss you off.

Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts

Sheryl Loch

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Re: Let's Take America Back!
2/9/2008 5:15:47 AM
Well as if things were not shady enough when it comes to voting -
Ron Paul's Name Croosed Out On New York Ballet Papers

After you go read this short story come back & hear what Ron has to say.

Here is another great video for you
Ron Paul at the South Carolina Debate 1-10-08

((youtube id="QKjhNa6PGLk"))((/youtube))

Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts
