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Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Re: I Saw an Angel
1/20/2008 8:36:19 PM
Hi Larry, Thanks for dropping by. Nick
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Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Re: I Saw an Angel
1/20/2008 8:45:20 PM
Hello Neva, Thank you for your comments. I didn't immediately recognize this lady as an angel. But as I went about my tasks the memory of that incident kept coming back, and there was a "other reality" feel to it. I can't quite explain. Since then I seem to have new insights almost everyday. I really "got it" that I am creating everything that is happening to me. Once you get that then the questions take a different much more intuitive course. The "If this is happening to me, then what am I doing to manifest it?" is a much more effective line of inquiry than "Why Me?" or "Why is this happening to me?" To your summer morning, Nick
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N. J. Howell

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Re: I Saw an Angel
1/21/2008 12:29:04 PM

My personal belief is that anyone can be an Angel in our lives, if they are allowing God to use them.  Once, walking back to return my shopping cart, a woman came and, without breaking stride, took it from me.

Such a simple moment but one that could have ended up with us running into each other, me going into some kind of "what are you doing?" fear, she could have gotten self-conscious about doing it, etc.

The perfect flow of that one little moment was angelic for me and reminded me of what it is like to allow life to flow in the moment.

I absolutely believe we co-create our reality with those who dance the dance of the moment with us and we draw those people into our lives who have messages for us.

N. J. Howell

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Re: I Saw an Angel
1/21/2008 12:30:33 PM
ps.  to clarify, what I meant was that she saved me having to push the cart all the way back to the store.  I had just been thinking that I wish I didn't have to do that in the cold and there she was, my angel of the moment, answering my prayer.
Nick Grimshawe

792 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: I Saw an Angel
1/21/2008 2:53:05 PM

Hi Neva,

I agree things happen when you stay open to the moment. To receive a message or an angel, you must be open, but you also must be aware enough to notice, which is what happened to you with the shopping cart.

I think people expect some earth shatter thing to happen. My experience felt like just meeting another person on my walk, until that something inside made the contection.


To Your beautiful morning,




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