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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/2/2008 1:25:55 PM
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

The greatest political changes often begins with the smallest of doubts. Such a doubt is beginning to make itself heard in the US presidential campaign. Free trade, Hillary Clinton is saying, may not be so great after all. Could it signal the beginning of the end for globalization?

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
[Lao Tzu]

The same can be said of political movements. In their embryonic state, they are often little more than doubts tugging at the corners of a political heart. The Cold War provides a ready example: Growing skepticism with the policy of confrontation eventually gave rise to détente.

Reard the whole article by Gabor Steingart.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Lydia Fokina

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/2/2008 1:33:40 PM

Глобализа́ция - процесс всемирной экономической, политической и культурной интеграции, основными характеристиками которого являются распространение капитализма по всему миру, мировое разделение труда, миграция в масштабах всей планеты денежных, человеческих и производственных ресурсов, а также стандартизация экономических и технологических процессов и сближение культур разных стран.


Происхождение глобализации

Некоторые зачатки глобализации мы можем проследить уже в Эпоху Античности. В частности, Римская империя была одним из первых государств, которое утвердило свое господство над Средиземноморьем и привело к глубокому переплетению различных культур и появлению местного разделения труда в регионах Средиземноморья.

Nick Mys

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/2/2008 1:39:39 PM
Глобализация в культуре

Для культурной глобализации характерно сближение деловой и потребительской культуры между разными странами мира, широкое использование английского языка для международного общения, рост использования интернета для получения информации и общения, распространение по всему миру американских фильмов, телепередач и программного обеспечения, а также рост международного туризма. Таким образом, глобализация в культуре тесно связана с американизацией.

Globalization in culture
For cultural globalization rapproachement of business and consumer culture between the different countries of the world, wide use of English language for the international dialogue, growth of use of the Internet for reception of the information and dialogue, distribution worldwide the American films, telecasts and the software, and also growth of the international tourism is characteristic. Thus, globalization in culture is closely connected with americanization.


Lydia Fokina

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/2/2008 1:51:26 PM

Georgios wrote:

"Could it signal the beginning of the end for globalization?"

I think, it is improbable.

As far as, how Nick has noted "globalization in culture is closely connected with americanization...", Americans are hardly interested in it

Lidia, Russia


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA # End of globalization?
1/2/2008 2:19:44 PM
Hello Lidia!

Let's see what Person Of The Year 2007 had to say about globalization.
Thank you for the RUSSIAN post! Yes there are problems, many problems in global trading which is the reason for globalization to fail.

Greeks conquered the world three times. We learnd to be philoxenous. Others don't know what philoxenia is. I saw the massage out from President Putin New Yrar EVE. I understood very well what he ment.


He keeps time and he is very serious - Pressident of RUSSIA -Mr PUTIN

Globalization? -a process of the world economic, political and cultural integration which basic characteristics are distribution of capitalism worldwide, the world division of labour, migration in scales of all planet of monetary, human and industrial resources, and also standardization of economic both technological processes and rapproachement of cultures of the different countries.
The maintenance

    * 1 Origin of globalization
    * 2 Globalization in the politician
    * 3 Globalization in economy
    * 4 Globalization in culture
    * 5 See also
    * 6 Literature
    * 7 References

Origin of globalization

We can already track some rudiments of globalization during the Epoch of Antiquity. In particular, Roman empire was one of the first states who has approved the domination above the Mediterranean and has led to a deep interlacing of various cultures and occurrence of a local division of labour in regions of the Mediterranean.

A dedication on RUSSIA will be here very soon.

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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