Sara Gardner Blow - (8/5/2011 10:53:01 PM) : |
Joelees Wholesale - (6/20/2007 10:10:53 AM) : |
Hi Paula, Thank you for the warm invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee |
Paula Randolph - (6/20/2007 10:10:53 AM) : |
Hi Lee, Thank you for the great rating!Good job on your site also. Your new friend, Paula aka The Ladybug Lady |
Gary Cooper - (8/20/2005 8:57:43 AM) : |
Hi Paula, very nice ws website, you did a great job, and should do very well. I really liked the honesty in your site.
Kind regards, Gary Cooper |
Paula Randolph - (8/20/2005 8:57:43 AM) : |
Hi Gary, That is my big brothers name too.It's nice to meet another GDI member.Thank you so much for the great rating,feedback and compliment!I cannot take credit for the web site design but I am proud to be a .Ws Moms & Dads team member.The honesty part really spoke to me before I signed up for the opportunity.By the way,good job on your site too!
Sincerely, Paula |