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Joe Downing

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/6/2008 4:18:28 PM
Hello Georgios,

This has been an interesting forum to read.  I am not an expert by any means on politics, cultures, languages of around the world, but I have an interest to know how the rest of the world lives.  Personally, I would not like to see the world globalized for fear that all of these cultures and languages would eventually be lost.  It would be like having ONE color in the rainbow.

I have spent several years in Europe (mostly Germany) and it was the greatest experience of my life.  It was refreshing to live in another culture.  There are so many different cultures mixed in my local area it can be confusing and the mixes seem to take away the specialness of each. 

I feel that globalization will water down or thin out each different societies specialness to this world.  Each one has their very own gift to this world.  I'm afraid that the large corporations of this world do not care of this.  To them I think the only culture they know of is the Vault.  They only celebrate it being full. 

I must speak for my fellow Americans (who by the way have come from all over the world) of your message that "Now the Americns believe they are the saviors of the world. This is not the truth. They forget that the symbol of RUSSIA is also eagles."  I agree that this is not true and I cannot understand where this thought has come from unless through the eyes of predictors of the future.  I do not delve into the world of predictors of our future for this simple reason.  Many will forget to live and let live by seeking who will fill in the character of such roles.  History has proven time and time again that any one nation cannot rule the world for very long.  So why even attempt it? 

I believe it all falls into speculation of corporations and government politicians.  They have an agenda to increase their powers and to do so they must encircle the globe with their grasp for wealth and control.  As with any individual societies, some have a great advantage over others.  To use this advantage to help the less fortunate is love.   I would like to tell you that I support the loving side of this world.  

Peace should be for those who live and let live.  Each nation has the ability to save themselves.... the people!  We must all learn to look to our neighbors and help them.  If they are hungry, give them food.  If they are sad, help them find happiness.  If they are not healthy, teach them and care for them.  If they are friendless, be their friend.   Most of us know this phrase, "Love thy neighbor as thyself".

I don't think I can say anymore about globalization other than I wish it not to happen other than with the globalization of peace, love and respect for each other. 

Peace to you all!


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Nick Mys

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/7/2008 5:56:03 PM

Look here.

Maybe interesting to somebody

Nashi: Putin's Enthusiasts - Russia

Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/8/2008 1:47:06 AM
Hello Georgios,

This forum is very interesting, I want to thank you, Lidia and Nyck for all this information. I will check back to see what else I can learn. Thank you for your devotion to Adland.

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/8/2008 10:07:53 AM

Hey Georgios,

Greetings and Hailsa! Another fine forum, you've done it again. This is not only a very interesting subject, but a slightly controversial one as well. Here's what I think about it though, and I hope no one takes offense at a little bit of truth.

Globalization is a lot like the spell of a powerful sorcerer, once it has started, it must run it's course. Whether it started a few years ago, or a millenium ago, the effect and cause is the same. It is also like, at least to me, the reversal of the split from the tower of Babel in the Bible. Thousands of years ago, we were (supposedly) instantly given hundreds of new languages and sent to the farthest reaches of the Earth. Now we are re-grouping, but in a different, technological sort of way.

Speaking of the Bible, let me mention a prophecy in the last chapters of Revelation which I think we all should consider here; Yeah, the "REALLY" hard-2-understand book of the Bible. I can remember this from my studies with Jehovah's Witnesses as a teen-ager back in the 70's.

It said roughly, "In the last days the bear and the lion would do battle against the eagle. But the eagle would prevail for a while. Then the bear would leave the alliance with the lion and join the eagle to battle against the lion, and they will prevail against the lion."

The eagle here of course, is the United States. The bear is Russia (or the former USSR) and the lion is China. In the last century, we saw Communist USSR and China in a dead-heat cold war against the USA. Then the curtain fell from East Germany, then The USSR. They embraced capitalism, although reluctantly. Now you are seeing China follow "our" suit with a hard leaning towards capitalism also.

Georgios, you were also correct about something else. Government policies are shifting in their modus-operandi, in that a strict rule of either communism or capitalism will not work. There has to be a new paradigm, and what we will more than likely see as a result, even though it may piss off millions of americans, is a mixture of the two.

I said to myself, friends & family 12 or 15 years ago, that a more sensible form of government would be a capitalistic-communist government, and right now China is almost proving me right. In America we have a high and rampant crime rate because of our 'slap-on-the-wrist' policies. Murderers and pedophiles are short-termed and released back on the public to do the same crimes against new victims. In China, they are executed right after the sentencing, and for this I applaud them.

Sooner or later, we will have to see the same thing here, or we ARE doomed to collapse. But I don't think we are going to stop Globilazation anytime soon. What we can do as individuals is this; we can communicate between ourselves, decide what "WE" want out of this and what we do not, and then elect compentent representatives who will enforce the greater points of this initiative and punish the lesser, either by incentives and/or criminal penalties as needed.

But to all who have contributed to this thread and those who read it but did not answer. I think this is something we all want, and in the long run probably need as the global race of humanity, and we should continue to pursue with a vengeance. However, the corporations and powermongers need to be kept in check, and disciplined where the need applies. This will in the long run, keep us from a takeover from some other group like the Bavarious Illuminati or something, and thus risking the sellout of all of humanity to a force greater than we can control.

With all of that said, and it was more than I expected to write (sorry, folks), let me close by sending out my personal wish to everyone here all the best and a ton of prosperity in this great new year. Happy New Years to All!

Your Friend,

Benton Middleton, Independant Ecopreneur





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Nick Mys

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/9/2008 1:42:51 PM

Глобализация в частности и существование цивилизации вообще на нашей планете зависит, в частности, и от взаимоотношений крупнейших держав

В России и в США идёт предвыборная гонка

Вот что пишет Российская пресса:

Globalization in particular and existence of a civilization in general on our planet depends, in particular, and on mutual relations of the largest powers

To Russia and to the USA there is a pre-election race

Here that the Russian press writes:


Президентом США станет старик или женщина

The president of the USA becomes the old man or the woman

Хиллари и Маккейн: кто из них встанет у руля Штатов?

Хиллари и Маккейн: кто из них встанет у руля Штатов?

На первичных выборах в ключевом штате Нью-Гемпшир победили Хиллари Клинтон и Джон Маккейн. Оба критикуют Россию [19:24]

On primary elections key state Nyu-Gempshir have won Khillari Clinton and John Makkejn. Both criticize the Russia [19:24]

Во вторник в американском штате Нью-Гемпшир состоялись праймериз - первичные президентские выборы, на которых определяются рейтинги главных претендентов на кресло будущего хозяина Белого дома.

Штат этот - показательный: считается, что тамошний расклад избирательских настроений отражает ситуацию в целом по стране. На этот раз от республиканцев победил 71-летний сенатор от штата Аризона Джон Маккейн (он, кстати, самый пожилой кандидат в президенты за всю историю США). А среди демократов первенствовала Хиллари Клинтон - ныне сенатор от штата Нью-Йорк. Она взяла реванш у своего основного соперника по партии чернокожего кандидата Барака Обамы, победившего накануне на аналогичных праймериз в Айове.

Маккейн слывет жестким и непримиримым критиком нашей страны. Раньше СССР, а теперь Россию он считает врагом демократического мира, геополитическим соперником США.

Да и госпожа Клинтон с недавних пор взяла на вооружение антироссийскую риторику. Хотя занимается ей и не столь рьяно, как ее республиканский соперник.

On Tuesday in American state Nyu-Gempshir took place праймериз - primary presidential elections on which ratings of the main applicants for an armchair of the future owner of the White house are defined.

This staff - indicative: it is considered, that local расклад избирательских moods reflects a situation as a whole on the country. This time from republicans the 71-years senator from state of Arizona John Makkejn (it, by the way, the most elderly candidate for presidents for all history of the USA) has won. And among democrats took priority Khillari Clinton - nowadays the senator over state of New York. It has taken a revenge from the basic contender on a party of the black candidate of Barrack Обамы which has won on the eve on similar праймериз in Iowa.

Маккейн has a reputation for the rigid and irreconcilable critic of our country. Before the USSR, and now it considers Russia the enemy of the democratic world, the geopolitic contender of the USA.

And madam Clinton has for quite some time now taken the antiRussian rhetoric on arms. Though is engaged to it and it is not so zealous, as its republican contender.


Виктор КРЕМЕНЮК, замдиректора Института США и Канады:

Американская элита настроена антироссийски


Victor КРЕМЕНЮК, the deputy director of Institute of the USA and Canada:

The American elite is incited against the Russia

- Победа Маккейна и Клинтон на праймериз не очень хороший сигнал для России. Маккейн не первый год говорит о том, что нас надо как следует прижать, выгнать из «большой восьмерки» и так далее. Хиллари Клинтон пока высказывается осторожнее, но это только начало.

В принципе, такие результаты означают, что американская элита по большей части настроена антироссийски. Ей не нравится, что наша страна активно восстанавливает свою мощь и международное влияние.

Однако эти жесткие высказывания не означают обязательного возврата к «холодной войне». Все может поменяться после наших и их собственных президентских выборов. Тем более что у нас есть значительная фора - новый Президент России будет избран раньше. И успеет подготовиться к возможной смене политики США.

- Victory of Makkejn and Clinton on праймериз not so good signal for Russia. Маккейн not the first year speaks that us is necessary as it is necessary to press, expel from " the big eight " and so on. Khillari Clinton while expresses more cautiously, but it only the beginning.

Basically, such results mean, that the American elite generally is adjusted антироссийски. It is not pleasant to it, that our country actively restores the power and the international influence.

However these rigid statements do not mean obligatory return to " cold war ". All can exchange after ours and their own presidential elections. As we have a significant odds - the new President of Russia will be selected earlier. Also it will have time to be prepared for possible change of policy of the USA.


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