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Mary Hofstetter

3481 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/20/2007 3:29:50 PM

Hi Rob,

Good to hear from my fellow Buckeye ! ! ! !

The privilage is mine---you are a most helpful mentor.                         Much of what I have learned about network marketing has       been  in the last 6 mos. under your guidance.

Some ask, what it is that we are so excited about. So glad               they asked as I always love to share.

·  Whats-uVme
uVme is the Latest Skill Gaming, Casual Games and Social Networking Platform to Hit the Internet. Virtual World Direct     (Who developed the uVme brand) has over 5 years of online experience.  So you see it will be what ever people want to     make of it.

For sure they will experience great leadership with Jill Close,   You,

Marilyn, Nan and a little bit from me too..

Paula Randolph

220 Posts
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Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/20/2007 8:23:51 PM

Hi John & Pauline and Congratulations Mary! :)

 Happy Holidays To All!

 The Ladybug Lady

Mary Hofstetter

3481 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/21/2007 5:52:16 AM


No hurry.  It's taken me 2 years to get here so I can't expect to rush you.  Not to worry John,  the castle is well protected or as we say in the mid-west  "we got the fort covered".

You get your sleep--we don't want you getting grouchy do to a lack of ZZZZ-zzzz's.  Hope you get your life back soon.

Yes, having fun here, seeing some friends old and new and getting  re-aquainted with some who have been gone for awhile. Its a great re-union.

Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/21/2007 1:26:27 PM
Hi Mary - I am pleased Imangaed to visit you before your week was over.

We have quite a bit in common. I too was a teacher and laterly taught children with emotional and behavioural problems. I now, like you, want to use my teaching skills to help others to learn the basics of working online. I am only 12 months down the line, but I am gathering lots of expertise as I go.

I know we are on the same uvme team and so look forward to working with you in the future.
Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/21/2007 2:02:08 PM

Hi Ms Mary:

Great seeing you here. By the way, I need to use the rest room...may I be excused... :)

Young boy raising hand in elementary school classroom

Joe Buccheri


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