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N. J. Howell

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Re: I Saw an Angel
1/21/2008 8:30:11 PM
Amen and Aho, Nick.
Gerri Decher

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Re: I Saw an Angel
1/25/2008 5:21:29 AM
Hello Nick,
How lovely that you have been touched by an Angel.
Like you I think people don't take enough quiet time, they want the big flashing lights and shazam experience.
If you hold your head up high,
And kiss the wind, and hug the sky,
And say your prayers, and never lie,
Someday, we will teach you how to fly”.

Angel ~by Professor Jon. Sunner

Blessings, Gerri
Terry Gorley

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Re: I Saw an Angel
6/24/2008 1:57:56 PM

Hello Nick,

When I was a kid, my cousin and I would look up at the clouds and see what interesting shapes they made.  We were never disappointed!  There were always unique animals and faces to make us giggle.

One day last week, I happened to glance up at the sky.  In the clouds was an angel.  She was a perfect child with flowers worn around her head.  She was beautiful and as real as the resin ones I have in my flower garden. 

What amazed me most was that she didn't just disappear in a few minutes, but changed shapes into other angel forms all beautiful as she was.  I would have gone to get my camera, but feared she would disappear while I was gone and the moment was simply too precious to miss.  I've seen angels in the clouds before, but they were never as perfect as these!

I will always remember those beautiful images!  A week later, I am still amazed at how real they appeared and the profound experience it was!






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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: I Saw an Angel
6/24/2008 2:17:59 PM
Hello Nick, very nice post. Yes it is very nice to have the sence of peace in your heart and life. That is why I walk by faith and not by sight. I live my life as peaceful as I can. I do not like anything negitive around me. I leave every thing up to the good lord.I have him direct my daily walk and I depend on him to lead my life as he wants it to be. I believe if you have that belief in whatever your God is,(I do not want to offend any one), but My God is an awesome God and he gives me the peace I need to have a most amazing life and lets me enjoy my life as he wants it to be. I have no complaints about my life.I do not have a dog to walk but I do walk alot along side of my God. He helps me To be at peace with myself and provides very nicely for me. That was my thought as reading your post. Have a very blessed Day Nick. Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: I Saw an Angel
6/24/2008 3:04:36 PM
Hello Nick :-)

Thank you for this "piece" of your life shared with us!
Around Dogs are always chances to find Angels ...


... I'll leave "the sounds of music" speak for me :-)

With friendship,

